
Terms for subject Business containing hold | all forms | exact matches only
amortization of lease-hold租赁费摊销
capacity of cargo hold货舱容积舱容,以立方米为计量单位
cargo in hold混装货
cargo in hold舱内货
cease to hold office终止行职
C.I.F. ex ship's hold到岸仓底交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价
consultation hold咨询保持
cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸货船舱底交货价成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价
depth of hold舱深
down hold限制
down hold减少
down hold expense限制开支
free hold保有不动产
free hold完全保有的地产
free hold终身享有的不动产
hold an offer open保留报价有效
hold and tank cleaning charge洗舱费
hold back暂留
hold back扣留工资
hold back money扣留暂留款项
hold-back pay暂欠工资
hold capacity舱容量
hold cargo待运货物
hold cargo底层舱货物
hold confirmed确认预订
hold contract抵押合同
hold control保持调整
hold current保持现状
hold down抑制
hold down夹板
hold down压块
hold down压紧
hold down紧缩
hold down压低物价
hold for arrival of goods留待货到
hold good有效
hold goods hold harmless agreement转移责任协定
hold in one's own possession个人持有
hold no liability for damages不负赔偿责任
hold on lease租赁
hold one to something坚持要…履行诺言
hold out拖延签约者
hold over展期
hold over续雇佣
hold over延迟
hold price保持价格
hold price保持价格不变
hold stock持有股票债券
hold the balance掌握决定权
hold the shipment停止装运
hold up〈美〉拦路抢劫
hold-up in the sale of commodities商品高价销售
hold with赞成
hold with同意
house-hold industry家庭工业
I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss我想知道,保险公司是否对丢失承担责任
individually managing specialized house hold自营专业户
inspection on hold船舱检查
instruction to hold the shipment停止装运通知
international system of nationally-hold food reserves国家掌握粮食储备的国际制度
lease hold租期
lease hold insurance租赁物保险
lease hold interest insurance租赁权益保险
lease hold mortage租赁抵押
lease hold tenure租赁管业制
lower hold船的底舱
right to hold public office担任公职权
sample hold采样保持
shipped in the hold已装载于船舱内
stow cargo in the hold货物装舱
stow goods in the hold堆舱
stow goods in the hold理舱