
Terms for subject Sports containing mains | all forms
double main events两次赛同一天在同一场地参加两个主要项目
main event主要项目
main event主要赛项
main eventer只参加主要比赛的运动员
main opponent主要对手
main pole运动场中最高旗杆
main pole升起优胜者国家国旗的最高旗杆
main stand正面看台
main stand主宾看台
main stand主看台
main torch主火炬
The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道