
Terms for subject Economy containing knowledge | all forms | exact matches only
An economist must have a knowledge of standards经济学家必须具备标准方面的知识
branch of knowledge学科
current knowledge with the financial community现时金融界知识
I have no knowledge of the contract我不知道有这么一个合同
imperfect knowledge不完全的知识
imperfect knowledge不完全知识
imperfect knowledge知识不完全
knowledge-based assumption以知识为基础的假定
knowledge box乡村学校校舍
knowledge factory学校尤指高校
knowledge factory高等学校
knowledge factory学校
knowledge factory教育机构
knowledge industry知识产业 (指新闻、 出版、电影、广告等行业)
knowledge industry知识产业指新闻、通讯、出版、音乐等行业
knowledge-intensive economy知识密集型经济
knowledge-intensive enterprise知识密集型企业
knowledge intensive industry知识密集工业
knowledge intensive industry知识密集型产业
knowledge overlap知识重叠
None of the patents is being infringed to the knowledge of the licensor据许可人所知,这些专利中并没有任何一份受到侵犯
perfect knowledge完全知识
production of knowledge知识的产生
sales knowledge销售知识
The catalog enclosed gives you a small knowledge of the vast range of radio and television sets we are now handling所附目录只是我们所经营的品种繁多的收音机和电视机的一小部分资料
The outside sales manager must have some knowledge of the technical capabilities and specifications of the products外销部经理必须了解产品的技术性能和规格