
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing high | all forms | exact matches only
continuous high-temperature sterilization高温连续杀菌
corn rule high谷物价格普遍偏高
high-acid cream高酸稀奶油
high altitude adaptability高地适应性
high altitude adaptability高山适应性
high-altitude disease高原病
high amylopectin starch高支链淀粉
high animal高等动物
high attenuating yeast高发酵力酵母
high bog沼泽
high breeding index高育种指数
high-count milk细菌数多的乳
high cover高架荫棚
high efficiency liquid chromatography高效液相色谱
high egg passage病毒多代鸡胚传代
high energy crop高能作物
high-energy feed高能饲料
high energy feed高能饲料
high-energy feeding stuff高能饲料
high-energy phosphate高能磷酸盐
high-energy ration高能日粮指单位重量日粮中所含可利用能量较高的日粮(每千克日粮含代谢能12 552kJ 以上)。多用于肉用仔鸡的生产
high-energy silage谷物青贮料指用带穗谷物(玉米等)制的青贮料。与用牧草制的低能青贮料相对而言
high-energy silage高能青贮料
high farming高水平农业
high farming高度农业
high-fat cheese高脂干酪
high fat crackling含残脂多的油渣
high fat cracklings含残脂多的油渣
high-fat cream高脂稀奶油
high fescue高牛尾草禾本科羊茅属植物; Festuca elata Keng
high-fiber concentrate高纤维精料指含粗纤维10%以上的饲料
high flanker隐睾马
high-forage system粗饲料体制
high-forage system高刍草饲养制
high fructose syrup高果糖浆
high fructose syrup果葡糖
high grade protein高级蛋白质
high-grade registry优级登记
high-heat nonfat dry milk受过高热辊筒干燥的脱脂乳粉
high heritability高遗传力遗传力高低的范围,尚无明确的界限,一般视高于 0.4〜0.6(或40%〜60%)的估计值为高遗传力
high-high plane of nutrition全期高营养水平为了测定家畜在不同生长发育阶段饲养条件对畜体的影响,试验时常分为前后两期,给予相同的或不同的营养水平。前后两期都用高营养水平者称为高高水平 (HH)
high-high plane of nutrition高高营养水平
high income crop高产值收人作物
high-in-fat material脂原料
high-in-fat material脂原料
high-input production system高投入生产系统
high input-high output高投入-高产出
high intensity-low frequency短期密集放牧制 (grazing system)
high level feeding高水平饲养
high-lipid lipoprotein高脂类脂蛋白
high-low plane先高后低营养水平 (of nutrition)
high-low plane高低营养水平 (of nutrition)
high-low plane of nutrition先高后低营养水平
high-low plane of nutrition高低营养水平
high-lysine corn高赖氨酸玉米指杂交种玉米奥派克二号,,(Opaque-2)。此种玉米约含蛋白质15%,比一般马齿种高出35%左右。赖氨酸含量也多,约 35%
high-melting butter oil高熔点奶油
high-melting fat高熔点脂
high-mettled horse性烈的马
high-moisture feed高水分饲料
high moisture grain > 18% moisture content高水分谷物含水量超过18%的潮谷物
high-moisture grain silage高水分谷物青贮因播种过迟、受霜冻或收割时受雨淋的谷物,如玉米穗、玉米粒和其他谷物,只能制成青贮。含水分25%〜 30%。贮于密闭的青贮塔中,如用青贮窖则须压碎装紧
high-moisture silage高水分青贮青贮料含水分70%或70%以上者
high moor泥沼
high-mountain disease高山病
high mountain disease高山病
high mulberry tree乔木桑
high-nitrogen barley高含氮量大麦
high oil corn高油脂玉米
high oiliness高油性
high output卵巢发育不全
high output breed高产出品种
high peak yield高峰产量
high-performance animal高产动物
high performance feed高性能饲料
high performance liquid chromatograph高效液相色谱
high-performance liquid chromatography高性能液相色谱法
high plane of feeding高水平饲养
high-potential iron protein高效铁蛋白
high power field高倍视野
high pressure syringe高压注射器
high-pressure washing unit高压水淋洗胴体机组
high-priced cut一级肉块
high-priced cut高值肉块
high priority优先权
high priority优先重要项目
high-producing cow高产母牛
high productive mulberry field高产桑园
high protein高蛋白质
high protein concentrate高蛋白质浓缩物
high-protein diet高蛋白食物
high-protein diet高蛋白饲料
high protein intake高蛋白采食量
high-protein meal高蛋白质粕粉
high protein ration高蛋白日粮
high protein supplement高蛋白补饲物
high-quality milk优质奶
high-quality protein优质蛋白质
high-quality seed良种
high quality stock seed优质原种
high quality stock seed高质量原种
high responder高度应答者
high roughage rations高粗饲料日粮
high roughage system高大粗饲料育成
high smoke density smoking高密度熏烟熏制
high-speed centrifugal sifter高速离心过筛机
high speed sterilizer高速消毒器
high stand狩猎高荫棚
high stocking重放牧
high stocking高载畜量
high-sugar beet高糖量甜菜
high temperature and humidity高温多湿
high temperature and low humidity高温干燥
high temperature short time pasteurization高温短时巴斯德灭菌
high temperature short time pasteurization高温短时巴氏灭菌
high-temperature short-time method高温短时灭菌法
high-temperature short-time process高温短时杀菌法
high-temperature short-time sterilization高温短时杀菌
high-temperature short-time system高温短时杀菌法
high unsaturated fatty acid高不饱和脂肪酸
high urea supplement高尿素补充饲料
high wildryegrass肥披碱草禾本科披碱草属植物; Elymus excelsus Turczy.
high-yield cow高产母牛
high yield culture产栽培
high-yield plot产田
high-yield strain高产品系
high-yielding animal高产动物
high-yielding cow高产母牛
high-yielding dam丘陵放牧
high-yielding dam高产母畜
high-yielding varieties高产品种
hit an all-time high创历史上最高记录
in high condition膘情良好
in high flesh膘情好
kharkov-high-grade sausage哈尔科夫高级香肠
low-high plane先低后高营养水平 (of nutrition)
low-high plane低高营养水平 (of nutrition)
low-high plane of nutrition先低后高营养水平
low-high plane of nutrition低高营养水平
selection for high protein高蛋白选择
step high高抬腿走
two-storeyed high forest system二段乔林作业
ultra high frequency sound device超声波膘厚测定器用以测定活畜背腰厚度和眼肌的面积
ultra-high-pasteurized milk超高温巴氏杀菌乳
ultra-high temperature超高温杀菌
ultra high temperature heating method超高温加热灭菌
ultra-high temperature milk超高温消毒牛奶
ultra-high temperature pasteurization超高温灭菌法
ultra-high temperature product超高温灭菌制品
ultra-high temperature sterilization超高温杀菌
ultra-high temperature treatment处理
ultra-high temperature treatment超高温消毒灭菌处理
Veterinary Institute for Tropical and High Altitude Research热带与高原兽医研究所秘鲁