
Terms for subject Wrestling containing hold-down | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
grapevined leg hold-down and half Nelson缠外肩下杠杆压颈
half Nelson and grapevined leg hold down缠腿侧面肩下握颈
half Nelson and grapevined leg hold down缠腿肩下握颈
hold down压倒
hold down at right angle直角压倒
hold down at the head从头部压倒
hold down at the shoulder从肩部压倒
hold down between the legs穿腿压倒
hold opponent's body down压住对手身体
sit-back with grapevine arm hold-down握臂缠腿过桥摔
waist and ankle hold down抱腰和踝翻
waist and ankle hold down抱腰踝翻