
Terms for subject Informal containing in | all forms | exact matches only
bang in the middle在正当中
be hand in glove与 M 关系密切 (with M)
be in a rush大忙特忙
go in at one ear and out at the other当做耳旁风
go in at one ear and out at the other左耳进右耳出
in a brace of shakes刹那间
in a brace of shakes马上
in a brace of shakes立刻
in a fix进退两难
in a fix处境困难
in a huddle乱七八糟
in a pinch在紧要关
in a pinch在危急时
in a snap马上
in a snap立即
in cahoot与…共同共谋,合伙,勾结 (with)
in cahoots与…共同共谋,合伙,勾结 (with)
in life世间
in life一生中
in life在生存中
in two twos一转眼
in two twos立刻
not for anything in the world决不
why in hell到底为什么