
Terms for subject United Nations containing major | all forms | exact matches only
construction, alteration, improvement and major maintenance建筑、改建、装修和主要维修
consumables include combat supplies, general and technical stores, defence stores, ammunition/explosives and other basic commodities in support of major equipment as well as in support of minor equipment and personnel消耗品包括战斗用品、一般和技术性储备、防御储备、弹药/爆炸物和其他支持主要装备和次要装备及人员的基本商品
contingent-owned equipment means major equipment, and minor equipment and consumables deployed, and operated by the troop/police contributor’s contingent in the performance of peacekeeping operations特遣队自备装备是指部队/警察部队派遣国的特遣队在从事维和行动时部署和操作的主要装备、次要装备和消耗品
dry lease, whereby troop/police contributors would provide only major equipment, with the united nations or a third party assuming responsibility for maintenance干租赁"安排,即部队/警察部队派遣国仅提供主要装备,而联合国或第三方责任维护,偿还部队/警察部队派遣国的费用
environmental conditions factor means a factor applicable to the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment to take into account the increased costs borne by the troop/police contributor for extreme mountainous, climatic and terrain conditions环境条件系数是指适用于主要装备和自我维持偿还费率的一个系数,它考虑到部队/警察部队派遣国由于极度的山区、气候和地形条件所承受的增加费用
extreme environmental condition factor not to exceed 5 per cent of the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment极端环境条件系数,不超过主要装备和自我维持费偿还费率的5%
generic fair market value GFMV means equipment valuations for reimbursement purposes it is computed as the average initial purchase price plus any major capital improvements, adjusted for inflation and discounted for any prior usage, or the replacement value, whichever is less或重置价值,以较少者为准
generic fair market value GFMV means equipment valuations for reimbursement purposes it is computed as the average initial purchase price plus any major capital improvements, adjusted for inflation and discounted for any prior usage, or the replacement value, whichever is less通用公平市价是指为偿还费用而做的装备估价.其计算法是最初平均购价加任何主要装备改进费用,计入通货膨胀并扣减先前使用费
inland transportation of major equipment主要装备的内陆运输
intensified operational condition factor means a factor applicable to the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment rates to compensate the troop/police contributor for increased costs resulting from the scope of the task assigned, the length of logistics chains, non-availability of commercial repair and support facilities, and other operational hazards and conditions频繁使用状况系数是指一个适用于主要装备偿还费率和自我维持费率的系数,以补偿部队/警察部队派遣国由于所派任务的范围、后勤链的长度、缺乏商业保养和支持装备及其他作业危险和条件而造成的增加费用
intensified operational conditions factor not to exceed 5 per cent of the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment频繁使用状况系数,不超过主要装备和自我维持费偿还费率的5%
maintenance rate means the reimbursement rate to compensate the government for maintenance costs comprising spare parts, contracted repair, and third and fourth line maintenance that is required to keep major equipment items operational to the specified standards, and return the item to operational condition upon return from the mission area保养费率是指补偿政府的保养费用的偿还费率,适用于备件、合同保养及保持主要装备运作符合特定标准并在从任务区运回时能恢复运作状态所需的第三、第四线保养
major equipment主要装备
major equipment review对主要装备的审查
minor equipment and consumables not directly related to major equipment be reimbursed as "self-sustainment" based on troop strength与主要装备没有直接关系的次要装备和消耗品应根据部队实力按 "自我维持"予以偿还
minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备分为两类:支助主要装备的物品
minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment直接或间接支助人员的物品
minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备是指支助特遣队的装备,比如伙食供应、住宿、非专家通信和工程及其他与任务有关的活动
reimbursement rates for major equipment and self-sustainment主要装备和自我维持偿还费
repatriation inspection shall account for all major equipment of the troop/police contributor to be repatriated and verify the condition of the major equipment provided under the dry lease arrangement撤离检查:此种检查应清点即将撤离的部队/警察部队派遣国的所有主要装备,核实根据干租赁安排提供的主要装备的状况
resupply of contingent for spare parts and minor equipment related to major equipment特遣队与主要装备相关的备件和次要装备的再补给品
section 31: Construction, alteration, improvement and major maintenance预算第31款"建造、改建、改善和重大维修"
serviceable major equipment including associated minor equipment and consumables specifically agreed to by the united nations经联合国特别同意的、可用于服务的主要装备包括相关的次要装备和消耗品
special case" major equipment should be of a value greater than US$ 500 collective value of all items in the set, and with a life expectancy greater than one year"特种"主要装备应当是价值超过500美元一套装备中所有物品的总价,且预期使用寿命超过一年
standards, verification and control of contingent-owned equipment for major equipment and self-sustainment特遣队自备装备主要装备和自我维持的标准、核查和控制
wet lease", whereby troop/police contributors would provide major equipment and maintenance湿租赁"安排,即部队/警察部队派遣国将提供主要装备和维护