
Terms containing heavy-lift | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.extra charge on heavy lift超重货物附加费
econ.extra charges on heavy lift超重货物附加费
avia.heavy lift重件
tech.heavy lift可移动的大型起重机
tech.heavy lift特重货物
busin.heavy lift起重
busin.heavy lift超大起重机
proj.manag.heavy lift重型起重机
interntl.trade.heavy lift重型起重设备
exhib.heavy lift超重货物
interntl.trade.heavy lift重件货
tech.heavy lift超重货 (物)
avia.heavy lift重量货物
shipb.heavy lift addition超重附加费
interntl.trade.heavy lift additional超重附加费
avia.heavy lift airship大升力飞艇
tech.heavy lift boom重吊杆
logist.heavy lift cargo超重货物
tech.heavy lift carrier重件专用船
shipb.heavy lift carrier重型吊杆货船
interntl.trade.heavy lift charge笨重货物起重费
logist.heavy lift charge重件费
interntl.trade.heavy lift charge重件货费用
busin.heavy lift charge超重费
commer.heavy lift charges超重费
tech.heavy lift charges超重附加
busin.heavy lift charges重货起重费
tech.heavy lift charges超重货物装卸费
logist.heavy lift crane重型起重机
tech.heavy lift cum container berth重货及集装箱泊位
exhib.heavy lift derrick重型吊杆
logist.heavy lift derrick重型吊杆
nautic., tech.heavy lift derrick cargo winch重吊起货机
tech.heavy lift equipment重件装卸设备
tech.heavy lift equipment重型装卸设备 (起重能力大于50吨)
tech.heavy lift equipment重型起重设备
tech.heavy lift equipment强力起重设备
busin.heavy lift helicopter重型起重运输直升机
avia.heavy lift helicopter大升力直升机
avia.heavy lift helicopter system重型运输直升机系统
spaceheavy lift launch vehicle大型运载火箭
spaceheavy lift launch vehicle重型运载火箭
spaceheavy lift launch vehicle大推力运载器
avia.heavy lift monitoring system大升力监控系统
avia.heavy lift operability大升力可操作性
busin.heavy lift ship装有重型吊货车的载重货船
tech.heavy lift ship重型起重货船
spaceheavy lift shuttle重型航天飞机 (苏联曾设想研制的)
logist.heavy lift surcharge超重附加费
avia.heavy lift vehicle重型运载火箭
navig.heavy lift vessel大型浮吊
navig.heavy lift vessel重型起重船
tech.heavy lift vessel重货船
logist.heavy lift vessel重件起重船
tech.heavy lift vessel重件专用船
tech.heavy lift vessel重吊船
spaceheavy-lift booster重型运载火箭
spaceheavy-lift booster重型助推器
spaceheavy-lift booster大推力助推器
econ.heavy-lift charge起重费
econ.heavy-lift charge重件货费用
econ.heavy-lift charge超重费
econ.heavy-lift crane超重起重机
shipb.heavy-lift derrick重型吊杆装置
shipb.heavy-lift derrick cargo winch重吊起货绞车
logist.heavy-lift equipment大件设备
el.heavy-lift equipment重型起重设备
spaceheavy-lift launch vehicle重型[大型]运载火箭
navig.heavy-lift module大型提升模块
econ.heavy-lift swinging derricks旋臂起重吊
spaceheavy-lift vehicle大型运载火箭
logist.heavy-lift vessel重吊船
spaceinterim heavy-lift launch vehicle过渡性大推力运载火箭
gen.it is dangerous for that crane to lift such a heavy load台起重机吊这么重的东西是很危险的
avia.joint heavy lift联合重型运输机
tab.tenn.lift heavy-spin loop拉强转弧圈
tab.tenn.lift heavy-spin loop拉强旋转弧圈球
nautic., tech.semi-submersible heavy lift vessel半潜船
nautic., tech.semi-submersible self-propelled heavy-lift vessel半潜式自航工程船
oiltandem crane heavy-lift vessel直排式起重船
UN, tech.truck, crane heavy lift up to 25 tons重型起重车至多25吨