
Terms containing left to right | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gymn.ball rolled from left arm to the right one在两臂长度上滚球
gymn.bent leg swing to the left and right屈腿左右摆动
nurs.cardiovascular left to right shunt心血管左向右分流型
nurs.cardiovascular right to left shunt心血管右向左分流型
danc.change of place left to right换位步左换右
danc.change of place right to left换位步右换左
danc.chasse to right and left右左追步
danc.chasse to right and left右左并步
gymn.circle rolling from the right arm to the left one在两臂长度上滚圈
gen.Glassware, the cup and saucer are placed to your right, while the napkin, bread plate and butter spreader to your left玻璃器皿、杯子和碟子放在右手边,而餐巾、面包盘和奶油刮刀则放在左边
gen.Go down those stairs right over there and turn left, you'll see the signs directing you to Gate 10. You won't miss it下那边的楼梯左拐,你们会看到去10号登机口的指示牌,顺着它走不会错
nurs.intrapulmonary right to left shunting肺内动静脉分流
tech.inverted left-to-right左右颠倒的
anim.husb.left to right index乳房左右指数乳房左边两乳区与右边两乳区之比,或左两乳区产奶量占总产奶量的百分率
cryptogr.left-to-right exponentiation向左或向右取幕
auto.left-to-right fader收音机/扬声器左-右衰减器
multimed.left-to-right mark自左至右标记
AI.left-to-right Markov chain with no skip由左至右无跨越马尔可夫链
AI.left-to-right Markov chain with skips由左至右有跨越马尔可夫链
tech.left-to-right parser左到右分析算法
tech.left-to-right reading正像
spaceleft-to-right scan左到右扫描
surg.left-to-right shunt左至右分流
textileleft-to-right twill右向斜纹
tech.linear left-to-right scan自左至右线扫描
dentist.Move your jaw to the right and left左右滑动您的下颌
dentist.Move your jaw to the right and left请左右错殆
polygr.reverse left to right反向印刷
tech.reversed left to right左右翻转的
cryptogr.right-to-left exponentiation从右到左求幂
auto.right-to-left interchangeability左、右方零件互换性
tech.right-to-left interchangeability左右方零件互换性
multimed.right-to-left mark从右向左标示
multimed.right-to-left mark右至左符号
tech.right-to-left parser右到左分析算法
tech.right-to-left reading反像
gymn.tape waved vertically as a snake from the left to the right of the body带自左向右垂直蛇