
Terms for subject Securities containing lands | all forms
certificate for use of state-owned land国有土地使用证
certificate of possession of land土地拥有权证明
certificate of possession of land土地证
contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权人股
grant land use right批准土地使用权
grant land use right审批用地
land and building loan房地产贷款
land auction土地拍卖
land bank土地储备
land bank辅助不动产交易的 土地银行
land charge土地债务负担
land counted as investment土地作价投资
land flip地价飙升
land-holding company拥有土地的公司
land jobber地产商
land patent土地转让证
land patent土地证
land premium地价
land property bubbles房地产泡沫
land register土地登记簿
land revenue土地收益
land trust土地托管
land use right permit土地使用权证
land warrant土地许可证
pooling of land土地人股
pooling of land土地联营
pooling of land as shares土地人股
raw land未利用过的土地
receive payment on the basis of one's share of the land土地人股分红
registered land certificate注册土地登记证