
Terms containing industrial technology | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
earth.sc.Agency of Industrial Science and Technology Japan工业科技局日本
oilAgency of Industrial Science and Technology属日本通商产业省工业科技厅
avia.agency of industrial science and technology科学和技术工业局
avia.Boeing industrial technology group波音工业技术集团
spaceCenter for the Development of Industrial Technology工业技术开发中心 (CDIT, 西班牙)
avia.Committee for Industrial Technology〔英〕工业技术委员会
gen.Foundation of Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology挪烕理工学院科学与工业研究所
busin.industrial design technology工业设计技术
manag.industrial technology工艺学
tech.industrial technology工业技术
manag.industrial technology division工业技术司
busin.industrial technology division工业技术公司
manag.industrial technology information bank工业技术资料库
busin.industrial technology information bank工业技术信息库
el.Industrial Technology Research Institute工业技术研究院中国台湾
earth.sc.Institute for Transfer of Industrial Technology产业技术转让研究所
comp.name.Korean Industrial Technology Corp.韩国工业技术公司
busin.market in industrial technology工业技术市场
econ.market industrial technology工业技术市场
busin.national development program of industrial technology工业技术国家开发规划
oilNew Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization日本新能源与工业技术开发组织
el.New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization新能源及产业技术开发组织日本
ecol.New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization新能源和工业技术开发组织
earth.sc.New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization新能源和工业技术开发组织
nautic., tech.New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构
fin.Nordic Fund for Technology and Industrial Development北欧技术和工业发展基金组织
el.North American Technology and Industrial Base Organization北美技术与产业基地组织
busin.Program for Advanced Industrial Technology先进工业技术方案
gen.Program for Advanced Industrial Technology先进工业技术发展规划
tech.science-technology industrial park科技工业园
avia.Society of Industrial Technology〔英〕工业技术协会
gen.Society of Industrial Technology工业技术协会