
Terms for subject Economy containing hold | all forms | exact matches only
a belly hold机腹货舱
a free hold自由掌握
An official in the Department of Foreign Affairs will hold a press conference on the issue外交部某一官员将就这一问题举行一次新闻发布会
ask for ship's hold survey申请船舱鉴定
belly pits or holds行李仓
cargo in hold舱内货物
cargo in hold混装货物
certificate on hold船舶检验证书
CIF ex-ship's hold到岸舱底交货
clean and swept hold清扫过的货仓
cleaning holds清舱
cost, insurance, and freight ex-ship's hold到岸舱底交货
cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold成本、保险费、运费至轮船舱底交货价 (C. I. F. ex ship's hold)
ex ship's hold船上舱底交货 (价)
ex ship's hold cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸轮船仓底交货价 (货价、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价)
free hold完全保有的地产和职位
free hold land society自由保有地协会
from ship's rail into ship's hold由船舷至船底
hold a court开庭
hold a position of trust担任负责的工作
hold a position of trust担任公司的负责工作 (in the firm)
hold a session开会
hold a tender拍卖
hold back取消
"hold back" money"暂留"款项
hold cargo装舱货物
hold cleaning扫舱
hold constant保持不变量
hold covered仍予负责
hold firm坚持
hold harmless agreement转移责任的约定
hold harmless agreement免责协议
hold in check控制住
hold in one's own个人持有
hold in one's own possession个人持有
hold in prison监禁
hold men舱内装卸工人
hold saving接受储蓄
hold sticks with比得上
hold sticks with和…光明正大地竞争
hold stock拥有股票
hold the market垄断市面
hold the market左右市场
hold the trump-cards in the export拥有出口优势
hold to坚持
hold sb. to ransom绑某人的票
hold sb. to ransom掳人勒赎
hold trig deed把所有权让给现占有人的契约
hold under duress胁持
hold up索取高利
hold up阻滞
hold water有道理
hold water有理由
I agree to hold strictly confidential all information我同意对一切情况严守秘密
inspection of holds货舱检査
inspection on cleanliness of dry-cargo hold干货舱清洁检验
insulated hold冷藏舱
insulated hold绝缘舱
Insurer holds us harmless and indemnifies us against damages承保人保证我们不受损害,并对损害予以赔偿
It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures把这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更好一些
lease hold property租赁管业财产
lease hold property租赁财产
load cargo into the hold装货入舱
Please debit them with any expenses you may have incurred and hold the goods at their disposal给你们增添的任何费用均请记入他方账户的借方,并请将货物代为保管,听候他们处理
Please inform us by return mail what we shall deal with the machinery and equipment Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?请即回函告知这批机械及设备的处理办法,是将货退给你们,还是暂存我处留待你方处理
refrigerating hold冷藏舱室
She holds the office of managing director她的职务是常务董事
shipped in the hold装载于舱内
Since it was neither force majesty nor any other contingencies beyond your control, we have to hold you responsible for the delay of the delivery既然这既不是不可抗力也不是你们难以控制的别的任何意外事故,我方不得不要你方承担延迟交货的责任
The bank hold a debenture on the corporation银行拥有该公司的债券
the hold capacity货舱容积
the hold capacity船舱容积
the hold for arrival of goods货到后提示货票
The offer sent on March 3 still holds good before the end of this week3 月 3 日所送报盘有效时间到本周末为止
We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay我们要求你方取道经由新加坡,如果你方选错航线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责
We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任
We hold all information submitted to us in strict confidence我方对一切提交给我们的信息均严加保密
We hold the opinion that the duration of such corporation will be perpetual我们认为这类公司的寿命是永恒的
We'll hold a lot of business negotiations now and hereafter我们现在和以后都要进行多次商务洽谈