
Terms for subject Business containing large | all forms | exact matches only
amalgamated on a large scale and some were reorganized as "big collectives"城镇私人企业合并升级
Ambassador at Large无任所大使
ambassador at-large巡回大使
asymptotically stable in the large大范围渐进稳定
automatic large-scale production自动化大规模生产
benefit of large-scale production大规模生产优势
benefits of large-scale production大规模生产优势
Bernoulli law of large numbers伯努利大数法则
buy on a large scale大量购买
damage at large笼统损失赔偿金
damages at large损害赔偿费待裁等待法院裁决
double extra large超特大的
economics of large-scale plant大型厂的经济合理性
economics of large-scale production大规模生产经济学
gentleman at large失业者
have a large circulation销路大
importing and exporting large numbers大进大出
importing large numbers of complete plants引进大量成套设备
increase by a large margin大幅度提高
inertia of large number大数惯性
insurance of large risk巨额业务保险
Kolmogorov's strong law of large numbers柯尔莫戈洛夫强大数定律
landed property in large units大地产
large amount of import and export大进大出
large and comprehensive大而全
large and small investment巨额与小额投资
large automatic research calculator大型研究用自动计算机
large banks大型银行
large bond大面额债券
large-capacity storage大容量存储器
large-capital stock巨额股份
large capital stock巨额股本
large country terms of trade大国贸易条件
large data bank大型数据库
large demand大量需求
large deposit巨额存款
large down payments大量付现
large econometric model大型经济计量模式
large employment of labour雇佣大量劳工
large enterprise management大型企业管理
large enterprise products大企业产品
large external deficit巨额对外赤字
large grassroots establishment大型基层单位
large industrial corporation大型产业公司
large industrial enterprise大型工业企业
large loader大宗货
large loading大宗货
large manufacturing大规模制造
large manufacturing大规模生产
large market大市场
large monetary holdings大货币资本
large multiplant corporation大型联合公司
large multiplant enterprise大型联合企业
large network大网络
large number of observations大数观察法
large operator大宗经营商
large orders大批订货
large population大总体
large position holder大手部位持有人
large power motor大功率电机
large profit and quick turnover厚利多销
large purchase大批采购
large purchase大量购入
large quantities大数量
large quantity of information多量信息
large retailing大规模零售
large risk巨额危险
large risk巨大危险
large sample analysis大样本分析
large sample approximation大样本逼近
large sample distribution大样本分布
large sample distribution theory大样本分布理论
large sample joint confidence interval大样本联合置信区间
large sample method大样本法
large sample normality本样本正态性
large sample testing method大样本检验法
large sample theory大样本理论
large sample theory of maximum likelihood estimation极大似然估计值的大样本理论
large-scale capital investment大规模投资
large-scale capital investment project大规模投资项目
large-scale commercial farmer大规模商品生产农民
large-scale compound integration大规模混合集成电路
large-scale corporation大规模公司
large-scale digital computing system大型数字计算机系统
large-scale econometric model大规模经济计量模型
large-scale economy model大规模经济模式
large-scale economy-wide model大规模总体经济模型
large-scale enterprise model大型企业模式
large-scale experimentation大规模试验
large-scale exportation and importation大进大出
large-scale farming大规模农业
large-scale floor plan大规模地面计划
large-scale goods大众消费品
large-scale hybrid integrated circuit大规模混合集成电路
large-scale hybrid integration大规模混合集成化
large-scale industrial bases大规模工业基地
large-scale industry大工业
large-scale industry大型工业
large-scale inquiry大规模调查
large scale integrated-circuit大规模集成电路
large-scale machine industry大规模机械工业
large-scale manufacturing大规模生产
large-scale means of production大规模生产资料
large-scale mechanized industry大机器工业
large-scale merger大型联合企业
large-scale model大模型
large-scale model大型模式
large-scale national survey大规模全国调查
large-scale operation大规模经营
large-scale order大规模订货
large-scale packing大包装
large-scale production大型生产
large-scale retail business大规模零售业务
large-scale retail trade大规模零售业
large-scale sample大规模样本
large scale sampling大规模抽样
large-scale sampling survey大规模抽样调查
large-scale social overhead capital projects大规模社会间接资本计划
large-scale socialized production社会化大生产
large-scale society-technical system大型社会技术系统
large scale stocks大量存货
large-scale swing大幅度波动
large-scale swings of laissez-faire price levels放任物价水平大幅度波动
large-scale system大规模系统
large-scale system theory大系统论
large-scale technology大型技术
large-scale urban household budget survey大规模城市住户收支调查
large-shareholding conglomerates大型股份制企业集团
large-size enterprise大型企业
large-size enterprise group大型企业集团
large-size enterprise model大型企业模式
large sized cable大容量电缆
large-sized industrial corporation大型工业公司
large-sized industrial enterprise大型工业企业
large snake大幅度蛇形浮动
large social overhead capital project大规模社会间接资本计划
large special nonrecurring transaction巨额非常性交易
large sum in ready money大批备用现金
large sum of money一笔巨款
large trader大手部位交易者
large trading大手部位交易
large-volume commodity transport大宗商品运输
large volumes of commodity movement大宗商品运输
larger sales at a small profit薄利多销
law of economics of large-scale production大规模发展经济规律
law of production on a large scale大规模生产法则
management of large enterprises大企业管理
management of large-middle enterprises大中型企业管理
mature for large-scale trading大规模交易成熟
mature for large-scale trading大规模交易到期付款
maximum likelihood large sample test极大似然大样本检验
merit of large scale operation大型化经营优点
modern specialized large-scale production现代专业化大生产
modernized large company现代化大公司
modernized large enterprise现代化大企业
note of large denomination大面额钞票
opportunity for buying large quantity大量购买机会
production on large scale大规模生产
Rectifier efficiency is one of the main specifications of large rectifier devices整流效率是大型整流设备的主要技术指标之一
sink a large capital in投入大量资本
small, medium, large小、中、大号
stability theory of large scale system大系统稳定性理论
strong law of large numbers强大数法则
superiority of large scale production大规模生产优势
This is a trial order. Please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market If successful, we will give you large orders in the future这是试销订单。请先仅给我们发100套,看看市场如何。如果反响不错,我们将大量订购
ultra large cargo carrier超巨型货轮
ultra large crude oil carrier超巨型油轮指吨位在 30 万吨以上
very large crude oil Carrier巨型油轮
very large-scale integrated circuit超大规模集成电路
weak law of large number弱大数定律
Will you place a repeat order of screwdrivers for a larger amount?贵方要下更大的螺丝刀续购订单吗?