
Terms containing large-ship | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.A liner is a large passenger ship班轮是大型客轮
econ.It's very expensive to keep a large ship waiting for a berth让大型货轮等候泊位费用极高
tech.large bulb ship大球鼻
nautic., tech.large landing ship大型登陆舰
tech.large moored ship系泊大型船
econ.large oceangoing ship远洋巨轮
shipb.large ship reactor大型船用反应堆
shipb.large tactical command ship大型战术指挥舰
shipb.large tactical command ship美国大型战术指挥舰
nucl.phys.large-ship reactor大型船舰用反应堆
textilelarge-sized ship巨轮
textilelarge-sized ship大型货轮
tech.large-tonnage ship大吨位船舶
nautic., tech.ship having an unusual large freeboard非常规富裕干舷船舶
shipb.unlade the cargo from large ship to barge从大船卸货到驳船
shipb.utilize shipbuilding new technique on a length 200m berth to construct length 300m super large-scale ship利用造船新技术在长度200米的船台上建造长度300米的超大型船舶
tech.very large ship巨轮