
Terms for subject China containing large | all forms | exact matches only
a large quantity of information and data大量的事实和数据
account for a relatively large portion占较大的比例 (of)
be at large在逃
business transactions involving large sums of money大额交易
carry out the plan for the large-scale development of the western region in the Eleventh Five-year Plan period组织实施西部大开发"十一五"规划
comparatively larger cities中国的较大市
disturb the order of large-scale mass activity扰乱大型群众性活动秩序
enterprises that consume large quantities of energy or cause serious pollution高耗能、高污染企业
large amount of fixed assets大额资产
large and medium-sized water conservancy and hydroelectric projects大中型水利水电工程
large construction project大型建筑工程
large in number人数众多
large industrial enterprises规模以上工业企业
large-scale associated enterprise大型联合企业
large-scale development of the western region西部大开发
large-scale mass activity大型群众性活动
large-scale publicity work大规模的宣传工作活动
large-scale raising and breeding规模化养殖
large-sum security大额担保
larger cities中国的较大市
odd number larger than three三人以上的单数
passed a draft law by a large margin高票通过法律草案
relations between "large nations"大国关系
the local people's congresses of the areas with a relatively large number of returned overseas Chinese归侨人数较多地区的地方人民代表大会
the people's congresses or their standing committees of the comparatively larger cities较大的市的人民代表大会及其常务委员会
towns with exceptionally large populations人口特多的镇
wage a series of large-scale campaigns开展一系列规模宏大的运动