
Terms for subject Sports containing linear | all forms | exact matches only
absolute linear acceleration绝对线加速度
absolute linear kinematic parameter绝对线运动学参数
absolute linear kinematic parameter运动学的绝对线参数
absolute linear velocity绝对线速度
linear actuator线性调节器
linear curve曲线
linear displacement线位移
linear function一次函数
linear impulse线冲量
linear momentum线动量
linear motion线性运动
linear motion直线运动
linear movement线性动作
linear park由废弃的铁路线改建而成,可供徒步、骑自行车或慢跑的线型运动场
linear speed线速率
linear voltage differential transformer电握力计
moment of linear impulse线冲量矩
moment of linear momentum线动量矩
principle of linear impulse and momentum线冲量和动量原理
relative linear displacement相对线位移
relative linear velocity相对线速度