
Terms for subject Navigation containing mobile | all forms | exact matches only
arctic mobile drilling structure极地移动式钻井结构
mobile Arctic island极地活动岛
mobile diving unit移动式潜水装置
mobile drilling platform移动式钻井平台
mobile electronic robot manipulator and underwater television移动式电子自动装置操纵器和水下电视
mobile floating well test and production system可移动浮式油井测试和采油系统
mobile logistic support活动式 海上后勤支援
mobile monitoring station移动式监控站
Mobile-moored Undersea Laboratory美国可移式水下系泊实验室
mobile offshore drilling platform移动式浅海钻井平台
mobile offshore drilling rig移动式浅海钻机
mobile offshore drilling unit移动式浅海钻井装置
mobile offshore production and storage system移动式海上生产和储油系统
mobile offshore production systems移动式海上生产系统
mobile offshore production unit移动式海上生产装置
mobile offshore production units移动式海上生产装置
mobile quarantine facility可移式检疫【隔离】设施
mobile remote manipulator unit移动式远程操作器
mobile template platform可移底盘式平台
mobile underwater vehicle可移式潜水器
offshore mobile drilling unit近海移动式钻井装置
semi-mobile floating structure半移动式浮动结构
station keeping and mobile platform定位和移动式平台
ultra-deep water mobile offshore drilling unit超深水域移动式近海钻机