
Terms containing local | all forms | exact matches only
tech.additional local stress附加局部应力
avia.Association of Local Transport Airlines地方航空运输公司协会 (美国)
tech.average turn round time of local wagons to be unloaded管内工作车周转时间
avia.aviation local area network航空电子局域网
avia.avionics local area network航空电子局域网
ecol.“Awareness and Preparation for Emergencies on a Local Level” Program阿佩尔计划
ecol.“Awareness and Preparation for Emergencies on a Local Level” Programme阿佩尔计划
ecol.awareness and preparedness for emergencies at local level在地方一级知道和做好工业事故的准备
sport.Basic Local Alignment Search Tool基本局部联配搜索工具
avia.beyond local repair非地方能够修理
gen.beyond local repair不能就地修理
avia.broadband local network technology宽带局域网技术
nautic., tech.buckling capacity accepting local elastic plate buckling with load redistribution Method 1允许载荷重新分布的屈曲能力方法1
tech.budget of local government地方预算
shipb.central battery local switchboard共电式市内交换机
tech.classification and evaluation of local traps局部圈闭分类和评价
tech.classification of local structural局部构造类型
refrig.coefficient of local resistance局都阻力系数
tech.common local optimization公用地区优化
tech.common local optimization公用局部优化
geol.density dependent local composition与局部组成成分有关的密度
securit.Disclosure Guidelines for State and Local Government Securities州和地方政府证券披露准则
securit.document payable through local bank应由本地银行支付的凭证
refrig.effective coefficient of local resistance折算局部阻力系数
tech.electric local tire spreader电动局部扩胎机
tech.electrical local tire spreader电动局部扩胎机
refrig.equivalent coefficient of local resistance当量局部阻力系数
avia.Ethernet Local Area Network〔客〕局域互联网
tech.exemption from the local income tax免征地方所得税
tech.expense in local currency用本国货币支付的费用
avia.fast tuned local oscillator快速调谐本机振荡器
nautic., tech.fixed local application fire-extinguishing system固定式局部使用灭火系统
nautic., tech.fixed local application fire-extinguishing system activation alarm固定式局部使用灭火系统启动报警
nautic., tech.fixed local water based fire-extinguishing arrangement固定式局部水基灭火装置
nautic., tech.fixed water-based local application fire-fighting system固定式水基局部使用灭火系统
securit.fund raised by local revenue地方财政自筹基金
tech.general local lighting分区普通照明
tech.general local lighting分区一般照明
tech.get raw materials from local resources
securit.global + local全球化+本土化
securit.global + local本土全球化的
gen.I must give my local guide a ring. Could you help me take care of my luggage for a while?我必须给地接导游打个电话,您能帮忙照看一下行李吗?
gen.I'd like to have some local food, such as ble noir, cucumber and vermicelli, and cabbage and mint我想尝尝当地的食物,比如养麦煎饼、黄瓜粉皮以及白菜薄荷
gen.I'd like to have some local wine我想点当地出产的酒
sport.If you decide you want to invest in a home gym, check out your local classifieds, Craigslist and used sports goods stores如果你决定投资建一个家庭健身房,可以查阅当地的分类广告,访问网上的克雷格列表,或者去趟二手体育用品商店
avia.Joint Airports Committee of Local Authorities〔英〕联合地方当局机场委员会
avia.latitude north-south local earth radius纬度北-南对应的地球半径范围
gen.Let's go ashore to buy some local and special products我们上岸去买些地方特产吧
multimed.local access and transport area本地接入和传送区域
securit.local account carrier本地开户机构
securit.local account carrier本地开户行
avia.local acquisition radar局部搜索雷达
desert.local action局地作用
shipb.local administrative authority当地行政管理部门
tech.local aeronautical chart区域航空图
gen.local agent地方代理人
horticult.local agricultural information system地方农业信息系统
avia.local air defense地方防空
avia.local air picture地方航空照片
gen.local air raid precautions当地空袭警报
refrig.local airconditioning system分散式空调系统
avia.local airport advisory当地机场通告
avia.local altimeter setting本地高度表设定
sport., med.local anaesthesia局部麻醉
sport., med.local anaesthesia局部麻醉法
sport., med.local anaesthesia局部麻醉
sport., med.local anaesthetic局部麻醉药
sport., med.local anaesthetic局部麻醉剂
doping.local anaesthetics局部麻醉剂
consult.local and foreign exchange本国货币和外汇
sport., med.local anesthesia局部麻醉
sport., med.local anesthetic局部麻醉药
sport., med.local anesthetic局部麻醉剂
avia.local anti-air warfare coordinator地方防空武器调度员
gen.local apparent civil time地方民用视时
avia.local apparent time地方太阳时
sport., med.local application局部涂药
sport., med.local application局部用药
securit.local arbitrage当地交易商套利
tech.local architecture地方建筑
tech.local architecture当地建筑
tech.local area局部面积
tech.local area区间面积
tech.local area局部地区网
avia.local area augmentation system GPS局域增强系统全球定位系统
avia.local area controller区域控制器
avia.local area controller本区管制员
avia.local area controller本地区管制员
avia.local area differential GPS局域差分全球定位系统
avia.local area differential system局域差分系统
avia.local area distributed system局部分布式系统
avia.local area missile system局部区域导弹系统
tech.local area network局部区域网络
tech.local area network局部地区网络
nautic., tech.local area network局域网络
avia.local area network本地网
tech.local area network simulation局域网仿真
tech.local area network system区域网络系统
avia.local area radio system局域无线电系统
avia.local area transport地区运输
avia.local area transport支线运输
tech.local array地方台阵
sport., med.local asphyxia局部缺氧
sport., med.local asphyxia局部窒息
desert.local authorities地方当局
avia.Local Authorities Aircraft Noise Council〔英〕飞机噪声委员会区域机构
avia.local authorities aircraft noise council飞机噪声委员会区域机构
securit.local authority bond地方政府债券
securit.local authority bond地方当局债券
securit.local authority escalator loan地方政府递增贷款
securit.local authority lender's option loan地方当局放款人期权贷款
securit.local authority loan地方政府信贷
securit.local authority market地方政府借款市场
securit.local authority mutual loan地方政府互惠贷款
securit.local authority stock地方政府债券
securit.local authority yearly bond地方政府一年期债券
tech.local automatic message accounting局部自动信息计算
tech.local automatic message accounting局内自动信息记账
avia.local automatic message accounting本机信息自动计算
tech.local background局部背景
securit.local bank bond地方银行债券
avia.local base rescue本地救援
avia.local-base rescue本场救援
gen.local batter telephone磁石式电话
gen.local battery supply磁石式组话电源
gen.local battery switchboard磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery system磁石式电话
gen.local battery telephone exchange磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery telephone set磁石式电话机
gen.local battery telephone switchboard磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery with buzzer calling telephone exchange用蜂鸣器呼叫的磁石式电话交换机
gen.local battery with magneto and buzzer calling telephone exchange用手摇发电机和蜂鸣器呼叫的磁石式电话交换机
securit.local bill场内交易确认清单
securit.local bill同城票据
securit.local bill经纪人交易确认书
tech.local bill of lading局部提单
tech.local bill of lading国内运输提单
tech.local borrow就地取料坑
tech.local borrow就地取土坑
geol.local brittle zone局部脆性层
avia.local buckling局部弯曲
tech.local burst mode局部分段式
gen.local bus市内公共汽车
avia.local call当地呼叫
avia.local cargo当地货物
tech.local central office分局
tech.local central office市内中继线路
tech.local central office市内中心局
desert.local change局地变化
avia.local check-in assistant当地值机助理系统
sport., physiol.local circuit局部回路
ecol.local circulation局地环流
desert.local circulation地方性环流
ecol.local circulation局部循环
ecol.local circumstance局地环境
desert.local circumstance当地情况
ecol.local circumstance局部情况
gen.local citizen当地人
refrig.local clean equipment局部净化设备
securit.local clearing同域票据结算
securit.local clearing本地结算
desert.local climate地方气候
desert.local climate局地气候
gen.local climate局部〔地方性〕气候
desert.local climatology局地气候学
desert.local climatology地方气候学
desert.local climax地方顶极 (适应于某一地区特定的环境,并能自我维持的群落)
desert.local climax当地顶极
soil.local collapse岩石塌方
desert.local colour地方色彩
avia.local communication network局域通信网
avia.local communications console地方通信控制台
avia.local communications network局域通信网络
desert.local composition局部组成
avia.local computer network局域计算机网络
avia.local computer network本地计算机网络
desert.local content本地化程度
securit.local content regulation本地规则
multimed.local context analysis局部前后文分析
avia.local control facility局域控制设施
avia.local control hydraulic panel局部控制液力操纵板
sport., med.local control mechanism局部控制机制
nautic., tech.local control mechanism就地控制机构
nautic., tech.local control mode for watertight doors水密门就地控制模式
avia.local control panel〔客〕本机控制板
avia.local control panel就地控制柜
nautic., tech.local control station就地控制站
refrig.local control unit区域控制机组
avia.local controller本地控制器
tech.local coordinate system当地坐标系 (统)
tech.local coordinate system局部坐标系
tech.local coordinates当地坐标
gen.local coupling定域耦合
tech.local critical flux局部临界通量
securit.local currency本地货币
avia.local currency fare当地货币票价
securit.local currency funding当地配套资金
securit.local currency funding当地融资
securit.local currency funding当地货币资金
avia.local data局部数据
desert.local database局域数据库
gen.local delicacy风味小吃
shipb.local delivering ship当地交船
desert.local density局域密度
avia.local derivative当地导数
tech.local destructiveness地区性破坏
desert.local development programme地方发展方案
tech.local differentiability局部可微性
avia.local distribution system局部配电系统
avia.local distribution system本地分配系统
desert.local diversityα 多样性
avia.local domain coordinator〔客〕本机范围协调器
avia.local door controller〔客〕本机门控制器
avia.local door controller区域门控制器
avia.local drag loss coefficient局部阻力系数
multimed.local drive本机驱动器
refrig.local dust就地除尘
nautic., tech.local dynamic stress amplitudes局部动应力幅值
avia.local elastic instability局部弹性不稳定性
avia.local electro-hydraulic generation system〔客〕局部电液压发生系统
securit.local enterprise bond地方企业债券
ecol.local environmental problem地方环境问题
ecol.local environmental standard地方环境标准
avia.local estimation局部估计
avia.local estimation区域性评价
nautic., tech.local excess penetration局部过大的熔深
sport., physiol.local excitation局部兴奋
securit.local expectation hypothesis当地预期假设
securit.local expectations theory本地预期理论
desert.local extra-observation加班观测
avia.local extrema局部极值
avia.local failure局部破坏
nautic., tech.local failure effects局部故障后果
avia.local fare管内票价
sport., med.local fatigue局部疲劳
gen.local feed back本机回授
automat.local feed back本机反馈
desert.local fertilizer当地肥料
securit.local financial circle本地金融界
consult.local financial institution地方金融机构
plast.surg.local flap局部皮瓣
avia.local flight本地飞行
avia.local flight regulation地方飞行条例规则
desert.Local Flood Warning System当地洪水警报系统 (LWFS)
desert.local flora地方植物志
horticult.local food crop production当地粮食作物生产
desert.local forecast局地预报
nautic., tech.local frictional resistance局部摩擦阻力
tech.local galaxy本星系
avia.local galley panels本地厨房面板
avia.local gluing补胶
avia.local gradient局部梯度
ecol.local ground water区域地下水
tech.local groundwater区域地下水
multimed.local group本地组
gen.local guide地接导游
desert.local heating局部增温
refrig.local heating局部供暖
avia.local heat-transfer coefficient局部换热系数
tech.local horizon当地地平面
avia.local hour angle当地时角
gen.local hour angle【夭】地方时角
geol.local hydrocarbon index局部烃指数
tech.local indicator system局部指标体系
avia.local information system本机信息系统
avia.local injection局部喷射
avia.local instrument就地仪表
avia.local interaction局部相互作用
securit.local interest rate本地利率
securit.local interests group地方利益集团
securit.local investment地方投资
securit.local investment company bond地方投资公司债券
tech.local lesion局部损害
desert.local level地方一级
fisherylocal-level management地方管理
avia.local lighting fitting局部照明灯
avia.local lighting transformer局部照明变压器
securit.local listing本地上市
tech.local load局部负荷
nautic., tech.local loads局部载荷
securit.local loan当地借款
multimed.local loop本地回路
avia.local loopback management本地环回管理
refrig.local loss coefficient局部损失系数
refrig.local loss coefficients for diverging tees and wyesT 形和 Y 形分流三通的局部阻力系数
avia.local mach number局部马赫数
desert.local magnitude当地震级
avia.Local Maintenance Terminal本地维护终端
avia.local manufactured item地方制造的项目
sport., med.local massage局部按摩
avia.local material地方材料
avia.local maxima局部最大值
desert.local mean time地方平均时
avia.local mean time本地平均时
avia.local mean time当地时间
avia.local mean time当地平时
avia.local measurement局部量测
multimed.local memory本机内存
avia.local meridian地方子午线
avia.local message switch本地信息交换机
ecol.local meteoric water line大气降水线
tech.local method土办法
avia.local microcode compaction technique局部微码紧致技术
avia.local microwave distribution system本地微波分配系统
tech.local mode本地传送方式
avia.local mode局部模态
tech.local-mode coverage区域方式覆盖
tech.local modem本地调制解调器
tech.local multiple reflection局部多次反射
multimed.local multipoint distribution service本地多点分布服务
avia.local multipoint distribution system本地多点分布式系统
ecol.local nature reserve地方自然保护区
gen.local network当地网点
avia.local network architecture局部网络结构
avia.local network protocol本地网络协议
multimed.local newsgroups本地新闻组群
avia.local Nusselt number局部努塞尔数
avia.local office当地办事处
avia.local operating procedure本机操作程序
avia.local operating system本机操作系统
fisherylocal operating unit当地运行单位
fisherylocal operational unit当地运行单位
avia.local optimal solution局部最优解
avia.local oscillation局部振荡
avia.local oscillator局部振荡器
avia.local oscillator filter本机振荡滤波器
avia.local oscillator frequency本振频率
avia.local packet-switched network本地分组交换网
shipb.local painting局部涂油漆
avia.local panel就地盘
tech.local parasite当地寄生菌
tech.local pattern matching局部模式匹配
nautic., tech.local pitch局部螺距
tech.local planning区域规划
tech.local planning地方规划
tech.local pneumatic process局部气压法
gen.local police station派出所
ecol.local pollution地方污染
tech.local polynomial model局部多项式模型
sport., physiol.local potential局部电位
refrig.local pressure drop局部压力损失
avia.local procurement本地采购
desert.local products土特产品
gen.local products土产品
gen.local products and animal by-products土畜产品
gen.local products and animal by-products二十三、土畜产品
desert.local protecting grazing局部休闲放牧
gen.local proxy ARP本地代理地址解析协议
tech.local public service employee's residence地方职工宿舍
tech.local public utility loan地方业务费用
ecol.local pumping station局部水泵站
ecol.local pumping station本区水泵站
CNClocal quench局部淬火
refrig.local radiant heating system局部辐射供暖系统
ecol.local radioactive contamination局部放射污染
multimed.local reboot本地重启动
desert.local regional wind地方性区域风
ecol.local regulation of water resources protection水资源保护的地方规定
ecol.local regulations of environment地方性环境法规
avia.local regulatory authority当地管理当局
tech.local release本节车缓解
refrig.local relief局部送风
avia.local repainting补油漆
shipb.local repair局部修理
refrig.local resistance loss局部阻力损失
shipb.local resource当地资源
multimed.local resource本机资源
sport., physiol.local response局部反应
securit.local retail investor当地散户投资者
desert.local rotational grassland长期轮作草地
tech.local rules of environment地方环境规章
ecol.local rules of environment地方性环境规章
desert.local runoff局部径流
desert.local runoff地方径流
tech.local scale局部规模
avia.local search区域搜索法
comp.local search局部査找
tech.local seismicity局部地震活动性
desert.local severe rain地方暴雨
multimed.local shared object本地共享对象
tech.local shock地方震
avia.local sidereal time当地恒星时
tech.local siding货物作业车停留线
tech.local siding管内工作车停留线
avia.local solution局部解
avia.local sonic velocity当地声速
avia.local standard of rest当地静止标准
avia.local standard time当地标准时
avia.local station pressure本站气压
securit.local stock本地股
comp.local storage局部存储器一种用高速电路操作的可编地址寄存器
avia.local strain method局部应变法
avia.local strain rate局部应变率
nautic., tech.local stress components局部应力分量
shipb.local stress-relief heat treatment消除局部应力热处理
gen.local sunrise当地日出时间
tech.local supercluster本超星系团
tech.local supervisory system局部监理系统
nautic., tech.local support members局部支撑构件
tech.local survey局部测量
avia.local synchronization subsystem本地同步子系统
securit.local syndication本地银团
avia.local system environment本地系统环境
gen.local system queue area局部系统排队区
shipb.local tax authorities当地税务机关
sport.local team主队
sport.local team地方代表队
sport.local team当地球队
tech.local tectonic stress field局部构造应力场
avia.local telephone network市内电话网
desert.local term地名
desert.local term地方名称
tech.local terminal本地终端设备
desert.local terrace局部阶地
desert.local thunderstorm地方性雷暴
avia.local time当地时
avia.local time stepping当地时间步
avia.local tooling master局部标准样件
horticult.local topography当地地形
bridge.local tournaments本地桥牌比赛
avia.local traffic management地方交通管制
gen.local train市郊列车
gen.local transmission line市区传输线
gen.local transmission line短距离传输线
tech.local trunk市内中继线
multimed.local user profile本地用户配置文件
avia.local user terminal当地用户终端
securit.local valuation局部评价法
tech.local variation局部变动
tech.local variation地方变化
desert.local variation局地变化
avia.local velocity of sound当地声速
avia.local water catch efficiency局部水收集系数
desert.local weather地方气候
gen.local weather report当地天气报告
desert.local wind局地风
desert.local wind地方风
desert.local wind pressure地方气压
desert.local yield table地区产量表
desert.local yield table地区收获表
avia.local zone time本区时间
avia.local zone time地方时
avia.local zone time区时
avia.logical local storage address register逻辑局部存储器的地址寄存器
avia.low speed local network低速局部网络
avia.maximum local equivalence ratio最大局部等价比率
tech.method of local ventilation局部通风方式
tech.model test for local scour局部冲刷模型试验
gen.night local夜间当地的飞行
avia.non-local sensor非局部传感器
avia.non-local thermodynamic equilibrium非局部热动平衡
avia.non-local variable非局部变量
tech.official licence to do business issued by the local authority开业合法证书
nautic., tech.onboard local area net船上局域网
avia.on-board local area network机上局域网
avia.onboard local area network机上局域网
tech.optional local peripheral任选局部外围设备
securit.overdraft by local banks本地银行透支
avia.payload local area network有效载荷局域网
multimed.peripheral component interconnect local bus外部设备互连 PCI 局部总线
avia.phase-locked local oscillator相位锁定本振
tech.plan of number of local wagons for unloading to be kept管内工作车保有量计划
avia.pneumatic local control device气动基地式调节仪表
gen.Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim向工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码
tech.primary local membrane stress一次局部膜应力
tech.quasi-local operator拟局部算子
tech.quasi local ring拟局部环
tech.quasi-semi-local ring拟半局部环
tech.quasi-unmixed local ring拟纯粹局部环
tech.radio local loop无线本地环路
avia.right side local maintenance function〔客〕右侧局部维护功能
tech.separate local oscillator独立本地振荡器
gen.Shall I take the express or local train?我该坐快车还是慢车?
securit.share on local register本地登记机构注册的股份
tech.single-purpose local-area network单用途局部地区网络
tech.sorting local wagons siding管内工作车编组线
tech.source of local materials当地料源
securit.State and Local Government Series州与地方政府债券系列
tech.stress-relieving by local heating局部加热消除应力
tech.strict local extremum严格局部极值
tech.study of local structure局部构造研究
gen.The express will save you a lot of time. The local train stops at every station.快车节省好多时间,慢车每站都停
consult.the local dispersal of industry当地的工业分布
tech.training of local personnel培养本国人才
avia.unbundled local loop非捆绑式本地环路
tech.ungauged local inflow未控制区间入流
tech.ungauged local inflow未施测区间入流
avia.unified local area network architecture统一局域网结构
avia.unified local area network architecture统一局部网结构
ecol.utilization of local resources本地资源的利用
gen.We are due in Paris at 7:30 p. m. local time, but we're going to London as the weather in Paris is bad原定于当地时间下午 7:30 到达,但是我们要迫停伦敦,巴黎天气很糟糕
plast.surg.wide local excision大范围局部切除术
nautic., tech.wireless local area net access point无线局域网接近点
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