
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing large | all forms | exact matches only
billet with excessively large rhomboidity超大菱变的小方坯
billet with excessively large rhomboidity严重菱变【脱方】的小方坯
billet with excessively large rhomboidity过大菱变的小方坯
bottom of large bell【铁】 大钟下沿
burden material leaving large bell离开大料钟的炉料
China-designed large coke oven中国式大容积焦炉
clearance between large bell and throat wall大钟与炉喉间隙 (The critical dimensions are the stockline elevation and the clearance between the large bell and the throat wall. 关键尺寸是料线深度和大钟与炉喉间隙。)
critical shear stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能临界切应力
critical shear stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能金属的临界切应力
electroslag remelting for large ingot大锭电渣重熔 (【技】一种制备直径大于 1500mm 钢锭的电渣重熔方法。一般而言,钢锭越大,去除杂质元素、非金属夹杂物、保持钢锭化学成分均匀的难度越大。采用大锭电渣重熔是获得优质大型钢锭的重要方法,其优点是:钢的纯净度高、成分偏析少、组织均匀度高、塑性韧性好、钢锭利用率高等。)
excessively large corner gap角部气隙过大
excessively large rhomboidity过大的菱形变形
flow stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能流变应力
flow stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能金属中的流变应力
large amount of slag大渣量
large and deep tundish大容量深熔池中间包
large-and medium-sized pipes大、中型管材 (The plant specializes in the production of hot-and cold-rolled flat products as well as in large-and medium-sized pipes. 该车间专门生产热轧和冷轧扁平材以及大、中型管材。)
large angle boundary大角度晶界
large angle incoherent boundary大角非共格间界
large angle polygonization boundaries大角多边形化间界
large batch大批料
large batch charging大批装料
large-batch production大批生产
large batch split charging大批重分装
large bell大料钟
large bell【铁】 大钟
large bell大钟
large bell angle大钟倾角
large bell angle大钟角度
large bell beam大钟平衡杆
large bell cup大钟料斗
large bell cup大盖料斗
large bell diameter大钟直径
large bell dump大钟下料
large bell hopper大料斗
large bell hopper【铁】 大料斗
large bell hopper大钟料斗
large bell rope【铁】 大料钟操纵钢丝绳
large bell rope大钟操纵钢丝绳
large bell rope操纵钢绳
large billet大型小矩形坯 (【参】 large billet 在英文原版钢铁文献中出现的频率比较低,主要指"尺寸较大的小方坯",间或指"尺寸较大的小矩形坯"。)
large billet大型小方坯
large blast furnace大型高炉
large blast furnace大高炉
large bloom大型大矩形坯 (【参】 large bloom 在英文原版钢铁文献中出现的频率较低,主要指"尺寸较大的大方坯",间或指"尺寸较大的大矩形坯"。)
large bloom大型大方坯
large bonder brick1½宽直形砖
large calorie大卡
large calorie千卡
large capacity and deep bath tundish大容量深熔池中间包 (【技】连铸生产采用大容量深熔池中间包的优点是:延长钢水停留时间,有利于夹杂物上浮;保持中间包浇注稳定,防止渣子卷人结晶器,提高产品质量;减少金属损失,降低生产成本。)
large capacity bin大矿槽
large capacity bin容积矿槽
large capacity bin大容积矿槽
large capacity blast furnace大型高炉
large capacity furnace大型炉
large capacity furnace大容量炉
large capacity tundish【连】大容量中间包
large chamber大烟道
large cluster inclusions大型簇状夹杂物
large-coil packaging machine大带卷打包机
large continuous caster大型连铸机
large converter大型转炉
large converter大吨位转炉
large capacity core storage大容量磁心存储器
large-corner-radius billet大圆角半径小方坯 (Longitudinal corner cracks are predicted only in the large-corner-radius billet. 据预测,铸坯角部纵裂纹只发生在大圆角半径小方坯上。)
large deformation塑性变形
large deformation大量变形
large-diameter full-faced backup roll大直径全面支承辊
large-diameter hearth大直径炉缸
large-diameter seamless pipe大直径无缝钢管
large-diameter steel pipe大口径钢管
large dimension continuously cast bloom大尺寸连铸大方坯
large direct-current rolling mill driver轧机用大功率直流传动装置
large dislocation巨位错
large eddy simulation大涡模型
large eddy simulation大涡模拟
large enterprise大型企业
large equiaxed grain粗等轴晶粒
large equipment大型设备
large face平面
large face大面
large-field metallographic microscope广视场金相显微镜
large forging大型锻件
large forging ingot大型锻造用钢锭 (【技】供水压机锻造用的钢锭。该种钢锭锭型较大,一般为数十吨直至数百吨。锻造用钢锭使用的钢锭模是具有特定成分的铸造生铁。其浇注方式分为两种:吨位较小的锻造用钢锭采用下注;吨位较大的锻造用钢锭采用上注。对于质量要求较高的锻造用钢锭应采取保护浇注。)
large gauge steel pipe大口径钢管
large gauge steel tube大口径钢管
large-grained X-ray film粗粒 X 射线胶片
large hearth大直径炉缸
large hot rolling mill大型热轧机
large inclusion大颗粒夹杂物 (An optical microscope is used to count the number of large inclusions of over 30μm and the index of inclusion is calculated from this number. 使用光学显微镜对大于30μ m 的大型夹杂物进行计数,并据此计算出夹杂物指数。)
large inclusion大型夹杂物
large industrial cell大型工业电解槽
large ingot freezing大型铸锭凝固
large ingot solidification大型铸锭凝固
large ladle大浇包
large ladle大钢水包
large-lot manufacture成批生产
large-lot manufacture大批生产
large-lot manufacture大量生产
large lot production大量生产
large-lot production成批生产
large-lot production大量生产
large metallographic microscope大型金相显微镜
large mold大型结晶器
large molten steel ladle大钢水包
large nonmetallic inclusions in ingot钢锭中大型非金属夹杂物 (【技】钢锭中尺寸大于 l00μm 的非金属夹杂物。多半为铁锰硅酸盐、铝酸盐或莫来石、刚玉等。其主要来源是耐火材料的浸蚀物或钢水二次氧化的产物。为减少钢锭中的大型夹杂物,在出钢和浇注过程中应采取措施防止各种夹杂物进人钢水:对碳锰含量较低、硅铝含量较高的钢种,应防止钢水二次氧化;对碳锰含量较高、硅铝含量较低的钢种,则应防止耐火材料的浸蚀。)
large output大量生产
large output大产量
large oxide inclusion大型氧化物夹杂
large particle inclusion大颗粒夹杂物
large rhomboidity重度菱形变形
large rhomboidity严重脱方
large rhomboidity大菱变
large roll大轧辊
large rolling mill大型轧机
large-scale blast furnace大型高炉
large-scale electrolytic cell大型电解槽
large-scale experiment大规模试验
large-scale industry重工业
large-scale industry大型产业
large-scale industry大规模工业
large-scale industry大规模的工业
large-scale ingot大型钢锭
large-scale ingot casting大型钢锭浇铸
large-scale ingot freezing大型铸锭凝固
large-scale ingot solidification大型钢锭凝固
large-scale integrated circuit大规模集成电路
large-scale manufacture大规模生产
large-scale model大比例模型
large-scale pelletizing equipment大型造球设备
large-scale production大批量生产
large-scale test大规模试验
large-scale trial大规模试验
large-scale yielding大面积屈服
large-scale yielding大范围屈服
large-scale zone-refining大型区域精炼
large scrap大型废钢铁件
large section大截面轧坯
large section大断面
large section大型钢材
large section大型型材
large section continuously cast bloom大断面连铸大方坯
large section mill大型型钢轧机
large section mill大型轧机
large section steel大型型钢
large shape大型型材
large shape大型钢材
large size大号
large size大型
large size大尺寸
large-size sinter大粒烧结矿
large-sized blast furnace coke大块高炉用焦炭
large-sized coke大块焦
large-sized converter大型转炉
large-sized iron ore大块铁矿石
large-sized ladle for hot metal大铁水包
large-sized ore大块矿石
large-sized pellet大球团 (矿)
large-sized pellets大粒球团
large-sized pipe大尺寸管材
large-sized pipe大型管材
large-sized rolled steel大型钢材
large-sized scrap大块废钢铁
large-sized seamless steel pipe大直径无缝钢管
large-sized sinter大块烧结矿
large-sized sinter大粒烧结矿
large-sized steel product大型钢材
large slab大板坯
large slab大型初轧板坯
large slab caster大型板坯连铸机
large Soderberg cell大型连续自焙阳极电解槽
large Soderberg cell泽德伯格式大型电解槽
large stacking-fault energy高层错能
large steel semis大钢坯
large strip coil大卷带钢
large subsurface inclusions大型皮下夹杂物
large titanium alloy parts大型钛合金部件
large-tonnage equipment重型设备
large-tonnage plant大型设备
large-tonnage plant重型设备
large-tonnage plant大吨位设备
large-tonnage product大量生产产品
large-tonnage product大批生产产品
large-tonnage tundish大吨位中间包
large-tonnage tundish大容量中间包
large tundish大型中间包
large tunnel kiln大型隧道窑
large vessel大吨位转炉
large vessel大型转炉
large volume coke oven大容积焦炉
large-volume output大输出
large-volume output大量生产
large-volume output大产量
large-volume unit大型设备
large wall panel大型墙板
large width reduction rolling technology大幅度减宽轧制技术
larger particles segregate toward furnace center大块炉料偏向炉子中心 (In this case, V-shaped layers will form as shown in Figure 3. Note that the larger particles segregate toward the furnace center. 如图 3 所示,在这种情况下将形成 V 形料层。值得注意的是此时大块炉料偏向炉子中心。)
medium-large blast furnace大中型高炉
mobility of large-angle boundaries尖角间界可动性
state-owned large enterprise国有大型企业
very large scale integrated circuit超大规模集成电路
viscosity of large-angle boundary大角间界黏滞性