
Terms for subject China containing made | all forms | exact matches only
an accountability system to cover decisions made on government-financed projects政府投资决策责任追究制度
be made in writing以书面形式订立
be made public公布法律草案等
be made public发表
be made public发布新闻等
be made public发行
be made public公布
a draft law be made public for the whole country to hold a two-month discussion法律草案向全国公布交付全国人民讨论两个多月
change to be made变更内容
deal with the complaints, charges or exposures made by citizens处理公民的申诉、控告或者检举
decision made after administrative reconsideration行政复议决定
decision made after reexamination复查决定
decision may be made on the spot当场作出决定
deemed to have made no declaration视为未申报
dissatisfy with the decision made after administrative reconsideration对行政复议决定不服
donation made for establishing and running schools捐资办学
evidence upon which the condemnation was made and punishment meted out定罪量刑的证据
hear the explanation made by the sponsor of a legislative bill听取提案人的说明
improve the handling of people's complaints made in letters or through visits加强信访工作
law where the adjustment of general average is made理算地法律
listen to the testimony made by the sponsors of bills听取提案人的说明
made by someone on its own自行制定
made by the Legislative Council on its own由立法会自行制定
made in writing以书面提出
made out填具
make annual reports on the progress made in saving energy and reducing emissions to the NPC每年向全国人大报告节能减排的进展情况
man-made obstacles人工障碍物体
man-made ports人工港口
marriage made under coercion胁迫结婚
need to be made known需要告知的
person against whom the application is made for被申请人
person against whom the decision is made被决定人
person on whom the service is to be made受送达人
person who made the report报案人
statement made by the offender本人陈述
undertakings it publicly made公开承诺
work reports on specific issues made by the State Council国务院的专题工作报告
work reports on specific issues made by the Supreme Peopled Court最高人民法院的专题工作报告
work reports on specific issues made by the Supreme Peopled Procuratorate最高人民检察院的专题工作报告