
Terms for subject Space containing laws | all forms | exact matches only
accumulating fatigue damage law累积疲劳损伤定律 (即迈纳线性累积损伤定律)
actuation law of fuze引线启动规律
attitude control law姿态控制规律
Avogadro law阿伏伽德罗定律
Bernoulli law or Bernoulli theorem伯努利定理
Bernoulli law or Bernoulli theorem伯努利定律
bimolecular law双分子反应定律
binary scaling law双尺度律
blast scaling law爆炸相似率
Boyle law波义耳定律
Boyle-Mariotte law波义耳-马略特定律
Brewster law布鲁斯特定律 (光的反射与折射定律)
burning rate law推进剂燃速规律
Buys Ballots law白贝罗定律
Cassini law卡西尼定律 (月球自转)
Charlies' law查理定理
China Institute of Space Law中国空间法学会
command law指挥规律
constant-bearing course guidance law平行接近制导律
control law控制律
cosine law of illumination朗伯余弦定律
cosine law of illumination照度余弦定律
cube/square law 3/2次方律
Dalton law道尔顿定律
electrochemical equivalent law电化当量定律
emission law发射定律
encoding law编码律
enforcement of laws treaties法律和条约实施
engine control law发动机控制[调节]规律
entropy accruing law自然增熵原理
European Center for Space Law欧洲空间法中心 (ECSL)
European Centre for Space Law欧洲空间法中心
exponential decay law指数衰减[衰变]率
Fick's law斐克定律 (扩散物质的量与浓度梯度的关系式)
gas laws气体定律
geometrical burning law几何燃烧规律
geometrical law of burning几何燃烧规律
guidance law导引规律
guidance law制导律
Hagen-Poiseuille law哈根-泊肃叶定律
homing law自导引规律
homing law寻的规律
Hooker's law胡克定律
hypersonic similarity law高超声速相似律
impulse guidance law脉冲导引律
in-law test姻亲试验
in-law test与某种武器系统密切相关的试验 (军备控制条约用语)
Institute of Air & Space Law航空与空间法研究所 (加拿大)
Institute of Space Law空间法学会
International Institute of Air & Space Law国际航空与空间法学会 (HASL)
International Institute of Space Law国际空间法学会
International Law Association国际法律协会
inverse square force law平方反比力定律
inverse-square law平方反比律
Kepler laws开普勒定律
Kirchhoff law基希霍夫定律
Kirchhoff radiation law基希霍夫辐射定律
Lambert law朗伯定律 (余弦定律)
law of coordinate damage坐标毁伤律
law of damage of target目标毁伤律
law of exponential damage指数毁伤律
law of fatigue疲劳定律
law of inertia惯性定律
law of parity conservation宇称守恒定律
law of propagation of errors误差传播定律
law of reciprocity for antenna天线互易性定律
law of similarity of explosion爆炸相似定律
linear guidance law线性制导律
natural law自然法则
Newton's viscosity law牛顿黏度定律
nonlinear guidance law非线性导引律
normal probability law正态概率分布律
nuclear war law核战争规律
optimal control law最佳控制律
optimal guidance law最优导引规律
optimized actuation law最佳启动规律
orbit control law轨道控制规律
perfect-gas law理想气体定律
Planck law普朗克定律 (量子理论的基本定律)
Planck radiation law普朗克辐射定律
power law幂律
power-law creep幂次律蠕变
power law fluid幂律流体
power-law nose幂次形头部
Prandtl-Glauert law普朗特-格劳特定律
radiation laws辐射定律
Raoult law拉乌尔定律
Rayleigh-Jeans radiation law瑞利-金斯辐射定律
scaling law比例定律
scientific law科学定律
second law of motion第二运动定律
second law of thermodynamics热力学第二定律
seeking guidance law寻的制导律
similarity law相似律
Snell law斯涅耳定律 (折射率定律)
space law空间法
space law航天]法
space law空间[外空
square-law characteristic平方律特性
square-law detection平方律检波
square law detector平方律检波器
Stefan-Boltzmann radiation law斯蒂芬-玻尔兹曼辐射定律
Sutherland law萨瑟兰定律 (温度随空气黏度变化的规律)
switching control laws开关控制律
target movable law目标活动规律
Thevenin's law戴维宁定理 (等效发生器定律)
transonic area law跨声速面积律
variance law方差律
variance-covariance propagation law方差-协方差传播律