
Terms containing keep | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A thicker swim cap made of silicon as opposed to latex might be preferable to keep the head warmer一个较厚的泳帽由硅胶制成,而不是乳胶能够更好地为头部保暖
gen.An apple a day keeps the doctor away一日一苹果,医生远离我
gen.Can you keep an eye on my bag?帮我照看一下包好吗?
gen.clip and keep剪贴为了保存
gen.Could you keep my valuables?是否可代为保管贵重物品?
nautic., tech.cover keep lever支撑器
gen.Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight. OK沿着这条街开,右转,左转,一直往前。好的
gen.Excuse me. Will you please keep an eye on my suitcase? I just want to make a phone call for a short time劳驾,请你照看一下我的手提箱,好吗?我只是去打个电话,马上就来
gen.for keeps永久
gen.for keeps完全
gen.Here are claim tags for your baggage and your passport. Please keep it这是为您行李准备的提取牌和护照。请保管好
gen.Here are $50. Keep the change. That's my tip for you.这里是50美元。不用找钱了。当是我给你的小费
gen.Here is the receipt for your deposit. It s very important that you keep the receipt or you will not be able to get your deposit back when you leave这是您的押金收据。请您一定保存好收据,否则您离开时将取不回押金
gen.Here you are. Keep the change给你,不用找钱
gen.I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费
gen.I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间
sport.In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his allocated lane from start to finish在分道内进行的所有的赛跑、每名运动员必须始终保持在指定给他的分道内进行赛跑
gen.in good keep保存得好
gen.in high keep保存得好
sport.In running events great force is required to accelerate the body and to keep it in motion at top speed在径赛中、需要有极大的力量推动人体快速前进并保持人体高速运动
gen.keep a check on检査
gen.keep a check on控制
gen.keep a check on监视
gen.Keep a close eye to your carry-on when you are in the departure lounge在候机室时要看管好自己的随身行李
gen.keep a copy留副本
gen.keep a daily tally of the water-level fluctuations记录每天水位变化情况
gen.keep a diary记日记
gen.keep a jealous eye on担心地注视着
gen.keep a large stock of information见闻丰富
gen.keep a large stock of information见多识广
gen.keep a large stock of information学问〔学识〕渊博
fig.keep a good, sharp lookout for戒备
fig.keep a good, sharp lookout for注意
fig.keep a good, sharp lookout for小心提防
sport.keep a perfect record保持不败纪录
gen.keep a promise作出〔许下,信守,履行〕诺言
gen.keep a record记录 (of)
sport.keep a record保持纪录
gen.keep a record记下来 (of)
gen.keep a regardant eye upon对…仔细观察
gen.keep a secret保守秘密
gen.keep M a secret from把M对N 保密 (N)
gen.keep M a secret from不把M告诉N (N)
gen.keep a sharp lookout for留心察看
gen.keep a slack rein on sth.漫不经心地处理某事
gen.keep a slack rein on sth.放任自流
gen.keep a stiff upper lip顽强不屈
gen.keep a stiff upper lip坚定不移
obs.keep a weather eye on密切注视
gen.keep a weather eye out for密切注视
gen.keep abreast of保持与…并列
gen.keep abreast of跟上
gen.keep abreast of不落后于
gen.keep abreast of与…并进〔并驾齐驱〕
gen.keep abreast with保持与…并列
gen.keep abreast with跟上
gen.keep abreast with不落后于
gen.keep abreast with适应
gen.keep abreast with与…并进〔并驾齐驱〕
gen.keep M acquainted with使M能经常了解 N (N)
gen.keep M acquainted with使M对N保持接触 (N)
tech.keep additional accounts in addition to the authorized ones账目设账
gen.keep afloat使流通
gen.keep afloat使漂浮不沉
gen.keep after ...to + inf.着要…
tech.keep-alive anode保弧阳极
tech.keep-alive cathode保活阴极
tech.keep-alive circuit维弧电路
tech.keep-alive contact保弧触点
tech.keep-alive contact电流保持接点
tech.keep-alive current保活电流
tech.keep-alive discharge保活放电
tech.keep-alive electrode维弧阳极
tech.keep alive grid保活栅
tech.keep-alive relaxation保活弛张
gen.keep alive the memory of牢记
tech.keep-alive voltage维弧电压
gen.keep aloof离得远远的 (from)
gen.keep aloof不接近 (from)
gen.keep aloof不参与 (from)
gen.keep aloof离〔避〕开 (from)
gen.keep an account of记录〔载〕
gen.keep an ace up one's sleeve有应急的妙计
gen.keep an ace up one's sleeve手中留有王牌
gen.keep an ace up one's sleeve获有最重要的信息
tech.keep an appointment履约
gen.keep an appointment践〔如〕约
gen.keep an eye on留心
gen.keep an eye on注意
gen.keep an eye on密切注视
gen.keep an eye on照看
gen.keep an eye out留意
gen.keep an eye out for警惕
gen.keep an eye out for当心
gen.keep an eye upon注意
gen.keep an eye upon照看
gen.keep an eye upon密切注视
nautic.keep an offing航行在海上
gen.keep an open mind不孢成见
gen.keep at坚持
gen.keep at使…继续
gen.keep.. .at a distance与…保持相当距离
gen.keep at bay控制
gen.keep at bay不让…接近
gen.keep at retard阻碍
gen.keep at retard使迟延
gen.keep M away使 M 不靠近 (from N, N)
gen.keep M away使 M 远离 (from N, N)
gen.keep away from fire切勿近火
shipb.keep away from food products切勿接近食品
shipb.keep away from heat远离热源
securit.keep back阻止购买
gen.keep back隐瞒
gen.keep back阻止…向前
gen.keep back不前进
gen.keep back不告诉
gen.keep back留在后面
gen.keep bad time钟表走得准不准
gen.keep one's balance镇静
gen.keep one's balance沉看
gen.keep one's balance保持平衡
gen.keep body and soul together苟延残喘
gen.keep body and soul together维持生命
gen.keep one's breath屏息
gen.keep one's breath to cool one's porridge不要白费口舌
gen.keep calm安静
gen.keep calm保持镇定
gen.keep chime with和…步骤一致
gen.keep one's chin up振作起来
gen.keep one's chin up不泄气
gen.keep one's chin up不灰心
gen.keep M clean使M保持清洁
tech.keep clear让开
gen.keep clear of不接触
gen.keep clear of〔离〕开
gen.keep M close把M 隐,收藏起来
gen.keep one's composure沉住〔沉不住〕气
tech.keep confidential保守秘密
tech.keep cool保持冷藏
tech.keep cool保持阴凉
gen.keep sb.'s counsel保守某人的秘密
gen.keep count ofюр.,АУС 知道共有多少
gen.keep count ofюр.,АУС 一一计数
gen.keep count ofюр.,АУС 数…的数目
gen.keep one's countenance保持镇定
tech.keep course保持航向
tech.keep course and speed保向保速航行
gen.keep down减少
gen.keep down消除
gen.keep down缩减
gen.keep down蹲下
gen.keep down抑〔控〕制
gen.keep M down to size把M限制在一定规模内
ecol.keep ecological balance保持生态平衡
gen.keep one's eyes off不眼馋
gen.keep one's eyes off不去看
gen.keep one's eyes open留心看着
gen.keep one's eyes open留神看看
gen.keep one's eyes open保持警惕
gen.keep one's eyes open注意发现
gen.keep one's eyes open留神找
gen.keep one's eyes open注意
gen.keep fair with同…保持友好关系
gen.keep one's faith inviolate坚守诺言
gen.keep one's faith inviolate坚信不渝
gen.keep faith with对…守信用
gen.keep one's feet谨慎行动
gen.keep one's feet直立着
gen.keep one's figure保持体态苗条
gen.keep one's finger on the pulse of充分了解…
gen.keep one's finger on the pulse of掌握…的脉搏
sport.keep fit保持健康
gen.keep fit健身
sport.keep-fit exercise健身操
sport., med.keep-fit massage保健按摩
tech.keep flat平放
shipb.keep flat不可倒放
gen.keep one's footing保持地位
gen.keep one's footing站稳〔立场〕
gen.keep from使…不
gen.keep from妨〔阻,禁〕止
gen.keep from使免于
gen.keep from避而不
gen.keep from rust使不生锈
gen.keep full sails张着所有的风帆
sport.keep goal守球门
gen.keep...going使… 继续下去
gen.keep M going使 M 继续
gen.Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road继续前行50码,直到你走到一个三岔路口
gen.keep good hours按时作息
gen.keep good time钟表走得准不准
gen.keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device手要避开
gen.keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device使用任何切割机时
gen.keep one's head不慌不忙
gen.keep one's head保持镇静
sport.keep healthy保持健康
gen.keep him posted和他通气
gen.keep him posted不断供给他消息
gen.keep hold of抓住不放
gen.keep hold of抓住…不放
securit.keep house躲债
securit.keep house避债
gen.keep in呆着不出去
gen.keep in压住
gen.keep in抑制
gen.keep in让火燃着不熄
gen.keep in排紧
gen.keep in扣留
shipb.keep in a cool place在凉爽的地方保管
gen.Keep in a cool place在凉处保管
gen.keep in a cool place在冷 〔干〕处保存
shipb.keep in a dry place在干燥的地方保管
gen.keep in a file存卷
gen.keep in a file归档
gen.keep in a file汇存
gen.keep in a file订存
shipb.keep in a warm place在温暖的地方保管
gen.keep sb. in countenance使某人镇定
gen.keep M in custody拘留 M
gen.keep M in gear with使M —直与N相适应 (N)
gen.keep... in hand支配
gen.keep... in hand管理
gen.keep... in hand掌握着
gen.keep in memory没有忘记
gen.keep in memory记着
securit.keep in mind经纪人记住客户指令 (客户告诉经纪人他所希望交易的特定证券的价格和数量,经纪人按客户指令行事)
sport.keep in mind记住
gen.keep in mind考虑到
gen.keep in mind记着
gen.keep M in mind of使 M 想起 N (N)
gen.keep M in operation保持 M 运转〔有效〕
gen.keep M in good order使 M 保持整齐
gen.keep... in remembrance记着
gen.keep... in remembrance把…记在心里
gen.keep in reserve留作预备
sport.keep in shape保持健康
gen.keep M in shape使M保持原形不走样
gen.keep ...in store备有
gen.keep ...in store贮存
gen.keep M in subjection使 M 处于被统治地位
gen.keep M in suspense使 M 担心不知结果如何
gen.keep in the background在幕后
gen.keep in the background背地里
gen.keep in the background暗中
judo.keep in the center回归原位
gen.keep M in touch with使M同N保持联系〔接触〕 (N)
gen.keep M in touch with使M 了解N (N)
gen.keep in touch with保持与…接触〔联系〕
gen.keep M in tune使M处于良好的状态
gen.keep M informed随时向 M报告情况
tech.keep intact维持保护
tech.keep intact保持原样
gen.keep intouch withM 关心M
gen.keep intouch withM 和M保持〔不断〕联系〔接触〕
gen.keep it put使它固定不动
securit.keep it splendidly simple尽量简化
securit.keep it splendidly simple尽量简化程序,手续,语言
sport.keep it up坚持
gen.keep one's memory green永记不忘
gen.keep one's memory green记忆犹新
gen.keep one's mind on注意
sport.keep mind on专心于
gen.keep one's mind on留心
gen.keep one's mind on专心于
securit.keep minutes of a meeting作会议记录
sport.keep motionless position保持身体不动
gen.keep mum不说出去
environ.keep observation uponM 监视 M
gen.keep observation uponM 观察 M
gen.keep off避开
gen.keep off挡住
gen.Keep Off不保此物 (K.O.)
gen.keep off防止…接近
avia.keep off让开
gen.keep off不接近
gen.keep on让…一直…着
gen.keep on前进
gen.keep on反复
gen.keep on接连不断
gen.keep on继续进行
gen.keep on a file汇存
gen.keep on a file存卷
gen.keep on a file归档
gen.keep on a file订存
gen.keep ...on an even keel使…的首尾保持在同一水平上
gen.keep ...on an even keel使…保持平稳
gen.keep on one's course孢定宗旨
gen.keep on one's course坚持方针
gen.keep on one's course不变方向
gen.keep on the course尽自己的职责
gen.keep on the course笔直走
gen.keep on the course循正确道路前进
gen.keep on the course循跑道前进指马
gen.keep M on the move使 M 继续运〔流〕动
gen.keep on the rails使循规蹈矩
gen.keep on the rails使安分守己
sport.keep one's composure沉得住气
sport.keep one's flag flying for decades长盛不衰
sport.keep one's legs不跌倒
sport.keep one's legs站稳
gen.keep oneself close不与人相往来
gen.keep oneself in the foreground处在最显著的地位
gen.keep oneself in the foreground站在前面
tech.keep open保持开放
tech.keep open保持畅通
gen.keep M out不介〔进〕人 (of N)
avia.keep out切勿人内
gen.keep M out把M排斥在 N (of N)
gen.keep M out防止M侵人 (of N, N)
gen.keep M out不让 M 人 N (of N)
securit.keep out of debt摆脱了债务
gen.keep out of the way使避开
gen.keep one's own counsel不发表己见
gen.keep one's own counsel将计划〔意见〕保密
gen.keep pace与 M 并驾齐驱 (with M)
gen.keep pace跟上
gen.keep pace with同…齐步前进
sport.keep pace with同速跑动
gen.keep pace with跟上
tech.keep pace with the predicted growth in throughput跟上预计的吞吐量增长
gen.keep pace with the swift tempo of the day跟上时代的飞速步伐
tech.keep plate制动板
tech.keep plate fork压板货叉
gen.keep one's powder dry做好准备
gen.keep one's powder dry准备万一
gen.keep... quiet使…保持安静
gen.keep... quiet对…保持秘密
gen.keep rank保持队形
gen.keep rank维持队伍的秩序
gen.keep regular hours按时作息
gen.keep one's regular spell按时换班
gen.keep one's residence居住
gen.keep one's resolve坚持
tech.keep right sign右行标志
sport.keep score记分
sport.keep secret保密
gen.keep M separate from不要把 M 和 N 混在一起 (N)
gen.keep M separate from把M和N分开 (N)
amer.keep shady匿藏
amer.keep shady不声不响避免引人注意
securit.keep shareholders properly informed让股东适当地了解
gen.keep silent保持肃静
gen.keep silent aboutM 对 M 始终保持缄默
tech.keep site clear保持现场整洁
gen.keep something secret保密
gen.keep space保持车距
gen.keep step保持同样的步伐〔速度〕
gen.keep in step withM 与 M 的速度一致
gen.keep in step withM 与 M 保持同步〔步调一致〕
avia.keep straight ahead保持直线飞行
gen.keep straight on一直做下去
gen.keep straight on继续直进
tech.keep strictly to the terms of the contract严格遵守合同条款
inf.keep tabs on记…的账
inf.keep tabs on监视
inf.keep tabs on记录
gen.keep the aircraft stalled保持飞机处于失速状态
ski.jump.keep the balance保持平衡
gen.keep the ball rolling不使…中断
gen.keep the bed卧病在床
gen.keep the bones green不衰老
gen.keep the bones green保护身体健康
gen.keep the critical points cool使极需冷却的地点保持冷却
sport.keep the direction保持方向
gen.keep the engine young使发动机永远如新
gen.keep the field不退让
gen.keep the field坚持自己的主张
gen.keep the field继续作战〔比赛〕
gen.keep the field保持自己的地位
gen.keep the field守住阵地
gen.keep the flag flying坚持战斗
sport.keep the goal守门
gen.Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left右手拿刀,左手拿叉
tech.keep the land aboard保持望见陆地
tech.keep the land aboard保持沿海岸航行
sport.keep the opponent off balance使对手失去平衡
sport.keep the opponents at bay使对手陷入困境
gen.keep the peace维持治安
securit.keep the pot boiling一直保持繁荣
gen.keep the record straight弄清真相
tech.keep the royal touching尽量靠上风航行
gen.keep the run of不落后于
gen.keep the run of与…并驾齐驱
gen.keep the run of经常了解
gen.keep the run of与…保持接触
nautic.keep the sea保持制海权
nautic.keep the sea在继续航行中
tech.keep the sea保持海上航
nautic.keep the sea在海中
gen.keep the secret保守秘密
gen.keep the secret from him对他保守秘密
sport.keep the shuttlecock in the air【键】斗键
tech.keep the sounding-pole going篙测行驶
securit.keep the state owned shares保持国有股
securit.keep the state-held shares保持国有股
tech.keep the vacuum constant保持真空度不变
tech.keep the wind尽量守住上风 (防下风有险礁)
gen.keep the worst of the sun's heat out把太阳的大部分热量挡在外面
gen.Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America把兑换单收好。在您离开美国时,需要兑换余下的外汇时也许有用
gen.keep time准〔及,记〕时
gen.keep time合〔打〕拍子
gen.keep time withM 同M合拍
gen.keep to一直
gen.keep to使保持
gen.keep to坚持
tech.keep to instruction按照指示
tech.keep to program按照计划
tech.keep to program按照程序
tech.keep to program固定施工进度计划
tech.keep to schedule按计划进行
tech.keep to schedule按照计划
gen.keep to the bottle嗜酒
gen.keep to the point扣住要点〔主题〕
gen.keep to the record不扯到题
gen.keep to the right行人靠右行
gen.keep touch withM 关心M
gen.keep touch withM 和M保持〔不断〕联系〔接触〕
tech.keep tower防守塔
tech.keep tower城堡主塔
gen.keep track掌握M的线索
gen.keep track记录M
gen.keep track与M保持接触
gen.keep track跟上M的进程〔发展〕
gen.keep track记着M
gen.keep track时常注意M
gen.keep track始终监视M
gen.keep track留意 M
gen.keep under控〔压〕制
gen.keep M under a spell使M听得出神
gen.keep M under observation观察 M
gen.keep under restraint抑制
gen.keep under restraint束缚
tech.keep up保持不跌落 (价格)
gen.keep up维持
gen.keep up支持
gen.keep up遵守
gen.keep up使保持继续下去
gen.keep up a correspondence withM 同 M 保持通信联系
gen.keep up one's courage不气馁
gen.keep up one's courage不丧胆
gen.keep up one's courage不泄气
tech.keep up pressure保持压力
tech.keep up regular supply保持经常供应
gen.keep up to date使-直知道最新的情况
gen.keep up with不落后于
gen.keep up with跟上
gen.keep up with the times赶上时代
gen.keep up with the times跟上时代
tech.Keep upright保持直立
tech.Keep upright切匆倒置
tech.Keep upright不要翻倒
shipb.keep upright保持竖立
avia.keep-up-to-date document accountability system保持更新文件责任系统
avia.keep-up-to-date drawing accountability system保持更新图纸责任系统
avia.keep up-to-date drawing system保持更新图纸系统
shipb.keep us posted请随时通知我们
gen.keep M waiting使 M 等着
gen.keep watch值班
gen.keep watch注意 (for)
gen.keep watch看守
gen.keep watch and ward日夜警卫
gen.keep watch and ward日夜〔不断〕监视
sport.keep watch on监视
tech.keep-way vessel直航船
inf.keep one's weather eye open注意
inf.keep one's weather eye open时刻警惕
inf.keep one's weather eye open警戒
inf.keep one's weather eye open密切注视
securit.keep well agreement/clause担保协议/条款
tech.keep wire line in tension拉紧钢丝绳
gen.keep within bounds使适中〔不过度〕
gen.Keep your arms and head inside the bus请不要将头、手伸出窗外
gen.OK, keep calm now. Here comes the driver of the other car. Take my advice, please, for once好了,现在保持冷静吧。那辆车的司机过来了。你听我的,就这一次
gen.Please keep two enter seats for us to pick up请给我保留两张靠中间位置的
tech.plumber block keep中间轴承盖
nautic., tech.plummer block keep中间轴压盖
gen.So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late, but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case目前看来会延误两小时,不过,请多查看飞离航班信息牌,以防万一
gen.Some keep the palm leaves, braiding them and using them as sacred decorations in their homes一些人把棕榈叶保留下来,编织起来放在家里作为圣物装饰
gen.Sorry to keep you waiting so long很抱歉让你等了这么久
gen.Starting the day on an egg could keep your blood pressure in check, research suggests研究表明,每天清晨吃一个鸡蛋可以有效控制血压
gen.The best way I found to stop the cramp is to stand up and keep your foot flat, then push your ankle back and your knee forward我发现阻止抽筋最好的办法就是站起来,保持脚平放,然后向后推你的踝关节,向前推你的膝关节
gen.The company, with rooms designed in France ahead of product development strengths, keeps on leisure, fashion, elegant women's style该公司凭借在法国的设计室超前的开发优势,不断推出休闲、时尚、优雅的女装款式
refrig.There will be lots more to keep children entertained, including the chance to visit a state-of-the-art ice cream machine为小朋友们提供的娱乐环境和设施远不止于此,比如他们还可以试试顶级的冰激淋机
gen.This is an area of peace and tranquility. It is expected that people keep their voices down out of respect for those who are meditating这是静区。出于尊重冥想的人,大家都会把声音放低
sport.Thrower tries to keep discus as flat as possible during its flight to reduce wind resistance运动员试图使掷出的铁饼在飞行时保持扁平状以减少风的阻力
gen.Try to keep your fridge and pantry stocked with foods that make up a nutritious, heart-healthy diet, such as whole grains, fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits让您家的冰箱和储藏食品的柜子中保存一些富有营养,并有益于心脏的食品,例如全麦食品、鱼类、瘦肉、蔬菜和水果等
gen.We are waiting for 3 passengers to get aboard. Please remain seated and we will keep you informed我们在等三位旅客登机。请在座位上稍等片刻,我们会随时通报
gen.We shouldn't keep the ship waiting to be cleared我们不应该让船等候太久再报关
gen.You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it你来填张失物登记表,我会替你留意的
sport.You need to keep your gym equipment locked up and "off" when no one is supervising在无人使用健身器材时,你必须将其锁定并关闭
gen.You'll keep in touch with us at home, won't you?回国后你会和我保持联系吧?
gen.Your skis will float if you have softer-flexing alpine ski-boots because you will be able to keep balance and there will be more room for your ankles软一些的滑雪靴更有利于滑雪板浮在雪上,因为在软鞋里更能保持平衡,而且脚踝活动空间更大
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