
Terms containing highly | all forms | exact matches only
econ.A prompt intimation of acceptance will be highly appreciated收到即请从速通知,不胜感激
securit.acquirer highly leveraged rate收购者高杠杆
gen.Actually, steel products are one of Mexico’s traditional exports. They're highly reputed for their quality实际上,钢材产品是墨西哥传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名
org.name.Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks1995年鱼类种群协定
org.name.Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks联合国鱼类种群协定
org.name.Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定
org.name.Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean中西太平洋渔委
org.name.Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean中西部太平洋渔业委员会
org.name.Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean中西太平洋养护和管理高度洄游鱼类种群委员会
busin.Condensers are one of our company's traditional exports. They're highly-reputed for their quality电容器是我公司传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名
China, polit.Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean《养护和管理高洄游鱼类种群公约》
UN, biol., sec.sys.convention on the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks on the high seas养护和管理公海跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群公约
commer.create a highly skilled workforce造就高素质的劳动力
tech.create a more highly skilled workforce提高劳动者素质
gen.deem highly of对…给予高度评价
econ., geogr.economies highly dependant on agricultural exports高度依赖农业出口的经济体国家, 缩写为EHDAEs
org.name.Global Strategy for the Progressive Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza逐步控制高致病性禽流感全球战略
gen.Guan Yu is honorably titled as Saint of Valiant. His braveness, justice, loyalty made him highly appreciated by offspring关羽被尊称为武圣。他英勇、正义、忠诚,深受子孙后代爱戴
comp.Here, for example, is a system I highly recommend: Windows It comes with 2G of total memory and a 320G hard disk比如,这台电脑的系统我非常推荐:Windows 8。它还配有2G内存、320G硬盘
tech.highly aberrated laser beam高像差激光束
tech.highly abrasion-proof高度耐磨的
nanohighly absorbable particle易吸收粒子
avia.highly accelerated life test加速寿命试验
chem.Highly accelerated life testing海利加速试验寿命测试
avia.highly accelerated lifetime testing高加速度寿命测试
avia.highly accelerated stress screening高加速度压力显示
avia.highly accelerated stress screening加速应力检验
fin.highly accommodative monetary policy高度宽松的货币政策
expl.highly accurate and programmable electronic detonators高精度编程电子雷管
expl.highly accurate zero time咼精确零时间
tech.highly acid高酸的
met.highly acid slag高酸性炉渣
met.highly acid slag高酸性渣
tech.highly acid slag高酸渣
tech.highly acidic高度酸性
agric.highly acidic高酸性的
desert.highly acidic强酸性的
agric.highly active高效的
tech.highly active高效
met.highly active form of carbon高活性碳形态
pharm.highly agglutinative staphylococcin金葡菌肠毒素C (从低毒金黄色葡萄球菌代谢产物中提取的活性物质;抗肿瘤药)
pharm.highly agglutinative staphylococcin高聚金葡素
met.highly-alloyed heat-resisting steel高合金耐热钢
met.highly-alloyed stainless steel高合金不锈钢 (Copper is also used in the highly-alloyed stainless steels in amounts up to approximately 4 per cent to increase the corrosion resistance to certain media. 为了提高高合金不锈钢对某些特定介质的耐蚀性,还可添加最高约4%的铜。)
tech.highly amorphous cellulose structure高度非晶态纤维素结构
met.highly argentiferous高含银量的
met.highly auriferous高含金量的
tech.highly basic高碱的
met.highly basic slag高碱度渣
met.highly basic slag高碱性渣
tech.highly basis slag高碱矿渣
earth.sc.highly biodegradable高度可生物降解
auto.highly boosted engine高增压发动机
polym.highly branched chain高度支化链
chem.highly branched chain多支链
chem.highly branched isoprenoid thiophene多支链类异戊二烯噻吩
met.highly caking coal易炼焦煤
met.highly caking coal高粘结性煤
met.highly calcareous reducing slag【钢】 高钙质还原渣
met.highly calcareous reducing slag高钙质还原渣
wind.highly cambered blade大曲度叶片
busin.highly capital大量投入资本的
econ.highly capitalised大量投入资本的
tech.highly capitalized大量投入资本的
busin.highly capitalized高度资本化
securit.highly capitalized大量投人资本的
commer.highly centralized managing pattern高度集中的管理模式
construct.highly charged particle多荷电粒子
construct.highly charged particle多〔高〕电荷粒子
tech.highly charged particle多电荷粒子
tech.highly collapsible强烈湿陷
tech.highly collimated beam高准直光束
telecom.highly collimated microwave beam高准直微波射束
tech.highly colored river water浓色河水
tech.highly coloured river water浓色河水
tech.highly combustible高度可燃的
tech.highly combustible construction高度易燃性构造
fin.highly competitive Chinese companies竞争力极强的中国企业
fin.highly competitive real exchange rates具有高度竞争力的实际汇率
China, polit.highly complementary to each other互补性强
tech.highly complicated高度复杂的
tech.highly compressed高度压缩的
tech.highly compressed高压的
tech.highly compressed高度受压的
tech.highly compressed steam高压蒸汽
tech.highly concentrated activated sludge process高浓度活性污泥法
tech.highly concentrated ammoniacal wastewater高浓度白色废水
tech.highly concentrated ammonia-nitrogen高浓度氨氮
tech.highly concentrated ammonia-nitrogen industrial wastewater高浓度氨氮工业废水
tech.highly concentrated dye intermediate wastewater高浓度染料中间体废水
tech.highly concentrated dye wastewater高浓度染料废水
tech.highly concentrated lipidic wastewater高浓度油脂废水
tech.highly concentrated nitrogen-containing starch wastewater含高浓度氮淀粉废水
tech.highly concentrated oil-containing wastewater含高浓度油废水
tech.highly concentrated phenol wastewater含高浓度酚废水
securit.highly concentrated positions仓量高度集中
tech.highly concentrated printing and dyeing wastewater高浓度印染废水
tech.highly concentrated refractory organic wastewater高浓度难洚解有机废水
tech.highly concentrated saline water高浓度咸水
tech.highly concentrated salt-containing dyestuff wastewater含高浓度盐染料废水亠
tech.highly concentrated silt discharge高含沙洪流
tech.highly concentrated solution高浓度溶液
tech.highly concentrated tetrazoline production wastewater高浓度四氮唑生产废水
tech.highly concentrated wastewater高浓度化工废水
tech.highly concentrated wool scouring wastewater高浓度洗毛废水
tech.highly conductive synthetical fiber高导电性合成纤维
earth.sc.highly contaminated高度污染
tech.highly contaminated wastewater高污染废水
tech.highly convergent series高度收敛级数
busin.highly correlated高度相关的
tech.highly coupled高度耦合的
polym.highly crosslinked structure高交联结构
polym.highly cyanoethylated cellulose高度氰乙基化纤维素
tech.highly damped instrument高阻尼仪表
tech.highly dangerous cargo烈性危险货
earth.sc.highly decomposed organic horizon高分解有机层
tech.highly decorated装饰华丽的
commer.highly demanded products紧俏产品
gen.highly depleted大量消耗的
gen.highly depleted强贫化的
earth.sc.highly depleted mantle高度衰竭地幔
tech.highly detergent oil高级去垢油
tech.highly deviated高度偏离
dril.highly deviated well大斜度井
tech.highly diluted高稀释
tech.highly diluted principle高度稀释原理
mil., air.def.highly-directional antenna锐方向性天线
telecom.highly directional antenna强方向性天线
telecom.highly directional antenna锐方向性天线
busin.highly directional antenna强向性天线
tech.highly directional device高精度定向装置
busin.highly directional system强向性系统
tech.highly directional system强方向性系统
telecom.highly directive强方向性的
tech.highly dispersed高度弥散的
tech.highly dispersed高度色散 (的)
tech.highly dispersed system高级分散体系
tech.highly dispersivity高分散性
microel.highly doped重掺杂
busin.highly doped重掺杂的
tech.highly doped高度掺杂
earth.sc.highly dry zone极度干旱区
tech.highly ductility韧性高
tech.highly eccentric orbit satellite高偏心轨道卫星
busin.Highly Eccentricity Orbit Satellite高偏心轨道卫星
tech.highly effective高效的
tech.highly effective anti-foaming agent高效消泡剂
tech.highly effective anti-mold高效防霉剂
tech.highly effective anti-mould高效防霉剂
tech.highly effective complex microorganism高效复合微生物菌群
tech.highly effective compound fluidized bed bio-reactor高效复合流化床生物反应器
earth.sc.highly effective degradation高效降解
tech.highly effective degrading bacteria高效降解菌
tech.highly effective degrading bacteria flora高效降解细菌菌群
tech.highly effective distribution高效分布
tech.highly effective flame retardant synergist高效阻燃增效剂
tech.highly effective levelling agent高效匀染剂
China, lawhighly effective low-toxic高效低毒
horticult.highly effective management of crop culture作物栽培高效管理
agric.highly effective pesticide高效农药
auto.highly effective sandwich treatment汽车声学高效夹层处理
tech.highly effective scouring agent高效炼助剂
tech.highly effective scouring penetrant高效精炼渗透剂
auto.highly effective treatment汽车声学高效隔声处理
tech.highly efficient高效率的
tech.highly efficient biological aerated filter高效曝气生物滤池
tech.highly efficient diffuser高效率扩压器
auto.highly efficient engine高效发动机
tech.highly efficient equipment高效率设备
met.highly efficient regeneration完全再生
met.highly efficient regeneration高效再生
tech.highly efficient 4-stroke low-speed diesel engine高效四冲程低速柴油机
securit.highly efficient trading platform高效交易平台
tech.highly elastic富有弹性的
tech.highly elastic高弹性的
tech.highly elastic alloy wire高弹性合金线
polym.highly elastic strain高弹性应变
tech.highly electronegative element高电负元素
mil., air.def.highly elliptical orbits大椭圆轨道
expl.highly energetic booster高能量助爆药
nucl.phys.highly enriched高浓缩的
UNhighly-enriched uranium高浓缩铀
earth.sc.highly enriched uranium强富采铀
tech.highly enriched uranium高浓缩铀
polym.highly extended compound高充油胶料
polym.highly extended compound高填充胶料
tech.highly faired hull流线型船身
anim.husb.highly finished很肥的
anim.husb.highly finished满膘的
anim.husb.highly finished高度肥育的
tech.highly finished满膘
busin.highly finished products精制品
tech.highly fire-resisting高度耐火的
tech.highly fire-resisting component高度耐火构件
tech.highly fissured裂隙非常发育的
tech.highly fissured高度裂隙化的
tech.highly flammable material高度易燃性材料
tech.highly flexible高度挠性的
met.highly fluid slag稀渣
met.highly fluid slag高流动性渣
tech.highly fluorescing waters强荧光水域
met.highly fluxed sinter熔剂性烧结矿
met.highly-fluxed sinter高碱度烧结矿
met.highly-fluxed sinter高熔剂性烧结矿 (【技】 high basicity sinter。)
met.highly fluxed sinter高碱度烧结矿
met.highly fluxing agglomerate高熔剂性烧结矿 (【技】 high basicity sinter。)
met.highly fluxing agglomerate高碱度烧结矿
tech.highly folded structure强褶皱构造
tech.highly folded structure褶皱强裂的构造
tech.highly fractured region强破裂区
dril.highly gas-cut water严重气侵水
expl.highly gassy coal seam瓦斯含量高的煤层
tech.highly gassy mine高瓦斯矿井
securit.highly geared company高融资的公司
securit.highly geared company高负债公司
fin.highly geared ratio高负债比率
environ.highly hazardous chemicals高度有害化学品
tech.highly hydrated lime高度水化石灰
econ., geogr.highly-indebted poor country重债穷国
commer.highly industrialized countries高度工业化的国家
busin.highly industrialized state高度工业化国家
libr.highly integrated高度集成化
tech.highly intensified corrugated paper高强度瓦楞纸
telecom.highly interactive testing-and-debugging system高度交互式测试和纠错系统
econ.highly internationalized operation高度国际化经营
tech.highly ionized noble gas高电离惰性气体
tech.highly jointed节理发育的
tech.highly jointed裂隙非常发育的
auto.highly leaded含铅高的
auto.highly leaded汽油高含铅的
econ.highly leveraged高度负债的
securit.highly-leveraged acquisition高杠杆收购
fin.highly leveraged capital structure高融资资本结构
securit.highly leveraged capital structure高杠杆资本结构
securit.highly-leveraged financial institution高杠杆借贷机构
fin.highly-leveraged institutions高杠杆交易机构
securit.highly leveraged transaction高杠杆交易
securit.highly-leveraged transaction高杠杆交易 (HLT)
fin.highly liquid asset高流动性资产
tech.highly liquid asset高度流动性资产
econ.highly liquid assets高度流动性资产
tech.highly loaded diffuser高负荷扩散器
polym.highly loaded stock高填充胶料
expl.highly localized高度的区域性
tech.highly matched高度匹配
met.highly-metallized HBI高金属化率热压块铁
met.highly-metallized hot briquetted iron高金属化率热压块铁
met.highly metallized iron rich pellets高度预还原金属化铁球团
UN, biol., sec.sys.highly migratory fish stock高度洄游鱼类
fisheryhighly migratory fish stocks高度洄游鱼类种群
fisheryhighly migratory fisheries高度洄游性渔业
fisheryhighly migratory oceanic shark海洋高度洄游鲨鱼
fisheryhighly migratory stocks高度洄游鱼类种群
fisheryhighly migratory straddling fish stock高度洄游鱼类资源
tech.highly mineralized geothermal brine高矿化地热卤水
tech.highly mineralized water treatment高矿化度处理
avia.highly mobile tactical radar迅速移动战术雷达
auto.highly mobility multi-purpose wheeled vehicle高机动性多用途轮式车辆
busin.highly modernized高度现代化
busin.highly multicollinear regressor高度多重共线性回归自变数
dril.highly oil-and-gas cut mud严重油、气侵泥浆
dril.highly oil-cut mud严重油侵泥浆
dril.highly oil-cut salt water严重油侵盐水
dril.highly oil-cut water含大量油的地层水
dril.highly oil-cut water严重油侵水
tech.highly organic soil富有机质土
tech.highly organic soil有机质含量高的土
textilehighly oriented fiber高取向纤维
tech.highly oriented fiber定向纤维
tech.highly oriented pyrolytic graphite高定向热解石墨
chem.highly oriented yam高取向丝
tech.highly oscillatory mode强振荡形态
met.highly oxidized高度氧化的
auto.highly oxidized严重氧化的
met.highly-oxidizing slag强氧化性渣
met.highly oxidizing slag强氧化
econ.highly packaged transfer高度配套转让
busin.highly packaged transfer高度配套的转让
gen.highly-parallel arithmetics高度并行运算
telecom.highly parallel system高度并行系统
health.highly pathogenic avian influenza高致病性禽流感HPAI
China, lawhighly pathogenic avian influenza高致病性禽流感
anim.husb.highly perishable易腐败的
tech.highly permeable ground高渗透性土层
tech.highly pigmented色彩浓艳的
tech.highly plastic高塑性的
tech.highly plastic clay高塑黏土
earth.sc.highly plastic clays高塑性黏土
geol.highly plastic clays高塑性粘土
tech.highly plastic soil高塑性土
polym.highly polar resin高极性树脂
polym.highly polar solvent高极性溶剂
tech.highly polarized light高度偏振光
auto.highly polished高抛光光泽
tech.highly polished高度抛光的
agric.highly pollen-fertile高度花粉可育的
agric.highly pollen-sterile高度花粉不育的
tech.highly polluted高度污染
tech.highly porous高度疏松的
agric.highly potent herbicide高效除草剂
tech.highly pressed高度压缩的
tech.highly pressed受高压的
fisheryhighly processed fishery product深加工的渔业产品
commer.highly processed goods深加工产品
busin.highly processed goods高度加工货物
agric.highly productive commercial variety高产商品品种
desert.highly productive crop高产作物
econ.highly productive crops高产作物
tech.highly prospective area富有远景的地区
tech.highly pure indium antimonide single crystal高纯锑化铟单晶
busin.highly purified高精制的
busin.highly purified高纯度的
tech.highly purified gas purifying equipment高纯气体净化设备
tech.highly purified industrial water高纯净用水
tech.highly purified industrial water高纯度用水
pharm.highly purified menotrophin高纯度尿促性素 (促性腺激素药)
polym.highly purified rubber高纯化橡胶
busin.highly qualified完全合格的
econ.highly qualified manpower资历高的专门人才
tech.highly qualified specialist高水平专家
tech.highly radiating gas强辐射气体
tech.highly random distribution高度无规分布
econ.highly rated高度的评价
met.highly reactive coal高反应性煤
met.highly reactive element化学活性元素
met.highly reactive element高活性元素
ecol.highly reactive hydrocarbons高度活性碳氢化合物
met.highly-reduced sinter高还原度烧结矿
met.highly reduced sinter高还原度烧结矿
met.highly reducing atmosphere高还原性气氛
tech.highly refined高度精制的
tech.highly refined oil高度精制油
tech.highly reflecting film高反射膜
tech.highly reflective foil高反射金属薄片
tech.highly refracted ray高折射光线
met.highly refractory高度难熔的
met.highly refractory高度耐火热,酸,蚀
tech.highly refractory高度耐火的
steel.highly refractory brick高度耐火砖
tech.highly reliable and intelligent ship高可靠性智能化船舶
tech.highly relief强烈起伏
agric.highly repetitive DNA高度重复 DNA
agric.highly resinous species多树脂树种
agric.highly resistant高抗逆的
agric.highly resistant早抗逆的
tech.highly resistant calcium silicate brick高抗性硅酸盐砖
tech.highly resistant compass engineering brick高抗性弧形工程
tech.highly resistant compass sand-lime高抗性弧形灰砂砖
tech.highly resistant engineering brick高抗性工程砖
tech.highly resistant radial engineering brick高抗性径向工程
tech.highly resistant radial engineering brick高抗性扇形砖
tech.highly resistant radial lime sand brick高抗性径向灰砂砖
tech.highly resistant radial lime sand brick高抗性扇形灰砂砖
horticult.highly resistant variety高抗逆病,虫等品种
tech.highly resonating高共振的
agric.highly responsive lodging-resistant variety高耐肥抗倒伏品种主要是耐氮肥
agric.highly responsive lodging-resistant variety高反应性抗倒伏品种
agric.highly responsive variety高耐肥品种
agric.highly responsive variety高反应性品种
expl.highly restricted trench blasting强约束沟槽爆破
securit.highly risky game高风险博弈
dril.highly saline drilling fluid高矿化度钻井液
busin.highly scientific approach高度科学性的方法
busin.highly scientific approach高科学性方法
tech.highly seismic zone高烈度区
tech.highly selective resin高选择性树脂
tech.highly sensitive高度灵敏的
agric.highly sensitive response indicator高敏 [感]反应指示器
tech.highly shock resistant高度抗震的
agric., stat.highly significance极显著
agric., stat.highly significant极显著的
anim.husb.highly significant高度显著【统】
tech.highly significant高度显著
anim.husb.highly significant difference最高显著差数
met.highly siliceous高硅的
met.highly siliceous tin slag高硅锡渣
nautic., tech.highly skewed blade大侧斜叶大侧斜桨叶
tech.highly skewed distribution高度偏斜分布
busin.highly skewed distributor高度偏斜分布
nautic., tech.highly skewed propeller大侧斜螺旋桨
nautic., tech.highly skewed propellers and very highly skewed propellers大侧斜螺旋桨和超大侧斜螺旋桨
nautic., tech.highly skewing blade大侧斜桨叶
met.highly-skilled caster operator经验丰富的连铸机操作人员
met.highly-skilled caster operator技术精湛的连铸机操作人员
China, lawhighly skilled person高技能人才
econ.highly skilled personnel高度熟练的技术人员
ed.highly skilled worker高度熟练的技工
busin.highly skilled worker高级熟练技工
econ.highly skilled worker熟练工人
tech.highly skilled worker高度熟料的技工
commer.highly sophisticated equipment高度复杂设备
busin.highly sophisticated equipment极复杂设备
tech.highly specialized高度专业化的
agric.highly specialized高度专业化性的
gen.highly specialized高度专业〔专门〕化的
agric.highly specialized culture高度专业化栽培
manag.highly specialized personnel高级专业人员
tech.highly specialized personnel高级专业人才
auto.highly specular finish镜面光泽
tech.highly statistical significance高度统计显著性
expl.highly strained area强烈应变区
tech.highly stressed高度受力的
met.highly stressed structures高应力结构
tech.highly stressed zone高应力区
auto.highly supercharged engine高增压发动机
textilehighly swellable cellulose fiber高溶胀性纤维素纤维
tech.highly swing高度摆动
tech.highly symmetric graph高度对称图
met.highly symmetrical crystal高对称性晶体
tech.highly symmetrical graph高度对称图
expl.highly technical field高技术领域
China, polit.highly technical or controversial bills专业性强、各方面意见分歧比较大的法律草案
tech.highly toxic高毒性的
tech.highly toxic compound高毒性物
tech.highly toxic material剧毒材料
tech.highly toxic material高毒性物质
tech.highly toxic substance高毒性物质
tech.highly turbid重浊
met.highly twinned crystals高孪生晶体
polym.highly twisted rayon多捻人造丝
gen.highly unsaturated fatty acid高不饱和的脂肪酸 HUFA
earth.sc.highly unusual geophysical operation非常〔状态〕的地球物理作业
earth.sc.highly usable geophysical observation高效率地球物理观测
China, polit.highly value a draft law高度评价草案
securit.highly valued stock market高估值的股市
tech.highly variable chimeric高度易变的嵌合体
dril.highly variable gauge stabilizer高可变径稳定器
auto.highly viscous高粘性
auto.highly viscous oil高粘度润滑油
mining.highly viscous oil高粘油
tech.highly viscous oil高黏石油
tech.highly viscous sand-laden fluid高黏携砂液
auto.highly volatile燃料挥发
tech.highly volatile易挥发的
tech.highly volatile liquid高度挥发性液体
met.highly volatile penetrant易挥发渗透剂
tech.highly volatile product高挥发性油品
tech.highly volumetric loading高容积负荷
dril.highly water-cut mud严重的水侵泥浆
tech.highly wear-resistant高应耐磨的
tech.highly weather resistant高度防风雨的
tech.highly weather resistant高度耐老化的
tech.highly weathered rock强风化岩石
tech.highly weathered soils高度风化土壤
tech.highly weathered stratum强风化层
expl.highly weathered zone强风化带岩体结构基本破坏,矿物部分变异而呈碎块状的强烈风化带
gen.highly wrought精巧的
tech.highly wrought goods精加工制成品
tech.highly yielding高产性的
tech.highly yielding ability高产性能
desert.highly yielding crop高产作物
agric.highly yielding crops高产作物
horticult.highly yielding theory and technology of crop作物高产理论与技术
securit.hypothesis of highly effective market高效市场假说
econ.Its resident agent has been highly reputed as a large camera dealer in that district它的常驻代理商一直是当地信誉卓著的照相机大经销商
cosmet.Mascara is a highly evaporative product, do not repeatedly dip into mascara睫毛膏属易挥发产品,每次使用不要来回多次蘸取
shipb.Our price is highly competitive.我们的价格很有竞争性
tech.period of groundwater highly mineralized地下水高矿化期
China, polit.products whose manufacture is highly energy consuming or highly polluting高耗能、高污染产品
UN, ecol.recovery of highly degraded lands严重退化土地的恢复
org.name.Review Conference on the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks执行1982 年12 月10 日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定审查会议
agric.single highly concentrated单一高浓度的
China, lawsmall in number but highly trained精干
China, lawsoluble highly toxic waste residues可溶性剧毒废渣
gen.speak highly of赞赏
gen.speak highly of表扬
gen.speak highly of称赞
gen.speak highly of赞扬
econ.These fruits are highly seasonal, hence the necessity of prompt delivery这些水果季节性很强,因此必须迅速发货
econ.They highly recommend to the company the garments that suit the American market他们极力向该公司推荐适合美国市场的服装
gen.think highly of看中
gen.think highly of对…评价很高
gen.think highly of高度评价
gen.think highly of重视
gen.think highly of尊重
expl.This phenomenon is commonly observed with highly oxygen-negative explosives as post-detonation flaring通常观察到达这种现象是用高负氧炸药在爆后向外展开
econ.This procedure is highly irregular, and should be improved on这一程序极不规范,应加以改进
dril.very highly deviated well大斜度井
dril.very highly gas-cut mud高含气泥浆
dril.very highly gas-cut mud严重气侵泥浆
dril.very highly gas-cut salt water高含气盐水
dril.very highly gas-cut salt water严重气侵盐水
dril.very highly gas-cut water高含气地层
dril.very highly gas-cut water严重气侵地层
dril.very highly oil and gas-cut mud高含油气泥浆
dril.very highly oil and gas-cut mud严重油气侵泥浆
dril.very highly oil and gas-cut salt water高含油气盐地层
dril.very highly oil and gas-cut salt water严重油气侵盐 地层
dril.very highly oil and gas-cut water高含油气地层
dril.very highly oil and gas-cut water严重油气侵地层
dril.very highly oil-cut mud高含油泥浆
dril.very highly oil-cut mud严重油侵泥浆
dril.very highly oil-cut salt water高含油盐水
dril.very highly oil-cut salt water严重油侵盐水
dril.very highly oil-cut water高含油地层
dril.very highly oil-cut water严重油侵地层
busin.very highly significant超高显著性
tech.wastewater treatment using highly concentrated ozone高浓度臭氧处理废水系统
tech.waterproofing highly polymerized compound高分子材料防水
econ.We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务
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