
Terms containing license | all forms | exact matches only
econ.A license-back requirement is likely to violate antitrust laws要求回购许可证很可能违背反托拉斯法
econ.a non-exclusive license非专属性许可证
econ.a subcovering license分批入口许可证
econ.a surveillance license监督进口许可证
econ.A trial order will be placed with you as soon as the import license is obtained一俟获得进口许可证,即向你方发试订单
adv.ad business license广告营业执照
China, lawadministrative licenses行政许可
adv.advertising license广告许可证
avia.airline transport pilot's license航线运输机飞行员执照
China, lawairman's license航空人员执照
avia.airplane and engine license飞机和发动机许可证
avia.airplane & engine license飞机和发动机维修执照
busin.amortization of basic license fee许可证费摊销
busin.annual license一年期执照
econ.application for export license岀口许可证申请书
busin.application for import permit subcovering license综合分批进口许可证申请书
busin.application for license许可证申请书
gen.auto license汽车执照
econ.automatic import license自动进口许可证
busin.business license营业许可证
China, lawbusiness license业务许可
busin.business license营业执照许可证
adv.business license营业牌照
shipb.business license of shipyard船厂营业执照
securit.business license revoked被吊销的营业执照
tech.car license车辆执照
busin.car license fee车辆执照费
busin.car license tax车辆执照税
busin.car or boat license plate tax车船执照税
busin.certificate of export license出口许可证
interntl.trade.certificate of import license进口许可证
interntl.trade.certificate of import license进口证明
interntl.trade.certificate of import license进口 许可证
China, lawcertificate of import license进 口凭证
securit.certificate of license许可证
securit.certificate of license执照证书
tech.certificate of license and enrollment航业执照
China, lawcheat for the securities business license骗取证券业务许可
China, lawcoal production license煤炭生产许可证
gen.commercial operator license操作许可证
avia.commercial pilots license商用飞行员执照
securit.company business license公司营业执照
securit.company business license公司经营许可证
econ.competitive auction of import licenses进口执照的竞争性拍卖
China, lawcompulsory license强制许可
nautic., tech.compulsory license强制许可证
auto.condition to get operation license经营许可条件
busin.contractual license契约性许可证
interntl.trade.covering license综合输入许可证
econ.covering license综合许可证
tech.cross license相互特许
nautic., tech.cross license交叉许可证
interntl.trade.cross license交换许可证
tech.cross license contract互换许可证合同
tech.cross license contract交换使用专利的合同
tech.dealer's license经销商执照
shipb.discretionary license可斟酌情况发给的许可证
tech.dispose of without a license非法销售
busin.dispose without a license无照私销
tech.distributed system license option分布式系统特许可选项
econ.distribution license美国销售许可证
China, lawdoctor's license医师执业证书
econ.domestic brokerage license国内经纪人执照
China, lawdomestication and breeding license驯养繁殖许可证
tech.driver's license驾驶执照
China, lawdriver's license驾驶证
gen.driver's license驾照
auto.drive's license驾驶执照
busin.driving license驾驶执照
econ.Electronic License Application and Information Network美国的电子许可证申请与信息网络
multimed.end-user license agreement最终用户许可权协议
securit.enterprise legal person business license企业法人经营许可证
China, lawestablishment and implementation of administrative license行政许可的设定和实施
China, lawevaluate the administrative license评价行政许可
busin.excise license营业许可证
tech.exclusive license专营许可证
econ.exclusive license独占许可
tech.exclusive license独立专利权
interntl.trade.exclusive license独占许可证
interntl.trade.exclusive license专用许可证
econ.exclusive license独家专利权
shipb.exclusive license独占性许可证
China, lawexclusive license contract专有许可合同
earth.sc.exclusive prospecting license定期定区勘探许可证
busin.expiration of license许可证期满
tech.expiration of license执照期满
China, lawexploration license勘查许可证
interntl.trade.export license输出许可证
commer.export license岀口许可证 (与进口许可证 (import licence)相对)
busin.export license出口许可证
busin.export license出口许可证 (permit)
busin.export license出口许可 (permit)
agric.export license出口证
econ.Export License Voice Information System美国出口许可证有声信息系统
fisheryfishing in violation of license restrictions未按或违反许可证规定范围的捕捞活动
China, lawfishing license捕捞许可证
busin.fixed pitch license定位执照
China, lawforest tree felling license林木采伐许可证
construct.full license使用无线电台的正式执照
tech.full license正式执照
anim.husb.game license狩猎证
econ.general license美国政府雇员和机构运输普通许可证
econ.general license在美展出或贸易展销会进口货物普通许可证
interntl.trade.general license一般许可证
econ.general license美国临时岀口普通许可证
econ.general license美国非海上储备普通许可证
econ.general license美国转运普通许可证
econ.general license美国普通许可证
econ.general license美国限定价值运输普通许可证
econ.general license通用许可证
commer.general license公开许可证
econ.general license BAGGAGE美国行李普通许可证
econ.general license CREW美国海员普通许可证
econ.general license-free world自由世界通用许可证
econ.general license-free world美国自由世界普通许可证
econ.general license GATS美国飞机临时停留普通许可证
econ.general license GCG给合作政府代理人的运输通用许可证
econ.general license GCG美国给合作政府代理人的运输普通许可证
econ.general license G-COCOM多边出口控制统筹委员会通用许可证
econ.general license G-COCOM美国多边出口控制统筹委员会普通许可证
econ.general license GCT美国普通许可证
econ.general license G-DEST美国无需有效许可证运货到目的地普通许可证
econ.general license GIFT美国礼品包裹运输普通许可证
econ.general license GLR美国特定商品退换普通许可证
econ.general license GTDA美国技术数据有限出口普通许可证
econ.general license plane stores美国飞机储存普通许可证
econ.general license safeguards美国安全普通许可证
econ.general license ship stores美国船舶储存普通许可证
telecom.general public license版权共享
multimed.general public license通用公共许可协议
tech.goods exported under special license特许出口商品
interntl.trade.government license政府的许可证
China, lawgrant it him or her a license准予许可
econ.grant of a license给予许可证
tech.hand in the business license for cancellation缴销营业执照
tech.holder of license牌照持有人
hunt.hunting license狩猎许可证
anim.husb.hunting license狩猎执照
gen.I forgot the license plate车牌号我记不清了
busin.import and export license system进岀口许可制
met.import and export license system进出口许可制度
tech.import and export license system进出口许可证制 (度)
interntl.trade.import -export license system进出口许可证制
interntl.trade.import license进口许可
anim.husb.import license进口执照
interntl.trade.import license输入许可
fisheryimport license进口许可
busin.import license bond进口许可证
econ.import license system进口许可制
tech.import license system进口许可证制 (度)
interntl.trade.import-export license进出口许可证
tech.import-export license system进出口许可证制 (度)
China, lawincrease administrative license增设行政许可
interntl.trade.individual license个别许可证
econ.individual validated license美国个别批准的许可证
econ.individually validated export license个人有效出口许可证
libr.initial software license costs软件最初使用协定费用
China, lawinsurance agent license保险代理业务许可证
China, lawinsurance license保险业务许可证
busin.international trade-mark license国际商标注册证
tech.inwardly illuminated license plate内部照明的牌照板
busin.issuance of license发给许可证
shipb.issuance of license颁发许可证
interntl.trade.issuance of licenses发给许可证
securit.issue a business license颁发营业执照
interntl.trade.issue of licenses签发许可证
tech.issue of licenses颁发许可证
commer.It's stipulated that the seller shall obtain the license and bear all costs按照规定,卖方应领取许可证并负担所有费用
commer.knowhow license专有技术许可证
econ.know-how license专有技术许可证
tech.know-how license技术许可证
busin.land license用地许可证
tech.land license土地执照
busin.leave and license许可证
busin.leave and license同意与许可
busin.letter of license许可证
railw.licence/license holder许可证执有人
nautic., tech.license agent专利代理人
interntl.trade.license agreement许可证贸易协议
shipb.license agreement凭许可证协议
multimed.license agreement许可证协议
telecom.license agreement许可协议
multimed.license agreement许可契约
securit.license and franchise agreement许可与专营协议
tech.license and permit bond执照及许可证
tech.license and permit bond许可证及执照
securit.license and permit bond执照与许可保证
busin.license and permit bond insurance特许证保证保险
interntl.trade.license and permit bonds执照及许可证
commer.license and quota system许可证与配额混合制
tech.license and quota system许可配额混合制
tech.license bracket车照架
tech.license carrier车照架
tech.license condition许可证条件
China, lawlicense contract for exploitation实施许可合同
busin.license expense执照费
tech.license expenses许可证费 (用)
tech.license fee许可证费 (用)
interntl.trade.license fee执照费
tech.license fee牌照费
busin.license fee quota system特许权使用费配额制
securit.license financial institution给金融机构发执照
securit.license financial institution审批金融机构
China, lawlicense for auction of cultural relics文物拍卖许可证
China, lawlicense for catering services餐饮服务许可
busin.license for exportation出口许可证
busin.license for importation进口许可证
China, lawlicense for production and operation of breeding livestock and poultry种畜禽生产经营许可证
China, lawlicense for the vehicle行驶证
busin.license guarantee许可证有效保证
auto.license lamp牌照灯
auto.license light牌照灯
fisherylicense limitation program捕捞水域许可证的限额计划
fisherylicense limitation program许可证限额计划
fisherylicense limitation programme捕捞水域许可证的限额计划
fisherylicense limitation programme许可证限额计划
econ.License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证
commer.license n.可转让许可证
tech.license number执照号码
gen.license number车牌号
shipb.license of production生产许可证
China, lawlicense of qualified doctor执业医师资格
busin.license of right权利许可证
busin.license on a case-by-case basis逐项核发的许可证
China, lawlicense or business certificate许可证和执照
navig.license personality module许可人员舱
gen.license plate车牌
tech.license plate牌照板
tech.license plate汽车牌照
gen.license plate车牌照
AI.license plate汽车号牌
gen.license plate车牌号
auto.license-plate lamp牌照灯
racinglicense plate light牌照灯
AI.license plate method牌照法
AI.license plate recognition车牌识别
interntl.trade.license production特许生产
econ.license somebody to sell beers批准某人出售啤酒
interntl.trade.license system许可制
interntl.trade.license system许可证制度
busin.license system许可证制
China, lawlicense system for fishing捕捞许可证制度
China, lawlicense system for pollutant discharge排污许可制度
tech.license system of using water取水许可制度
auto.license tag汽车牌照
auto.license tag车号牌
interntl.trade.license tax牌照税
commer.license tax牌照费
econ.license term执照有效期
econ.license term许可证有效期
econ.license to通商许可 (trade, 证)
securit.license to assign转让许可证
tech.license to discharge倾卸许可证
tech.license to trade许可通商
interntl.trade.license to trade通商许可
shipb.license to trade贸易许可
tech.license to trade ordinance贸易许可证条例
busin.license to work a patented invention运用专利发明执照
commer.license trade许可证贸易 (一 trading)
tech.license trade union许可证贸易联盟
shipb.license trading许可证贸易
econ.license transaction许可证贸易
tech.license transactions许可证贸易
telecom.license violation侵犯许可协议
busin.loss of license insurance执照丧失保险
busin.loss of license insurance丧失执照保险
econ.manufacturing license生产许可证
busin.manufacturing license制造许可证
commer.marketing of licenses许可证买卖
China, lawmatters under administrative license行政许可事项
ecol.mining license采矿许可证
China, lawmodify the matters under administrative license变更行政许可事项
econ.money exchanger's license外币兑换执照
interntl.trade.most favored license clause最惠特许条款
interntl.trade.most favoured license clause最惠特许条款
econ.most many, much 的最高级 favoured license clause最惠特许条款
China, lawmotor vehicle driver's license of another country境外机动车驾驶证
China, lawmotor vehicles driver's license机动车驾驶证
gen.My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢了
tech.National Association of Real Estate License Law Officials全国房地产特许律师协会
libr.negotiating license协议谈判
telecom.network access license进网许可证
avia.no license required无许可证
tech.non-exclusive and non-transferable license专卖不可转让许可证
tech.non-exclusive license非独占许可
shipb.nonexclusive license非独占性许可证
tech.non-exclusive license contract普通许可证合同
shipb.nongovernmental license agreement民间许可证协议
busin.non-voluntary license非自愿许可证
tech.non-voluntary license非自愿许可
brit., busin.off-license出售瓶酒执照
interntl.trade.offer subject to export license以领得出口许可证为准的报价
busin.offer subject to export license以领到出口许可证为准的报盘
econ.offer subject to export license以领得出口许可证为准的报盘
busin.offer subject to export license以取得出口许可证为准的报盘
econ.offer subject to import license以对方领到进口许可证为准的报盘
interntl.trade.offer subject to import license以领得进口许可证为准的报价
busin.offer subject to import license以领到进口许可证为准的报盘
fin.offshore banking licenses离岸银行执照
busin.offshore license境外业务执照
interntl.trade.open general import licenseI.L. 公开一般进口许可证
interntl.trade.open general license公开一般许可证
interntl.trade.open general license无限制一般许可证
econ.open general license开放许可证
econ.open general license不限额入口许可证
busin.open general license无限制一般许可
tech.open general license普通输入许可证
econ.open general license公开许可证
brit., busin.open general license无限制一般许可
interntl.trade.open individual license公开个别许可证
busin.open individual license无限制个别许可证
comp., net.open license开放式许可协议
interntl.trade.open license公开许可证
tech.open license开放许可证
interntl.trade.open-end import license公开限期进口许可证
dril.operating license操作许可证
tech.operating license营业执照
construct.operator license驾驶执照
tech.operator license操作许可证
tech.operator license司机执照
tech.operator's license驾驶人执照
tech.operator's license司机执照
China, lawordinary license普通许可
tech.paid-up license fee已缴许可证费
econ.Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺
shipb.patent and producing license专禾和生产许可证
China, lawpatent exploitation license contract专利实施许可合同
econ.Patent License专利许可
tech.patent license专利许可证
tech.patent license专利特许使用权
interntl.trade.patent license专利权特许使用权
busin.patent license专利许可证
shipb.patent license专利权的使用许可证
shipb.patent license agreement专利权许可协议
interntl.trade.patent license agreement专利权使用权协议
busin.patent license agreement专利特诈协议
shipb.patent license agreement专利的使用权许可协议
econ.patent license restrictions专利权特许限制
busin.pending the issuance of license待签发许可证
expl.permit sand licenses许可证
econ.petroleum development license石油开发许可证
econ.petroleum exploration license石油勘探许可证
econ.petroleum exploration licenses石油勘探许可证
econ.petroleum mining license石油开采许可证
econ.petroleum mining licenses石油开采许可证
econ.petroleum production license石油开采许可证
econ.petroleum production licenses石油开采许可证
econ.petroleum prospecting license石油勘探许可证
econ.petroleum prospecting licenses石油勘探许可证
econ.petroleum winning licenses石油开采许可证
tech.pilot license引航员执照
China, lawpollutant discharge license排污许可证
tech.pollution license污染物排放许可证
China, lawpower of administrative license行政权限
China, lawpre -administrative license前置性行政许可
econ.pre-license checks预先许可证检査
busin.pre-license training领取执照前培训
interntl.trade.private license非公开许可证
interntl.trade.private usual license非公开通常许可证
shipb.producing license system生产许可证制度
tech.production license生产许可证
econ.production license area生产许可证地区
econ.project license项目许可证
tech.prospecting license勘探许可证
auto.provisional license临时驾驶证
busin.purchasing license购买许可证
busin.pure license contract纯许可证合同
commer.quality license system质量许可证制度
auto.ratio-license lamp牌照灯比率两个最高的测试点与两个最低的测试点的比率
tech.real estate license房地产经营执照
econ.receive business licenses领取营业证
tech.refusal of building license建造许可证拒发
earth.sc.registration and license tax登记及执照税
busin.registration and license tax注册执照税
China, lawrelevant business license revoked撤销相关业务许可
China, lawrelevant certificate or license有关证照
China, lawrequirements for driver's license驾驶许可条件
econ.restricted license限制性银行执照
busin.restricted license有限许可
tech.restrictive license限制性许可证
China, lawrevocation of motor vehicle driver's license吊销机动车驾驶证
China, lawrevoke a license or certificate吊销许可证和执照
China, lawrevoke business licenses吊销资质证书
fin.revoke license吊销营业执照
securit.revoke license吊销执照
China, lawrevoke the exploration license吊销勘査许可证
China, lawrevoke the relevant business license撤销有关业务许可
auto.road transport operation license道路运输经营许可证
shipb.royalty of license许可证提成费
China, lawsanitary license卫生许可证
China, lawseed production license种子生产许可证
econ.ship license船舶执照
anim.husb.shooting license狩猪证
agric.shooting license狩猎 许可
telecom.shrinkwrap license封装盒内的软件许可证
busin.sight of license clause出示许可证条款
interntl.trade.sighting of license clause出示许可证条款
telecom.site license现场认可证
telecom.site license站点认可证
multimed.site license场所许可证
libr.software license软件许可
telecom.software license软件许可证
tech.sole license排他性许可证
shipb.special business license特种营业执照
China, lawspecial hunting and catching license特许猎捕证
tech.special hunting license特许捕猎证
commer.special license特种许可证
tech.special license特种执照
econ.special permission export license出口特许证
earth.sc.specific license特别进口许可证
busin.specific license特别许可证
commer.specific license特种进口许可证
busin.specific license特定特种许可证
busin.stall license货摊执照
telecom.station license电台执照
tech.stop and license plate light停车和牌照灯的组合灯
tech.stop and license plate light cable停车灯和牌照灯线
interntl.trade.sub-covering license分批进口许可证
busin.subcovering license分批进口许可证
interntl.trade.subcovering license分批输入许可证
interntl.trade.sub-covering license分批输入许可证
busin.Subcovering license分批输入许可证进口签证银行签发的输入许可证
econ.subject to approval of export license出口证待批准
econ.subject to approval of export license以出口许可证审批为准
commer.subject to approval of export license以取得岀口许可证为条件
econ.subject to approval of import license入口证待领 (指不准入口时可取消本合约)
shipb.subject to export license being obtained以取得出口许可证为准
commer.subject to import license以取得进口许可证为条件
tech.subject to import license需取得进口许可证的交易
tech.suspension of driver's license扣留驾驶执照
tech.suspension of driver's license暂停驾驶执照
econ.System for Tracking Export License Applications美国追踪出口许可证申请系统
commer.system of import and export license进岀口许可证制度
tech.system of import and export license进出口许可证制 (度)
busin.system of state license for the manufacture生产许可证制
econ.system of state licenses for the manufacture生产许可证制度
commer.system of state licenses for the manufacture国家生产许可证制度
securit.tax on license营业执照税
busin.tax on licenses执照税
econ.tax on licenses营业执照税
tech.tax on licenses营业执照税
shipb.technical license技术许可证
tech.technology trade license技术贸易许可证
econ.television license fees电视执照费
China, lawtemporary administrative license临时性的行政许可
auto.temporary license临时执照许可证
libr.terms of license协议条款
libr.terms of license授权条款
China, polit.the administrative right to grant licenses and impose penalties行政许可权和行政处罚权
econ.The conditions herein shall not be construed as the grant of a license这里所规定的条款不得认为是授予许可证
econ.The exclusive license granted to your company will become non-exclusive when the following conditions occur...如果发生下述情况,授予贵公司的专营许可证即成为非专营许可证…
econ.The joint venture cart start operation under license after it is authorized and registered合营企业经批准和登记后可凭执照营业
econ.The license also includes and extends to new regulations made by the licensor发证人以后所作的新规定,本许可证亦可适用,并包括在内
econ.The license shall discontinue the use of the trade mark if the license lapses如本许可证期满,被许可人必须立即停止使用本商标
econ.the license tax执照税
econ.The purpose of this agreement is to grant license with regard to improvements本协议目的在于转让有关改进措施的特许权
econ.the revocation of a license许可证撤销
econ.The seller should apply for the necessary export license该卖主应申请必需的出口许可证
econ.The shopowner owns all permits, licenses and franchises necessary for operation of its business该店主拥有一切经营其业务所需的许可证、执照和特许权
econ.This contract will be valid when we get all necessary export licenses from our government当我们从我国政府获得一切必要的出口许可证时,本合同即行生效
commer.towing license拖带执照
commer.trade in licenses许可证贸易
busin.trade license商业牌照
tech.trade license贸易许可证
commer.trade mark license商标使用许可证
commer.trade mark license商标许可证
econ.trade-mark license商标注册证
busin.trade-mark license商标特许权
busin.trading under license许可证贸易
interntl.trade.trading under license许可制贸易
busin.trading under license许可制贸易指买卖商标及专利权
China, lawtransfer fishing license转让捕捞许可证
China, lawtransfer or lease the coal production license转让或者出租煤炭生产许可证
econ.transshipment license货物转运许可证
tech.trial license试车执照
securit.under license有证
interntl.trade.under license领有执照
securit.under license有执照
busin.validated license特殊许可证
shipb.validity of export license出口许可证的有效期
shipb.validity of import license进口许可证的有效期
busin.vehicle and vessel license plate tax车船牌照税
tech.vehicle and vessel license tax车船使用牌照税
auto.vehicle license车辆行驶证
interntl.trade.vehicle license fee车辆执照费
China, lawverification of the working license核验施工许可证
commer.vessel license船舶执照
econ.We are granted an exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters patent我方已得到一份独家许可证,可以使用特许证中所列的工艺过程
econ.We are granted the non-transferable license to run a beauty center我方获得了经营一家美容中心的不可过户的许可证
econ.We may revoke the license if you break any of regulations若你们违反任何规定,我们可以取消本许可证
gen.We require 100 dollars deposit and your driver's license您需要支付100美元押金并出示驾照
gen.You should remember the license number of the taxi, in case you meet a driver who offers poor service or is dishonest你应该记下出租车牌号,以便投诉司机的劣质服务或欺骗行为
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