
Terms for subject General containing in -form | all forms | in specified order only
be in form处于良好的〔不良的〕竞技状态
Could you please fill in this form?您能填一下这张表格吗?
fill in a form填表
Fill in the customs baggage declaration form填好这份海关行李申报单
form an epoch in...在…上开创了一个新时代〔纪元〕
in any shape or form以任何形式〔种类〕
in capsule form以简略形式
in M form以〔取〕M形状〔式,态〕
in form情况良好
in M form呈M状态
in form形式上
in the form ofM 呈M状态
in the form ofM 以〔取〕M形状〔式,态〕
octantal in form测向器的八分误差
roll in pack form叠板轧制
solution in closed form闭式解
taijiquan in 24 forms二十四式太极拳
take form in具体化
The name you fill in the form must be the same as shown in your passport填写申请表格时,名字必须与护照记录保持一致
Well, you can telephone or write to the American embassy to tell them about your case. And then, they will ask you to fill in some forms你可以打电话或者写信给美国大使馆说明你的情况,然后,他们会要求你填写一些表格
Yes. Log on to the website of the United States embassy in Beijing and fill in the application forms and make an appointment online登录美国驻华大使馆的网站,填写申请表,然后网上预约