
Terms for subject Economy containing incurred | all forms | exact matches only
contingent liability incurred by notes信用票据的或有负债
cost incurred account实际费用账户
incur a financial deficit出现赤字
incur a heavy loss招致重大损失
incur losses招致或遭受损失
Luckily, no pecuniary loss has been incurred by us很幸运,我方未招致任何金钱损失
obligation incurred已发生的待付债款
One who acts against the regulations shall incur a penalty not exceeding RMB ¥500违规者应处以人民币500元以下的罚款
Please debit me with any expenses they may have incurred请把他们新增添的任何费用记入我的账户借方
Please debit them with any expenses you may have incurred and hold the goods at their disposal给你们增添的任何费用均请记入他方账户的借方,并请将货物代为保管,听候他们处理
The amount of demurrage incurred is $500该项滞期费为500美元
The company bears the losses thus incurred in the case of dead freight, demurrage or fines在发生空舱、滞期或罚款的情况下,该公司承担由此引起的损失
The company has incurred heavy costs to carry out the project这家公司为实现这项计划已投入了大量费用
The expenditure thus incurred will be payable by the shipowner, carrier, and cargo owner in proportion to their respective value由此而产生的费用将由船主、承运人和货主三方按价比例分摊
The measures are adopted to guard the investors against the loss incurred during inflation采取这些措施是为了保护投资者免受通胀时期内的损失
We are to indemnify you for the great expenses you have incurred我们准备对你方所花的巨额费用予以补偿
We didn't expect that it would incur your complaint我们没有想到这会引起你方的不满
We have incurred deficit three years running我们已连续三年出现了赤字
We have to ask for a compensation of US $54 000 to cover the loss incurred我们必须索赔54 000美元,以弥补所受的损失