
Terms for subject Agriculture containing laws | all forms
Adjustment Law for Agricultural Developing Area农业开发区调整法规
agrarian laws土地法
agricultural chemicals regulation law农药管理法规
agricultural financial law农业财政法
agricultural laws农业法规
agricultural product inspection law农产品检验法
air pollution control law防止空气污染法规
Arber's law of loss阿柏氏永失法则
biogenetic law生物发生律{进化}
biogenetic law重演律
Boltzmann distribution law波耳兹曼分布定律
Boys Ballot's law白贝罗定律
building standard law建筑标准法规
corn laws谷物条例指英国
corn marketing law谷物贸易法
diffusion law扩散定律{生理}
Dollo's law of irreversibility杜罗氏不可逆性法则{进化}
epidemic laws防疫法规
expropriation law征用法规
farm laws土地法
farming laws农业法规
Fick's law费克定律{土壤}
food control law粮食控制法规
food control law粮食管理法规
food hygiene law食品卫生法规
food law食品法
food law粮食法规
food sanitation law食品卫生法规
Fourier law傅立叶法则
fractional power law分数幂定律
Galton's law of regression高尔敦回归法则
general law of nature自然界的一般法则
Haeckel's law海卡尔法则生物发生律进化
Haldane's law哈罗登氏法则群体遗传学定律
Hardy-Weinberg law哈蒂-乌因柏格氏定律群体遗传学的基本规律
heat dose law热剂量定律[生态生理]
hereditary health law遗传健康法优生法
Hopkin's bioclimate law霍布金生物气候律
inheritance law继承法
Kirchoff's law基尔霍夫定律
labour law劳动法[规]
law of diminishing of fertility of soil土壤肥力递减律{土壤}
law of diminishing of soil fertility土壤肥力递减律{土壤}
law of diminishing return报酬递减律{土壤}
law of distribution分布律
law of durable years法定耐用年数
law of error误差定律
law of inheritance of acquired character获得性遗传法则{进化}
law of minimum factor最少因子律
law of minimum nutrient最小养分律肥料农化
law of photochemical equivalence光化学当量定律{生理}
law of plant mineral nutrition植物矿质营养法则{生理}
law of probability机率律
law of probability或然律
law of probability概率律
law of regression回归法则
law of similitude for drying干燥相似定律
law of the minimum最低因子定律{生理}
law of thermal热律
law of total effective temperature[总]有效积温法则
law of use and disuse用进废退律{进化}
law on sales financing销售融资法律
law on variety certification品种鉴定法
limiting law极限定律{土壤}
Mariotte's law马立沃脱定律
marketing law市场交易法规
mass action law质量作用定律{土壤}
Mendeleyev's law门捷列夫定律指周期律
Mendel's first law孟德尔第一定律指显性定律或杂种整齐度定律
Mendel's law of segregation孟德尔分离定律
Mendel's laws孟德尔定律
Mendel's second law孟德尔第二定律指分离定律
Mendel's third law孟德尔第三定律指独立分配或自由组合定律
multiplicative law of probability概率的倍增定律
natural law自然法则{进化}
normal law of errors标准误差律
periodic law of element元素周期律
Planck's law普朗克法则
plant protection law植物保护法规
poisonous and deleterious substances control law毒物与有害物管制法规
Poisson law波依逊法则
power law[乘]幕定律
product law乘积定律
quarantine law检疫规章{植病}
reorganization of agricultural laws农业法规重新编制
reproductive egg controlling law生殖卵管理法规{蚕}
resource law资源法
resultant law合力定律
rural customary law农村习惯法
seed laws种子法规
simple mass-law equation简单质体定律方程式
steering law引导法则
Stefan Boltzmann's law of radiation斯梯芬波尔兹曼辐射律
Stefan's law斯梯芬定律
stimulus quantity law刺激量定律
water bye-laws水的立法
water bye-laws水利法规
Weber's law韦伯氏法则
Wien's law of radiation魏恩辐射定律