
Terms for subject Business containing integrated system | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
check integrated into voucher system并入凭单制支票
integrated accounting system综合会计制度
integrated commanding and control system统一指挥控制系统
integrated control system联合控制系统
integrated data processing system集成数据处理系统
integrated data professing system综合数据处理系统
integrated data retrieval system整套数据检索系统
integrated electronic system集成电子系统
integrated industrial system完整工业体系
integrated information system集成信息系统
integrated operating system一体化经营制度
integrated operation intelligence system综合经营情报系统
integrated optics system集成光学系统
integrated predicts QC system综合产品质量管理系统
integrated statistical information system综合统计信息系统
integrated system of industrial statistics产业统计一体化系统
integrated systems improvement project综合系统改进项目
integrated systems test综合系统检验
integrated transit system联运系统
intelligent integrated manufacturing system智能集成制造系统
materials management on-line integrated system线上总合物料管理系统
need for integrated system整体制度需要