
Terms for subject Economy containing large | all forms | exact matches only
A debtor nation is a country whose foreign debts are larger than money owed to it by other countries债务国就是欠他国的债多于其他国家欠它的债的国家
a large quantity大数量
a large variety of stationery各种文具
A liner is a large passenger ship班轮是大型客轮
a very large crude oil carrier大型油轮 (20 万吨至 30 万吨)
activate enterprises of large and medium scale搞活大中型企业
an ultra large crude oil carrier特大油轮 (30 万吨以上)
an ultra large crude oil carrier超大型油轮 (30万吨以上)
As a result of large-scale unemployment, there was an over-flow of cheap labour force on the market in some African countries某些非洲国家的大规模失业现象造成市场上廉价劳动力泛滥
Because he bought a large quantity of goods, he paid only three quarters of the list price因为他购买了大量货物,他只付了价目单定价的 3/4
benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优势
benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优越性
complexity in large-scale management大规模管理的复杂性
damage at large未决定的损失赔偿要求 (指受损失在赔偿要求中未提赔偿金额留待法庭裁决)
diseconomy of large-scale production大规模生产的不经济
During an accident on the sea a large quantity of equipment was jettisoned在一次海上意外事件中,大批设备被抛入海
economics of large-scale production大规模生产经济法规
economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
economy of large scale大规模经济
economy of large-scale industry大规模工业的经济节约
economy of large-scale industry大规模经营的经济节约
economy of large-scale production大规模生产的经济节约
have a large small circulation发行量大 (小)
have a large small circulation销路大 (小)
If our ability to dispose of large quantity of goods is proved, you should give us exclusive selling right for the commodities如证实我们有能力大量销售货物,你方应给我们此商品的独家经销权
If the shoes are too small, you can exchange them for a larger pair如鞋子太小,你可以换一双大的
If you can buy large quantities of this merchandise, we will offer you 3% discount如果你能大量购买这种商品,我们会提供给你3% 的折扣
If your prices are fair we can place a large order with you but we request you to give us a substantial discount如果你方的价格公道,我方可向你方大量订购,但我方要求给我们较大的折扣
in a large measure大半
in a large measure大部分
in a large measure主要地
In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意给你们九折优惠价
inertia of large numbers大数惯性
Its resident agent has been highly reputed as a large camera dealer in that district它的常驻代理商一直是当地信誉卓著的照相机大经销商
It's very expensive to keep a large ship waiting for a berth让大型货轮等候泊位费用极高
large and small investment巨额和小额投资
large banks大型银行 (指德国的德意志、德累斯顿和商业银行)
large bill巨额票据
large bill大票面票据
large bond巨额债券
large bond大票面债券
large capital stock巨额资本股份
large company organization大公司组织
large duty高能的
large duty生产率高的
large external deficit巨额的对外赤字
large labor federation大工会联盟
large lot production大量成批生产
large lot production大批生产
large manufacturing大规模制造生产
large oceangoing ship远洋巨轮
large order大量定货
large profits and quick turnover厚利多销
large run大批 (制品)
large-scale agriculture大面积耕作
large-scale development project大规模开发项目
large scale enterprise大型企典
large scale farming大型农业
large scale floor plan大规模地面计划
large scale industry大型工业
large-scale land holdings大土地占有
large scale operation大规模经营
large-scale production大批生产
large scale system大规模系统
large-size production units大型生产单位
large social overhead capital project大规模社会资本计划
large sum巨额
large supply大量供应
large tonnage product大量产品
large volume commodity movement大宗商品运输
law of economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
make a large take大量猎获
management on large small scale经营
management problem in large-scale enterprises大规模企业中的管理问题
medium and large industrial and commercial enterprise大中型工商企业
Once you come to the fair personally, you'll find there is a large variety for selection一旦亲临交易会,你将发现有很多品种可供选择
opportunity for buying large quantity大量购买的机会
Our company bought a large quantity of green tea in the spring我公司在春季收购了大量绿茶
Our company is a large exporter of cosmetics我公司是一家很大的化妆品岀口商
provide home delivery service for large and bulky products大件物品送货上门
sink a large capital in furniture making投入大量资本于家具制造业
statute at large全文法令集
statute at large法令汇编
statutes at large法令全书
statutes at large全文法令集
statutes at large法令汇编
stock large库存量很大
super large-sized Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise超大型中外合资企业
support large domestic production支持国内大量生产
The bank lent the company a large sum of money to start its new project银行给这家公司贷了一大笔资金,让他们开始新的项目
The company began to gain a larger market share该公司开始获得较大的市场份额
The cost shall be evaluated for production of the article on large scale大规模生产该项产品的成本应予评定
The department store has a large patronage光顾这家百货商店的人很多
The large department store is trying to encourage sales by giving large discounts这家大百货公司以较大折扣的让利方式促销
The purchaser doesn't agree to pay such a large sum, so this transaction isn't concluded买主不同意支付这样大的金额,所以没有作成这笔交易
The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market真正的难题是扩大原始市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额
The samples you sent us are not large enough to judge你方所送来样不够大,无法判断
The small firms were merged into a large one这几家小公司合并成了一家大公司
There is a large percentage of damaged goods in the shipment这批货的残损率很高
There is large demand at present for this article这种商品目前需求量很大
They have a lot of letter to send, and a large correspondence to take care of他们有许多信件要发出,又有大量信件要处理
They hope that they can got large orders from our corporation他们希望能得到我公司的大笔定单
They need a large amount of capital to build new containers and cranes他们需要大量资金来建造新的集装箱和起重设备
They placed a large order after they had approved of the sample他们认可此样品后便订了大量的货
They prefer the small comer shop to the large supermarket他们宁愿到街角小店,而不到大超级市场
They stored the goods in large quantity expecting a rush next season他们预料下一季度会出现热销,大量储存此货
This large order is known to involve the participation of the three companies据悉,这一笔数量大的订货是三家公司共同参预的
We are considering large-scale investment in this line我们正在考虑对这一行业进行大规模的投资
We are very sorry that we can't supply you with a large amount of tinned fruit products as promised我方未能履行诺言供应你方大量水果罐头,十分抱歉
We expect a resumption of large-scale purchase after Christmas我们期望圣诞节后重新开始大规模的购货
We have a large choice of suppliers我公司的供货商很多,选择范围大
We have received a large number of telephone orders since we advertised our peculiar products through " TV shopping"自从我们通过"电视购物"给我们的特色产品作广告以来,我们收到许多电话定单
We hope that we will do a larger dealing between us next year我们希望明年在我们之间能做成一笔更大的买卖
We take the pleasure to inform you of our placing large orders with you现高兴地通知你方,我方将向你方大量订货
You are expected to provide us with a large quantity of goods patterned on the enclosed sample cutting附寄剪样,希望你方大量提供我们按样仿制的货品
You will find the combination furniture in the furniture department of a large store在大商店的家具部你可以找到组合家具