
Terms for subject Economy containing led | all forms | exact matches only
A combination of raw materials shortage and difficult trading conditions led to the company's bankruptcy原材料短缺和艰难的贸易条件共同导致了公司的破产
Advertising costs have cancel led out the sales revenue广告费用抵消了销售收入
aspiration-reservation-led decision support基于吸入-保留的决策支持简写为ARLDS
consumer-led recovery消费增长复苏
country-led process国家为主导的过程
economy led by私人投资、社会公共投资、公共部门主导型经济 (private investment, social overhead capital investment, the public sector)
export-led growth出口带动的经济的增长
export-led growth出口增加而带动的经济增长
nationally-led process国家为主导的过程
smallholder-led production小农主导的生产
supply-led credit以供给为基础的信贷
The agreement between the two corporations has been initial led两公司间的协议已草签
The containers must be label led clearly to show where they are going包装箱要明显地贴好标签指明到达地点
The lightning storm led to great losses突起的风暴造成了重大的损失
The only explanation we could find was that the parcels were incorrectly label led我们所能找到的惟一解释是包裹标签有误
The profits of our company have level led off over the last few years过去几年以来,我公司的利润稳定不变
This led to the miscarriage of the company's scheme这使得公司的计划失败
Your negligence led to the riot conducted by your employees你方自己的疏忽造成了职工发生暴乱行为