
Terms for subject Water resources containing lands | all forms
adjacent land邻近地
arable land耕地
dry-farming land旱地
dry-farming land旱田
irrigated land灌溉地
irrigated land水浇地
irrigation land levelling灌溉土地平整
land accretion陆地冲击层
land accretion泥沙淤积
land-based pollution陆源性污染
land-based pollution sources陆源性污染源
land drainage system土地排水系统
land evaluation and classification土地评价和分类
land levelling整地
land preparation土地平整, 分级
land surveying土地调查
multiple land use多种的土地使用
overflowed land漫水区
polluted agricultural land污染农田
rapid infiltration-land treatment system快速渗滤土地处理系统
riparian land沿岸地面
scarcity of water and land resources水土资源短缺
State of Land and Water Resources世界粮食和农业领域土地及水资源状况
subsurface land drainage system地下排水系统
The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture世界粮食和农业领域土地及水资源状况
water and land scarcity水土资源短缺