
Terms for subject Aviation containing large | all forms | exact matches only
advanced large-area infrared transducer髙级广域红外线变频器
advanced large object recovery system先进大型目标回收系统
advanced multipurpose large launch vehicles先进大型多用途发射装置
advanced technology large aircraft system先进技术大型飞机系统
advanced technology large aircraft system先进技术大型航空器系统
effect of large deflection大扰度效应
effect of large deflection大变形效应
European Future Large Aircraft Group欧洲未来大飞机集团 (英、法、德、意、西五国合作研制运输机)
extra large特大
extremely large scale integrated circuit超大规模集成电路
future large aircraft未来大型飞机
future large aircraft未来大型运输机 (欧洲 Euroflag 集团研制中的货机)
future large airlifter未来大型运输机
government large structures assembly政府大型结构装配
high altitude large optics高空大型光学系统
large advanced ballistic reentry vehicle大型先进弹道再人飞行器
large aircraft infrared countermeasures大型飞机红外对抗
large amount of process noise大量过程噪声
large amplitude大振幅
large amplitude resonance simulator大幅度共振模拟器
large-amplitude-roll maneuver大幅度滚转机动动作
large angle maneuver control大角度机动控制
large angle torque大角扭矩
large aperture大孔径
large aperture microwave radiometer大孔径微波辐射计
large-aperture seismic array大孔径地震检波器组合
large aperture technology satellite大孔径技术卫星
large area crop inventory experiment大面积作物估产实验
large area display大面积显示器
large area solar cell array大面积太阳电池阵
large array大队列
large array大数组
large bandwidth大带宽
large capacity core storage大容量磁心存储器
large cargo door大型货舱门
large cargo freighter大型货机
large cargo freighter大型货物运输
large code storage大容量磁芯存储器
large computer大型计算机
large core memory〔计〕大容量磁芯存储器
large core plastic optical fiber大芯径塑料光纤
large diameter大直径的
large displacement大排水量
large displacement大位移
large effective-area fiber大有效面积光纤
large error大误差
large flow大流量
large format camera大像幅摄像机
large IC automatic test system大规模集成电路自动测试系统
large mode fiber大模光纤
large optical communications experiment大型光学通信实验
large optical demonstration experiment大型光学器件演示验证实验
large optical tracker aerospace航空航天用大型光学跟踪器
large-particle method大粒子方法
large potential大电势
large potential大电位
large rotation大旋转
large rotation大循环
large scale array大规模阵列
large scale compound integration大规模集成电路
large scale computer system大型计算机系统
large-scale experiment大规模实验
large scale hybrid integrated circuit大规模混合集成电路
large scale hybrid integrated大规模混合集成
large scale integrated大规模集成的
large scale integrated/integration/integrator大刻度积分的/积分/积分器
large-scale integration大规模集成化
large scale integration technology大规模集成技术
large scale integrator大规模集成器
large scale structure of the universe宇宙大尺度结构
large screen color television大屏幕彩色电视
large screen radar indicator大屏幕雷达显示器
large solar observatory大型太阳观察台
large solid motor大型固体发动机
large structure technology experiment大型结构技术实验
large structure technology group大型结构技术组
large test chamber大型试验舱
large transport大型运输机
large transport aircraft大型运输机
large transport airplane大型运输机
large vertical aperture大垂直孔径
large wall screen display大型壁挂式显示器
large warfighting aircraft大型战斗机
orbiting large engineering observatory轨道大型工程观察台
supercooled large drop过冷大水滴
supercooled large drops过冷大水滴
very large array极大望远镜阵
very large array超大型基阵
very large array甚大阵
very large commercial transport超大型商用运输机
very large scale integration超大规模集成
very-large-scale integration超大规模集成