
Terms for subject China containing hold | all forms | exact matches only
a draft law be made public for the whole country to hold a two-month discussion法律草案向全国公布交付全国人民讨论两个多月
concurrently hold兼任
directly hold直接持有
future holds bright prospects for our great motherland伟大祖国前程似锦
hold a by-election to replace a deputy补选
hold a consecutive term连任
hold a consecutive term upon re-election连选连任
hold a demonstration meeting召开论证会
hold a discussion meeting召开论证会
hold a dominant market position具有市场支配地位
hold a forum召开座谈会 (for somebody)
hold a forum for non-voting deputies召开列席代表座谈会
hold a fresh round of talks举行新一轮会晤
hold a meeting举行会议
hold a plenary meeting召开全体会议
hold an interim session召开临时会议
hold another election另行选举
hold another inquest重新勘验
hold by-elections to fill the vacancy补选出缺的代表
hold debates and hearings召开立法论证会、听证会 (for bills)
hold differing opinion持不同意见
hold down the excessive rate of increase抑制增长过快的势头 (in)
hold forged currency持有伪造的货币
hold full discussion of all the details and constantly improve the draft law充分讨论、仔细推敲、不断完善草案
hold grab and escort揪送
hold guns持枪
hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜
hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜
hold in compliance with law依法举行
hold in custody羁押
hold in public公开进行
hold invalid exit certificate持用无效出境证件
hold legally liable承担法律责任
hold legally liable for speeches or votes为发言和表决承担法律责任
hold meetings of the Standing Committee once every other month两个月举行一次常委会会议
hold no legal liability不受法律追究 (for)
hold office担任
hold office担任职务
hold office in an administrative organ of the State担任国家行政机关的职务
hold Party and government posts concurrently交叉任职
hold pleas审理诉案
hold responsible in accordance with law依法负责
hold seminars召开论证会
hold the equity持有权益
hold the nationality of the People's Republic of China具有中华人民共和国国籍
hold the office担任 M 职务
hold the posts of deputy governor of a province or deputy mayor担任副省
hold the securities持有证券
hold tight and escort揪送
hold training sessions举办培训班
hold trials on the spot就地办案
hold up traffic中断道路交通
hold up traffic交通中断
hold with any other person与他人共同持有
illegally hold other persons' credit cards非法持有他人信用卡
indirectly hold间接持有
knowingly hold or use counterfeit currency明知是伪造的货币而持有、使用
propose to hold提议召开
right to hold a leading position担任领导职务的权利
the National People's Congress NPC holds a session全国人民代表大会举行会议
unlawfully hold非法持有