
Terms for subject Environment containing mineral | all forms | exact matches only
Committee on Mineral Resources and the Environment矿产资源和环境委员会
metallic mineral Minerals containing metals, such as bauxite, pyrite, etc.金属矿物 (含有金属的矿物,如铝矾土、黄铁矿等等。)
mineral conditioner Any naturally occurring inorganic substances with a definite chemical composition and usually of crystalline structure, such as rocks, which are used to stabilize soil, improving its resistance to erosion, texture and permeability矿石土壤改良剂 (任何具有确定化学成分的天然无机物,通常是晶体结构,如岩石,可用来使土壤稳定,改进其抗腐蚀、质地和渗透性的能力。)
mineral deposit A mass of naturally occurring mineral material, e.g. metal ores or nonmetallic mineral, usually of economic value, without regard to mode of origin矿床 (大量的天然矿物质,如金属或非金属矿产,通常考虑经济价值而不管来源方式。)
mineral extraction The process of extracting metallic or nonmetallic mineral deposits from the Earth采矿 (从地球提取金属或者非金属矿产的过程。)
mineral fibre A fiber manufactured from glass, rock, or slag generally for use in fabricating heat insulation矿物纤维 (从玻璃、岩石或者矿渣中加工而来的纤维,通常用于制造热绝缘材料。)
mineral industry Industry for the exploitation of minerals from soil deposits by underground excavations or open workings, employing adequate plants and equipment矿产业 (采用适当的设施和设备从土壤沉积的地下挖掘或露天开采矿物的产业。)
mineral matter Inorganic materials having a distinct chemical composition, characteristic crystalline structure, colour, and hardness矿物质 (具有独特化学成分、特色晶体结构、色彩和硬度的无机材料。)
mineral oil液体石蜡
mineral oil Oil which derives from petroleum and is made up of hydrocarbons矿油 (来自石油,由碳氢化合物构成。)
mineral pollution Pollution deriving from all classes of mining operations and having an adverse effect on aquatic life, water supplies and the recreational use of waters矿物污染 (污染源于各类采矿业务,对水生生物、供水和水的休养使用产生不利影响。)
mineral resource Valuable mineral deposits of an area that are presently recoverable and may be so in the future; includes known ore bodies and potential ore矿物资源 (目前或可能在将来可回收有价值矿藏的区域,包括已知的矿体和潜在的矿石。)
mineral waste Waste material resulting from ore extraction that is usually left on the soil surface矿渣 (矿石提取中产生的废料,通常遗留在土壤表面。)
mineral water Water containing naturally or artificially supplied minerals or gases矿泉水 (含天然或人工矿物质或气体的水。)
mineral wool矿 〔石,炉渣〕棉
non-metallic mineral Minerals containing non-metals, such as quartz, garnet, etc.非金属矿 (含有非金属的矿物,如石英、石榴石等)