
Terms containing hurdle | all forms | exact matches only
sport.A hurdler must not trail his leg or foot alongside any hurdle instead of clearing it跨栏运动员应从栏架上面跨越过去、 不应拖着一条腿从栏架旁边过去
sport.A steeple chase of 3000 metres includes 28 hurdle jumps and 7 water jumps在 3000 米障碍赛跑途中要跨越 28 个栏架和 7 个水池
athlet.attack the hurdle攻栏
sport.attack the hurdle动词词组攻栏
tech.bamboo hurdle竹栏
tech.bamboo hurdle竹席
athlet.base of hurdle栏架底座
athlet.base of hurdle跨栏底架
athlet.bash a hurdle碰倒栏架
tech.brush hurdle树篱
tech.brush hurdle绿篱
tech.brushwood hurdle灌木栽成的篱笆
securit.call hurdle最低赎回价
scub.check the hurdle制动步
sport.Chinese athlete Liu Xiang finished first in the men's 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, breaking the Olympic record and equalling the world record. He won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games中国田径运动员刘翔在男子110米跨栏决赛中以 12 秒91的成绩打破奥运会纪录、平世界纪录、在第 28 届奥运会田径比赛中他为中国获得一块金牌
athlet.clear a hurdle过栏
sport.clear a hurdle动词词组过栏
athlet.clear the hurdle过栏
athlet.clear the hurdles过栏
athlet.clear the hurdles flat低平过栏
athlet.clearance of the hurdles过栏
athlet.come off the hurdle下栏
sport.come off the hurdle动词词组下栏
athlet.come up to the hurdle上栏
anim.husb.creep hurdle补饲栅栏
fin.cut-off, or hurdle rate截止率
sport.Devers of the United States was leading up to the final hurdle, over which she tripped and fell美国的德弗斯一路领先、直到她跨越最后一个栏架时、绊倒在地上
athlet.dip over the hurdle上体压栏
sport.distance between hurdles栏间距离
athlet.drive down off the hurdle下栏
athlet.drive off the hurdle下栏
athlet.drive over the hurdle冲跑过栏
met.drying hurdle干燥架
econ.economic hurdles经济障碍
athlet.eighty metres low hurdle80 米低栏
tech.fascine hurdle柴束栏栅
tech.fascine hurdle柴束栏
tech.fascine hurdle梢篱
tech.fence hurdle防卫栅栏
fin.financial hurdle财政关卡
securit.financial hurdle财政障碍
fisheryfishing hurdles捕鱼墙
athlet.four hundred meters hurdles400 米栏
athlet.four hundred metres middle hurdles400 米中栏
athlet.get over the hurdle过关
athlet.get over the hurdle过栏
athlet.glide over hurdle滑动过栏
tech.hazel wattle hurdle榛树枝条篱栏
sport.He cleared all the hurdles easily他轻松地跨越了所有的栏架
athlet.height of hurdle栏高
athlet.high hurdle高栏
athlet.hit a hurdle碰到栏架
athlet.hit a hurdle踢栏
athlet.hundred and ten metres high hurdle110米高栏
tech.hurdle board栅栏板条
tech.hurdle board篱笆格条
sport.hurdle clearance过栏动作
hydroel.st.hurdle cut-off rate基准收益率
hydroel.st.hurdle dike栅栏透水堤
textilehurdle drier干燥栏
textilehurdle drier格架烘干机
athlet.hurdle events跨栏赛跑项目
tech.hurdle fence矮围墙
tech.hurdle fence篱笆
hydroel.st.hurdle groin栅栏透水丁坝
archit.hurdle groin栅栏透水坝
hydroel.st.hurdle groyne栅栏透水丁坝
archit.hurdle groynes栅栏透水丁坝
athlet.hurdle hop跳栏架
athlet.hurdle jump跳栏架
met.hurdle packed scrubber栅格填料洗涤塔
met.hurdle packing栅格填充物
anim.husb.hurdle plot保护小区以铁丝网保护的小试验区,用以比较草地不同处理之间的差异,多用活动围篱作成
desert.hurdle plot保护小区 (以铁丝网保护的小试验区)
equest.sp.hurdle race跳栏赛马
equest.sp.hurdle race障碍赛
athlet.hurdle race跨栏跑
athlet.hurdle race跳栏
polo.hurdle race跨栏赛马
sport.hurdle race跨栏赛跑
sport.hurdle races跨栏跑
polo.hurdle racing跨栏赛马
polo.hurdle racing障碍赛马
fin.hurdle rate最低预期收益率
econ.hurdle rate最低预期资本回收率
busin.hurdle rate必须超过的收益率
oilhurdle rate基准回收率
oilhurdle rate最低期望收益率
oilhurdle rate最低可接受收益率
proj.manag.hurdle rate最低预期回报率
busin.hurdle rate取舍率
securit.hurdle rate预设回报率
securit.hurdle rate of return最低可接受的报酬率
athlet.hurdle runner跨栏运动员
tech.hurdle scrubber栅格式气体洗涤器
athlet.hurdle sitting跨栏坐
athlet.hurdle spacing栏间距
scub.hurdle step跨跳步
athlet.hurdle step跨栏步
athlet.hurdle step过栏步
athlet.hurdle stride跨栏步
athlet.hurdle stride过栏步
anim.husb.hurdle system活动围栏放牧法草地用活动围栏划成小区放牧,每日或经常移动围栏,使畜群吃到新鲜牧草,现已多用电围栏代替
anim.husb.hurdle system活动围栏放牧法
met.hurdle-type scrubber栅格式洗涤塔
tech.hurdle-type washer栅格式气体洗涤器
tech.hurdle veranda铺编竹地板的檐廊
athlet.hurdle walking走栏架
met.hurdle washer栅格式洗涤器
tech.hurdle work编条制品
tech.hurdle work编篱工
archit.hurdle work条制品
tech.hurdle work编柳条制品
tech.hurdle work河堤网格工
sport.Hurdler steps, rather than jumps, over hurdles.跨栏运动员应跨越栏架而不是跳过栏架
athlet.hurdles clearance过栏
athlet.hurdles race跨栏跑
sport.Hurdling events have ten hurdles跨栏比赛项目设 10 个栏架
sport.I was running very well, until I hit the tenth hurdle with my lead leg我一直跑得非常好、跨越第十个栏架时、我的前腿踢栏架了
athlet.intermediate hurdle中栏
athlet.junior hurdle青少年栏架
athlet.keep square over the hurdle过栏时两腿前后伸展与栏成直角
sport.Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒
athlet.knock down a hurdle撞倒栏架
athlet.knock down a hurdle碰倒栏架
sport.knock down the hurdle动词词组碰倒栏杆注释:knock down 系短语动词,原意是撞倒、打倒、击倒
athlet.layout over the hurdle过栏
athlet.low hurdle低栏
athlet.low hurdle clearing跨低栏
athlet.low hurdle clearing低跨栏
sport.400m hurdles400 米栏
athlet.mat hurdle垫上跨栏模拟练习
athlet.measure of hurdle栏的丈量
athlet.men's 110 hurdles男子110米栏
athlet.men's 110 hurdles男子 110 栏
athlet.men's 400 hurdles男子400栏
athlet.men's 400 hurdles男子400米栏
sport.men's 110 m hurdles男子 110 米栏
athlet.middle hurdle中栏
sport.middle hurdle, intermediate hurdles中栏
sport.Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯和汤普森不少镜头
proj.manag.multiple hurdle model跨栏模式
HRmultiple hurdle selection procedures多障碍选拔程序
athlet.number of hurdles栏的数目
athlet.number of hurdles跨栏数目
athlet.one hundred and ten meters high hurdle110 米高栏
athlet.one hundred and ten meters hurdle110 米栏
athlet.one hundred meters hurdle100 米栏
athlet.one hundred meters low hurdle100 米低栏
athlet.one hundred metres low hurdle100米低栏
athlet.overrun the hurdles栏间步太大起跨点太近
athlet.overrun the hurdles栏间跨大步
eng.geol.pile hurdle dike透水桩坝
tech.pile hurdle dike透水排桩堤
tech.pile hurdle dike透水排桩丁坝
tech.pile hurdle dike透水桩堤
tech.plank hurdle works木板栏栅
athlet.pop over the hurdle突然过栏
athlet.resisting force of hurdle栏架的阻力
athlet.ride the hurdle over骑过栏
athlet.rotate over hurdle扭转过栏
athlet.run between hurdles栏间跑
athlet.runout from the last hurdle to the finish从最后一栏到终点跑段
athlet.settle on the hurdle停在栏上
agric.sheep hurdle羊舍
agric.sheep hurdle羊群分散栅栏
agric.sheep hurdle羊圈
athlet.shuttle hurdle穿梭跨栏接力 (relay)
athlet.skim the hurdle掠过
athlet.skim the hurdle擦过
athlet.snap down the hurdle迅速下栏
athlet.snap off the hurdle迅速下栏
athlet.snap over the hurdle迅速过栏
tech.snow hurdle防雪栅栏
tech.snow hurdle防雪栏
tech.snow hurdle防雪栅
athlet.soar over the hurdle腾空过栏
athlet.soft hurdle top软栏架顶端
athlet.space between hurdles栏间距离
athlet.space between the hurdles栏间距离
sport.space between the hurdles名词词组栏间距离
athlet.sprint through the hurdle冲刺通过栏架
athlet.step between hurdles栏间步
athlet.steps between hurdles栏间步
athlet.straightaway hurdle直道栏
athlet.stumble at a hurdle攻栏不果断
athlet.take the hurdle上栏
proj.manag.target or hurdle level目标或难度水平
sport.The development of male 110-meter hurdle race technique is closely related with the reform of the hurdle, scientific progress and fierce competition男子 110 米栏跨栏技术的发展和改进与栏架变革、科技进步及竞争激烈密切相关
sport.The hurdles can be knocked down, but both legs must clear them运动员可以碰倒栏架、但双腿必须越过栏架
athlet.thrust into the hurdle攻栏
athlet.top bar of hurdle栏架横木
athlet.top bar of the hurdle栏架横木
athlet.top rail of the hurdle栏架的横木
athlet.toppling force of the hurdle栏架的翻倒力量
athlet.trail one's leg alongside a hurdle由栏架一旁跨过
athlet.trail one's leg alongside a hurdle由栏侧跨过
sport.trail one's leg alongside a hurdle动词词组腿从栏架一旁跨过
tech.wattle hurdle篱笆栅栏
athlet.weight of hurdle栏重
tech.wire-mesh hurdle铁丝网栅
athlet.women's 400m hurdles女子 400 米栏
athlet.women's 400m hurdles女子400栏
athlet.women's 100m hurdles女子 100 米跨栏
sport.women's 100 m hurdles女子 100 米栏
tech.wood hurdle scrubber木棚洗涤器