
Terms containing hold | all forms | exact matches only
avia.altitude hold高度保持
avia.altitude hold高度保持 (ALT hold)
avia.altitude hold mode高度保持状态
avia.altitude hold mode高度保持模式
avia.altitude hold selected选择的控制高度
judo.arm hold固臂
avia.attitude hold姿态保持
avia.automatic altitude hold自动保持高度
avia.automatic attitude hold自动姿态保持
avia.baggage hold行李箱
avia.baggage hold行李架
refrig.belly hold下部货舱
judo.break a hold脱把
gen.break stow the hold开始下货装舱
judo.break the hold压制解除
judo.break the hold压制取消
avia.breath hold time屏气时间
securit.buy and hold囤仓
securit.buy and hold购人持有
avia.called subscriber hold被叫用户保持
gen.can't hold a candle toM 比不上M
gen.can't hold a candle toM 不能与 M 相比
gen.catch hold of握住
gen.catch hold of占有
gen.catch hold of抓〔握〕住
gen.catch hold of抓住
gen.claw hold of占有
gen.claw hold of抓〔握〕住
gen.compute-reset-hold switch计算、回位、持恒三用开关
gen.computer-reset-hold switch计算-复位-保持三用开关
avia.container hold下层集装箱货舱
gen.Could you hold a moment, please?请稍等一下好吗?
gen.Could you hold on a little longer?你能再等一会吗?
judo.crossmark hold十字压肘
judo.crossmark hold十字固
gen.cubic capacity of holds货舱的立方容量
gen.equation holds true方程式成立
fisheryfish hold volume渔舱容积
fisheryfish hold volume渔舱体积
judo.four quarters hold四方固
avia.gate-hold procedures人口保持程序 (当要起飞飞机的延误时间超过或预计超过最小限度时,机场方面所启动的让飞机在人口或另一地面位置等待的程序。在该程序下,除非流量控制限制做出修改,一般飞机离场的顺序应与原先一致。此时飞行员应注意地面管制部门的关于发动机启动信息和通知的起飞许可传送频率,或如果延误变化而提出的新的起动或滑行时间)
gen.get hold of握紧
gen.get hold of占有
gen.get hold of抓〔握〕住
gen.get hold of找到
gen.get hold of抓住
gen.get hold of找某人
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick颠倒
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick误解
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick搞错
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick弄错
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick完全误解
avia.glide beam hold侧滑波束控制
avia.ground hold地面等待 (空中交通管制用语,指飞机等待批准后才开车)
avia.guns battery-hold back switch机心释放装弹和后退扣住开关
judo.hand and arm hold固肩手臂
judo.hand hold固手
gen.have hold of抓住…不放
gen.have hold of the wrong end of the stick颠倒
gen.have hold of the wrong end of the stick误解
gen.have hold of the wrong end of the stick搞错
avia.HDG HOLD航向保持
avia.Heading Hold航向保持
avia.heading hold mode航向保持模式 (在飞行控制系统中,一种在飞机完成机动的瞬间自动保持其航向的控制模式。又称 heading lock (航向锁定))
gen.hold a brief for主张
gen.hold a brief for为…大声疾呼
gen.hold a brief for为…辩护
gen.hold a celebration举行庆祝
gen.hold a conversation withM 与… 会谈
gen.hold a conversation withM 与M进行谈话〔交谈〕
gen.hold a fact-finding meeting开调査会
gen.hold a firm belief that坚决相信
gen.hold a meeting开会
gen.hold a piece or part夹住零件
securit.hold a position持仓
gen.hold a post at在…任职
gen.hold a post concurrently兼任职务
gen.hold a tolerance of M on把 N的公差限制在M (N)
gen.hold M accountable for要 M 对 N 负责 (N)
gen.hold aloof不参与 (from)
gen.hold aloof不接近 (from)
gen.hold aloof离得远远的 (from)
gen.hold aloof离〔避〕开 (from)
gen.hold an exhibition on举办…展览会
securit.hold and pay provisions持有和支付条款
gen.hold at bay控制
gen.hold at bay不让…接近
securit.hold at the opening开盘时持有
gen.hold back压〔止,挡〕住
gen.hold back保密
securit.hold back扣款
gen.hold back隐瞒
gen.hold back钳 〔牵〕制
gen.hold back扣留
gen.hold back抑〔克〕制
gen.hold back踌躇
gen.hold back缩进
refrig.hold-back valve吸气压力调节阀
gen.hold one's breath屏息
securit.hold breath to watch stock market屏气凝神注视着股市
judo.Hold broken!裁判用语压技解脱!
gen.hold by坚持
gen.hold by固执
gen.hold by遵守
gen.hold sb. cheap轻视
gen.hold cheap轻视
gen.hold sb. cheap看不起
gen.hold sb. cheap低估某人,某物
gen.hold communion with与… 有思想上交往
securit.hold concurrent posts兼职
gen.hold conditionРЗА 解的固定状态
gen.hold conditionРЗА 持恒〔保持〕状态
gen.hold counsel together协商
securit.hold covered暂时承保
securit.hold covered仍然承担责任
gen.hold dear看重
gen.hold dear珍视
gen.hold M dear重视〔非常喜欢〕M
avia.hold down使保持向下
gen.hold down压〔吸〕住
securit.hold down压缩 (开支,费用)
securit.hold down压低物价等
gen.hold down抑〔压〕制
gen.hold down按〔压〕下
avia.hold-down mechanism牵制-释放机构
avia.hold down test静态点火试验
avia.hold down test台架试验
gen.hold enough electricity蓄有足够的电
gen.hold fast坚持
gen.hold fast稳固
gen.hold fast toM 握〔抓〕紧M
wushu.hold fists on hips抱拳
gen.hold for decay放置等待衰变
securit.hold for long term长期持有
securit.hold for release待机抛出
securit.hold for release备货
gen.hold forth发表意见
gen.hold forth提出〔供〕
gen.hold forth给予
gen.hold ...from阻止 (+ ing)
gen.hold ...from使…不能 (+ ing)
securit.hold good生效
gen.hold good适用
gen.hold good有效〔理〕
gen.hold good对M 适用 (for M)
securit.hold good起作用
securit.hold good契约有效
gen.hold good成立
gen.hold good对 M 有效 (for M)
gen.hold one's hand留余地
gen.hold one's hand拉…的手
gen.hold one's hand罢手
securit.hold harmless agreement损坏责任转移协议
gen.hold high高举
gen.hold in忍耐
gen.hold in压住
gen.hold in抑 〔压,阻〕止
gen.hold in abeyance把…停顿〔暂缓〕一下
gen.hold in abeyance暂搁
gen.hold sth. in abomination憎恶某事物
gen.hold in balance悬置未决
gen.hold in check抑制
gen.hold in check防〔阻,制〕止
gen.hold... in contempt看不起…
gen.hold... in contempt藐〔轻〕视…
gen.hold... in derision嘲弄…
gen.hold in detestation讨厌
gen.hold in detestation痛恨
gen.hold in esteem尊重 (敬)
gen.hold... in esteem尊重…
gen.hold in fee永远继 (simple)
gen.hold in fee拥有无条件继承的权利 (simple)
gen.hold ...in great account非常重视
gen.hold sb. in high regard尊敬 〔蔑视〕某人
gen.hold in honour尊重 (敬)
gen.hold in memory记住
gen.hold M in obedience使 M 服从
securit.hold in pawn典当持有
gen.hold M in place把M固定〔保持〕在应有的位置
gen.hold M in place把M固定就位
gen.hold in place把… 固定就位〔固定在适当的位置〕
gen.hold in readiness经常有准备
gen.hold in respect尊重 (敬)
gen.hold M in reverence尊敬 M
gen.hold M in shape使M具有适当的〔保持应有的〕形状
gen.hold in solution溶解
gen.hold M in subjection使 M 处于被统治地位
gen.hold in the balance结果尚未可知
gen.hold in the balance悬置未决
gen.hold... in thralldom使…受奴役〔束缚〕
securit.hold in trust以信托方式持有
gen.hold in trust保管
gen.hold sb. in Zow regard尊敬 〔蔑视〕某人
securit.hold-in-custody repo保管人持有回购
securit.hold-in-custody repo持有保管回购
gen.hold one's interest吸引住…的兴趣
securit.hold investment in bond以债券形式投资
judo.Hold is on!裁判用语固技开始!
gen.hold it good以为是好的 (to + inf.)
avia.hold item list掌握项目清单
avia.hold item list保留项目清单
wushu.hold knee抱膝
wushu.hold leg抱腿
securit.hold matched SI暂缓执行配对结算指示
avia.hold mode保持模式 (防止太阳电池阵转动的工作模式)
gen.hold no fear for sb.不能使某人惊恐
gen.hold no fear for sb.吓不倒某人
gen.hold no terrors for sb.不能使某人惊恐
gen.hold no terrors for sb.吓不倒某人
securit.hold notice持有通知
gen.hold... of no account不算数
gen.hold... of no account不重视
gen.hold... of no account轻视
bridge.hold off忍让
gen.hold off保持一距离
gen.hold off隔〔离〕开
gen.hold off拖延
gen.hold off耽搁
gen.hold off不使靠近
bridge.hold off缓拿
gen.hold-off rectifier偏压电源整流器
gen.hold on拉住
gen.hold on忍受
gen.hold on继续
gen.hold on支,维 (to)
gen.hold on使固定
gen.hold on抓牢
gen.hold on等—下
gen.Hold on a second, please. Right, sir. You are booked and confirmed on flight 109 to Paris tomorrow请稍等。是的,先生。您明天去巴黎的109航班机已确认无误
gen.Hold on for just a second, so I can grab a pen and paper稍等一下,让我拿下纸笔
gen.hold on hard坚持
gen.hold on hard紧握
gen.Hold on, please请稍等
gen.Hold on, please. I'll check her schedule. You can meet with Ms. Carling at 10:00 tomorrow请稍等,我查一下她的日程。您明天10:00可以会见卡玲女士
gen.Hold on please. I'll connect with our Advance Reservations请稍等一下,我给您接预订部
gen.Hold on, sir. I'm connecting you with 911请稍等,我帮您打911
securit.hold on the statutory trust法定信托方式持有
securit.hold one's fire沉住气在股市上
badm.hold one's service保持发球权
gen.hold oneself ready to + inf.准备好做…
gen.hold onto束缚住
gen.hold onto拉住
avia.hold open让它开着
avia.hold open rod〔客〕把握操纵杆
securit.hold order持有订单
gen.hold out主张
gen.hold out坚〔支,维〕持
gen.hold out保〔扣〕留
gen.hold out不退让
gen.hold out展开
gen.hold out伸出
gen.hold out提出〔供〕
gen.hold over保存
securit.hold over拖延
gen.hold over加以
gen.hold-over电影,戏剧的续映 (演)
gen.hold over展缓
refrig.hold-over coil蓄冷排管
refrig.hold-over grid蓄冷排管
refrig.hold-over plate蓄冷板
gen.hold one's own泰然自若
gen.hold one's own撑得住
gen.hold one's own支撑着
gen.hold one's own保持立场
gen.hold pace与 M 并驾齐驱 (with M)
gen.hold pace跟上 (with M, M)
gen.hold one's peace保持沉默
avia.hold position稳定姿态〔位置〕
gen.hold promise有希望〔前途〕
gen.hold record保持记录
judo.hold scarf抓领
fisheryhold size保持尺寸
fisheryhold size不变形
fisheryhold size不走样
fisheryhold size渔舱容积
fisheryhold size渔舱体积
gen.hold some promise of success有希望获得成功
gen.hold some trumps有必胜把握
gen.hold some trumps手里还有王牌
gen.hold something in the mouth
gen.hold M square across使 M 与 N 垂直 (N)
securit.hold stock持有股票
gen.hold sway占统治地位
gen.hold the attention of使…注意
gen.hold the balance举足轻重
gen.hold the balance保持平衡
gen.hold the bolt from moving固定螺栓以防移动
gen.hold the cards in one's hands有成功的把握
gen.hold the flag higher so that all may see让大家都能看到
gen.hold the flag higher so that all may see把旗子举得高一些
gen.hold the fort坚守岗位
gen.hold the fort暂时代理
gen.hold the fort应付紧急情况
gen.hold the fort守住堡垒
gen.hold the keys of控制
gen.hold the keys of支配
securit.hold the line控制物价
gen.hold the line打电话时等着不挂断
gen.hold the line坚定不移
gen.hold the line不肯退让
gen.hold the line不挂断
securit.hold the market控制市场
gen.hold the post of担任
gen.hold the puck手握球
gen.hold the puck for face-off用手握球造成争球
gen.hold the reins of government执政
gen.hold the spotlight成为大家〔公众〕注意的中心
biol.hold thistle水飞蓟 (Silybum marianum Gaertn.)
biol.hold thistle水飞蓟属 (Silybum Adans.,菊科)
gen.hold to紧握
gen.hold to固执 (守)
gen.hold to黏着
gen.hold to
gen.hold to不变
gen.hold to孢住
gen.hold to抓牢
gen.hold to one's belief that坚决相信
securit.hold to maturity持有直至到期
gen.hold together在一起
gen.hold together合并
gen.hold together团结
gen.hold together结〔联〕合
gen.hold two or more…
gen.hold up阻碍
horticult.hold up显示
horticult.hold up展示
securit.hold up阻挡
securit.hold up掠夺
securit.hold up套牢投资人不甘心低价卖出股票,被动等待价格回涨,造成自己资金长期被占用
gen.hold up as an example树…为榜样
gen.hold up by the chin支持
gen.hold up by the chin托着下巴使不下沉
gen.hold up... to ridicule嘲笑〔奚落〕…
fisheryhold volume渔舱容积
fisheryhold volume渔舱体积
gen.hold water盛得住水
securit.hold water站地住脚
gen.hold water理论等无懈可击
gen.hold water成立
gen.hold water站得住脚
gen.hold water
gen.hold water无懈可击
gen.hold water不漏水
gen.hold with和…孢同一意见
gen.hold with the hare and run with the hounds耍两面手法
gen.hold with the hare and run with the hounds两面讨好
gen.How can he get a hold of you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
gen.How long can you hold the table for me?位子可以保留多长时间?
gen.how long will the fuel hold燃料能维持多久
gen.I' m trying to get hold of Mr. Chen. Is he available?我想找陈先生,请问他在吗?
gen.It is an excellent recreational or fitness swimming cap and is specially designed to hold long hair. It has an elastic band for comfortable fit这款泳帽非常适合休闲、健身时使用,尤其适合长发人群。该款有松紧带,佩戴舒适
gen.keep hold of抓住不放
gen.keep hold of抓住…不放
avia.land and hold short lights着陆和等待灯
avia.land and hold-short operations着陆和短等待操作 (当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,如飞行员不能接受短暂停留许可,必须立即通知调度员)
avia.land and hold-short operations dry干跑道着陆和短等待操作 (在干跑道上的着陆和短等待操作。当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,着陆和短暂停留包括同时起飞和着陆或同时着陆)
avia.land and hold-short operations wet湿跑道着陆和短等待操作 (在潮湿但没有被污染跑道上的着陆和短等待操作。当一架正在着陆的飞机可以且被调度员要求短暂停留在交叉跑道或滑行道或指定的短暂停留点时,着陆和短暂停留包括同时起飞和着陆或同时着陆)
gen.lay hold of到手
gen.lay hold of握〔抓〕住
gen.lay hold of掌握
gen.lay hold of控制住
gen.lay hold of占有
gen.lay hold of得到
gen.lay hold on控制住
gen.lay hold on占有
gen.lay hold on握〔抓〕住
gen.lay hold on到手
gen.lay hold on掌握
gen.lay hold on得到
gen.leave hold of放开
gen.leave hold of放〔松〕手
wushu.leg hold throw抱腿摔
wushu.lifting hold抱起
gen.lose hold of失把柄
gen.lose hold of松手
avia.machine hold mode机器停机状态
gen.mains hold网路同步
gen.mains hold帧扫描与电源频率同步
gen.mains hold与电源同步
avia.45-minute hold condition45 分钟待机条件
gen.not fit to hold a candle toM 比不上M
gen.not fit to hold a candle toM 不能与 M 相比
gen.OK, we'll look for it. Hold on, please好的,我们给您找找,请稍等
avia.pitch attitude hold俯仰姿态控制
gen.Please continue to hold. Your call is very important to us请继续等候,您的来电对我们非常重要
gen.Please hold on. The subscriber you dialed is busy now请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中
gen.Protestant churches hold special services on Good Friday新教教会在耶稣受难日这一天举行特别的仪式
gen.Putting callers on hold for more than thirty seconds is bad for customer relations把呼叫者晾在一边超过三十秒钟就会影响客户关系
gen.quit hold of放开〔掉〕
gen.quit hold of解除
gen.quit hold of撒手放开
avia.sample and hold采样和保持
avia.sample and hold试用和保持
gen.seize hold ofM 抓住 M
gen.seize hold ofM 占领 M
gen.seize hold of占有
gen.seize hold of抓〔握〕住
gen.She's not here right now. Could you hold a moment, please?她现在不在这里。请稍等好吗?
judo.shoulder hold固肩
avia.sonobuoy cable hold声呐浮标电缆舱 (自动驾驶选择器)
avia.stability augmentation attitude hold system增稳与姿态保持系统
avia.stability-augmentation attitude hold system增稳与姿态保持系统
gen.take a fast hold of抓牢
gen.take a fast hold of紧紧握住
gen.take a firm hold on oneself冷静
judo.take hold for throwing抓住摔
gen.take hold of到手
gen.take hold of掌握
gen.take hold of握〔抓〕住
gen.take hold of控制住
gen.take hold of利用
gen.take hold of占有
gen.take hold of得到
gen.take hold of抓〔握〕住
judo.take hold of the opponent抓住对方
gen.the barrel would hold 50 litres这桶能装 50 升
gen.The economy car is the smallest, and it seats fewer passengers and can hold fewer luggage经济型车体积小,乘客量和行李载运量小
gen.the same principle is used in the nut and bolt, whereby great pressures are employed to hold two substances together同样的原理还应用于螺栓和螺母,利用螺栓和螺母可以把两个物体以很大的压力压在一起
gen.the shiny side of the film will not hold ink胶卷的光亮面写不上墨水
avia.THR HOLD油门保持
avia.throttle hold油门保持
gen.Time passes quickly for the person who is busy with other callers or issues, but for the person on hold, time creeps by对忙于接听其他呼叫者电话或解决其他问题的人来说,时间过得很快,但对于等待的人来说时间就过得很慢了
gen.Vehicle starts. Please hold well and stand stably车辆起步,请扶稳站好
avia.velocity hold保持速度
gen.We can only hold the table for 15 minutes, so please be sure to arrive before8.我们只能保留15分钟,所以请您务必在8点以前到
avia.weapons hold禁止射击
gen.Would you hold the line, please? I will find out his number for you请你不要挂断,我替你找他的号码
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