
Terms containing lamb | all forms | exact matches only
repr.biol.average number of lamb per birth每胎平均产羔数
textileChina lamb's wool中国羔羊毛
biol.common lamb's quarters (Chenopodium album L.,藜科)
biol.common lamb's-quarters (Chenopodium album L.)
biol.common lamb's-quarters藜属 (Chenopodium L.,藜科)
anim.husb.daft lamb disease疯羔病
anim.husb.ewe with lamb at foot哺乳母羊
anim.husb.ewe with lamb at foot带羔母羊
anim.husb.fetal lamb spleen cell胎羔脾脏细胞
textileguinan black lamb fur贵南黑紫羔羊皮
anim.husb.in-lamb ewe怀羔母羊
anim.husb.in lamb nanny goat怀羔山羊
agric.in lamb nanny goat怀孕母山羊
gen.in two claps of a lamb's tail赶快
gen.in two claps of a lamb's tail马上
gen.in two claps of a lamb's tail立即
spaceinverted Lamb dip反兰姆凹陷
tech.inverted Lamb dip反兰伯凹陷
tech.inverted Lamb dip倒兰伯凹陷
anim.husb.lamb born per conception每次受胎产羔率
anim.husb.lamb carcase rejection羔羊胴体废弃
chem.lamb caul fat羊板油
cook.lamb chop羊排
gen.lamb chop in red wine sauce, French style法式扒羊排
repr.biol.lamb creep羔羊补饲栏
agric.lamb creep羔羊栏
repr.biol.lamb crop一季所产羔羊总数
agric.lamb crop羔羊产量
repr.biol.lamb crop percent产羔百分率
anim.husb.lamb crop percent产羔百分率一群母羊头数与所产羔羊(断奶时)头数的比率
avia.lamb dip兰姆凹陷
busin.lamb down挥霍金钱
agric.lamb drinker羔羊饮水器
vet.med.lamb dysentery羔羊痢疾
anim.husb.lamb dysentery羔羊痢疾病原:魏氏梭菌 (Clostridium welchii)
anim.husb.lamb expected daily gain羔羊预期日增重
anim.husb.lamb fast-gaining羔羊快速增重
agric.lamb fattening羔羊肥育
anim.husb.lamb fatting羔羊肥育
agric.lamb feeding羔羊饲养
anim.husb.lamb-feeding operation羔羊肥育场
anim.husb.lamb feeding schedule羔羊饲喂时间表
anim.husb.lamb feeding standard羔羊饲养标准
textilelamb fur小羊皮
textilelamb fur羔羊皮
anim.husb.lamb hog育成羊
anim.husb.lamb hog第一次剪毛前羔率
agric.lamb hog第一次剪毛前的羔羊
repr.biol.lamb hogg育成公羊
repr.biol.lamb hogget育成公羊
anim.husb.lamb in the middle of the night半夜产羔
biol.lamb-kill kalmia狭叶山月桂 (Kalmia angustifolia L.,杜鹃花科)
biol.lamb-lettuce小拟缬草 (Valerianella olitoria Moench.,败酱科)
repr.biol.lamb livability出生活羔率
anim.husb.lamb livability per cent lambs born alive of all lambs born出生活羔率出生活羔占全部出生羔羊百分率
anim.husb.lamb liver羊肝
textilelamb marking羔羊标志
anim.husb.lamb marking羔羊打号
repr.biol.lamb marking percentage羔羊打号率
anim.husb.lamb marking percentage羔羊打号率 ((澳、新)在羔羊出生后2〜6周,将羔羊打号、去势、断尾,此时由羔羊尾数计算每100只配种母羊的羔羊打号率,即繁殖成活率)
anim.husb.lamb meat羔羊肉
anim.husb.lamb meat小羊肉
spaceLamb noise silencing circuit兰姆消噪电路
anim.husb.lamb of tartary金毛狗 (Cibotium barometz (L.)J.Sm.)
anim.husb.lamb pelt of Hu sheep湖羊羔皮
anim.husb.lamb pelt yield产羔皮率
desert.Lamb Point兰布岬角 (美国亚利桑那州)
desert.Lamb Point Tongue兰布岬角舌 (美国犹他州纳瓦霍砂岩)
agric.lamb-raising period羔羊饲养期
agric.lamb registry小绵羊登记
agric.lamb registry绵羊羔登记
chem.lamb reverse剪毛绵羊革
tech.lamb roller羊皮加工辊
anim.husb.lamb routine weighing羔羊定期称重
tech.Lamb's dip兰姆凹陷
tech.Lamb's dip frequency stabilization兰姆稳频
desert.lamb's ears绵毛水苏
anim.husb.lamb's fall产羔
anim.husb.lamb's lettuce野莴苣
biol.lamb's lettuce菜拟缬草野苣,Valerianella locusta Betck.; Valerianella olitoria Moench,败酱科
biol.lamb's lettuce菜拟缬草野莴苣,Valerianella locusta Betck.; Valerianella olitoria Moench,缬草科
anim.husb.lamb's lettuce菜拟缬草
biol.lamb's lettuce家独活 (Valerianella olitoria Moenth.,败酱科)
oilLamb's problem拉姆问题 (地震)
tech.Lamb's problem兰姆问题
biol.lamb's quarter (Chenopodium album Linn.,藜科)
biol.lamb's quarters goosefoot (Chenopodium album Linn.,藜科)
tech.Lamb's semiclassical theory兰姆半经典理论
tech.Lamb's shift拉姆移位
tech.Lamb's shift兰姆移动
archit.lamb's tongue羊舌饰
tech.Lamb's tongue羊舌饰【建】
tech.Lamb's wave兰姆波
textilelamb's wool羔羊毛色
textilelamb's wool羔羊毛
tech.lamb's wool cylinder羊羔毛加工滚筒
textilelamb's wool knitwear羔羊毛衫
textilelamb's wool knitwear sweater羊仔毛衫
textilelamb's wool padding羔羊毛衬垫
textilelamb's wool sweater羔羊毛衫
textilelamb's wool sweater羊仔毛衫
textilelamb's wool yarn短毛混纺纱
textilelamb's wool yarn羔羊毛纱
vet.med.lamb septicaemia羔羊败血病
anim.husb.lamb shashlik羊肉串
chem.Lamb shift兰姆移位
anim.husb.lamb skin羔羊皮
chem.lamb skin
anim.husb.lamb splitter羊肉分割机
anim.husb.lamb splitter剔羊排刀
textilelamb suede羊皮
textilelamb suede羔羊皮
mil., air.def.Lamb suppressor兰姆朗伯抑制器
anim.husb.lamb survival羔羊存活
anim.husb.lamb teeth羔羊乳齿
anim.husb.lamb tongue羊舌
met.Lamb wave兰姆波
tech.Lamb wave板波
anim.husb.lamb weight羔羊体重
textilelamb wool羔羊皮
anim.husb.lamb wool1岁羊毛
anim.husb.lamb wool育成羊毛
anim.husb.lamb wool羔羊毛
anim.husb.light-weight lamb production轻体重羔羊肉生产英国为了羔羊肉提前上市,生产的羔羊肉体重较一般的轻
textilemicro suede bounding with lamb fur仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布
anim.husb.National Lamb Feeders Association全国羔羊饲养员协会
repr.biol.per cent lamb bom of ewe lambing产羔母羊产羔百分率
repr.biol.per cent lamb bom of ewes lambing产羔母羊产羔百分率
anim.husb.per cent lamb s born of ewel lambing prolificacy产羔母羊产羔百分率多胎性
textilePersian lamb skin波斯羔羊皮
anim.husb.pre-lamb shearing产羔前剪毛
tech.Rayleigh-Lamb frequency equation瑞利兰姆频方程
tech.Rayleigh-Lamb frequency spectrum瑞利
leath.sheep and lamb leather绵羊和羔羊皮革
anim.husb.stiff-lamb disease白肌病
anim.husb.stiff-lamb disease僵羔病
anim.husb.stiff lamb disease羔羊僵腿病①白肌病,硒及维生素E 缺乏症;②英国传染性羔羊关节炎一红斑丹毒丝菌症,病原为 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
anim.husb.store lamb feed羔羊肥育饲料
anim.husb.suckling lamb feed哺乳羔羊饲料
chem.tibet lamb skin滩羊皮
repr.biol.twin lamb disease双羔症
anim.husb.twin-lamb disease双羔病妊娠中毒症
repr.biol.twin lamb disease妊娠毒血症
anim.husb.twin-lamb disease双羔病
anim.husb.twin lamb disease双羔症母羊妊娠最后一个月,因血液中葡萄糖含量过低,表现滞钝、昏睡、无食欲、颤抖等症状,死亡率高。怀双羔母羊,当饲料缺乏、气候不良或在运输时,易患此病
vet.med.weak lamb syndrome羊羔虚弱综合症
tech.white pearl lamb skin白珍珠羔皮
tech.white pearl lamb skin plate白珍珠羔皮褥子
anim.husb.yellow lamb disease黄羔病