
Terms containing installing | all forms | exact matches only
spaceantenna installing error天线安装误差
consult.applying resources to install quantities物力表示所确定的工程量
consult.applying resources to install quantities以人力
shipb.at the entrance of small hatch-cover, to install two footrests and handgrips.在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
shipb.at the entrance of the small hatchcover, to install two footrests and handgrips在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
tech.bearing installing tool轴承安装工具
light.Before installing the light bulb, you should look at the tag in the fixture socket and make sure the maximum wattage for the bulb安装灯泡前,应先看灯具底座上的标签,从而确定此灯具所允许的最大功率
proj.manag.Before you install software and firmware updates on your production servers, you should deploy these updates in a test environment在生产服务器上安装软件和固件更新之前、应该先在测试环境中部署这些更新
gen.Can you install a car seat in one of those cars? I have a 3-year-old son with me您能在其中一辆车中为我3岁的儿子加一个车座吗?
tech.capacity of installing power equipment安装动力设备能力
ITclean install原始安装
proj.manag.clean install全新安装
multimed.clean install净化安装
econ.discounting install meat credit分期付款信用的银行贴现
auto.easy to install便于安装装配,设置
exhib.Electrical Installing Company机电安装公司
exhib.Electrical Installing Company电力安装公司
avia.engineering furnish and install工程提供和安装
auto.equipment and install设备与安装
avia.equipment and install设备和安装
spacefairing install room整流罩扣罩间
nautic., tech.flexible installing弹性安装
tech.full install重新安装
agric.full install完全安装
tech.full install全安装
hydroel.st.hanging and installing挂装
vent.He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer before installing the air-conditioner安装空调前,他先用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去
proj.manag.I asked Tim to install an antivirus software program on my computer我要求提姆帮我的计算机安装一套防毒软件
proj.manag.In those systems, you would have provided some sort of setup program to install your driver在那些系统中、你要提供一些安装程序端口来安装驱动
exhib.Industrial Equipment Installing Company工业设备安装公司
shipb.inspecting insulation hot for captain room, chief engineer room and electrical engineer room before install panel安装面板前检查船长室、轮机长室和电机员室、隔热
shipb.inspecting insulation hot for captain room, chief engineer room and electrical engineer room before install panel安装面板前检查船长室、轮机长室和电机员室隔热
China, polit.the Standing Committee install Deputy Secretaries-general常务委员会设副秘书长若干人
tech.install drawing安装图
tech.install for centrifugally cast concrete离心力浇筑混凝土的装置
chem.install in series串联安装
commer.install led capacity装机容量
commer.install led capacity已安装能力
tech.install machinery安装机器
commer.install machinery and equipment安装机器设备
manag.install machinery and equipment安装机器和设备
busin.install machinery and equipment安装机器与设备
met.install ment装配
met.install ment分期付款
met.install ment安装
fin.install merit inst.部分还欠
fin.install merit inst.摊付金
fin.install merit inst.分批
fin.install merit inst.分期
fin.install merit inst.分期付款
mining.install ing pumping equipment安装抽油设备
el.install shade and railings装设遮栏
tech.install winnower安装风选机
spaceinstalling accuracy安装[装配]精度
tech.installing brick砌砖
tech.installing column of sand铺填砂井
exhib.Installing Company of Chemical Industry化工安装公司
met.installing crane安装用起重机
el.mach.installing diagram安装图
el.mach.installing drawing安装图
met.installing mechanic安装技术员机械师
el.mach.installing of equipment装机
tech.installing pile shaft by excavation挖孔灌桩法
mining.installing pumping equipment安装泵抽设备
tech.installing remedial measure安装补救措施
tech.installing replacement pipe安装更换管道
sol.pow.installing rubber rings to holes on outer casing上外壳胶圈
el.mach.installing surface安装面
ITinstalling testing安装测试
auto.installing torque安装扭矩
oilinstalling wellhead抢装井口
dril.installing wellhead装井口
commer.It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run安装这套大型机器代价很高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的
proj.manag.It is possible that the setup program is of too low an edition, please install the latest setup program for the touch screen有可能是触摸屏驱动程序版本过低、请安装最新的驱动程序
archit.joint installing machine混凝土路面接缝安装机
tech.joint installing machine接缝安装机 (混凝土路面)
mil., air.def.missile installing vehicle导弹安装车
comp., net.network install management网络安装管理
agric.normal install正常安装
tech.outline overall and installing dimensions外形及安装尺寸
tech.overall installing capacity总装机容量
auto.ready-to-install headliner预装的车顶内衬
proj.manag.Reboot to install software updates?安装软件更新版本要重新引导吗?
auto.remove and install拆卸和安装
tech.reserve-power source installing system备用电源设备系统
busin.segmental installing分段装配
navig.self-installing platform自安装平台
tech.shaft installing轴套 (密封用)
wind.shaft installing sleeve密封用轴套
tech.shaft installing sleeve密封用轴套
multimed.smart install program智能安装程序
hydroel.st.stator lifting and installing定子吊装
tech.system install系统安装
light.The first step to install a light fixture is to select the proper location of the fixture for the area that requires illumination安装灯具的第一步是在需要照明的区域选择合适的安装位置
busin.to pay by install分期付款
proj.manag.To uninstall a single image and its dependencies, use the same command-line arguments that were used to install the image若要卸载单个映象及其依赖项、可使用与安装此映象时相同的命令行参数
nautic., tech.total installing power总装机功率
oilturning-up-installing wellhead翻转法抢装井口
oilunderwater installing水下安装
tech.update install更新安装
proj.manag.User session is ready to install applications用户会话已准备好安装应用程序
tech.valve installing tool气门安装工具
ITvirus installing module病毒装入模块
comp.virus installing module病毒装人模块
econ.We hope that this delay will not influence your installing the machines我们希望此次延误不会影响你方安装机器
gen.we shall be installing the equipment this day month下个月的今天我们安装这套设备
tech.well-head installing装井口
oilwhole hanging method for installing wellhead整体吊装法安装井口
hydroel.st.working platform for installing gate闸门安装平台