
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing head | all forms | exact matches only
acting head有效水头
acting water head of external water pressure外水压力作用水头
anchor bolt anchored at head端头锚固型锚杆
anchor head锚头
approach head行进水头
artesian head承压水头
average head平均水头
backwater head回水水头
backwater head壅水水头
barrage head坝前水头
barrage head堰前水头
big-head carp花鲢
big-head carp
big-head carp胖头鱼
big-head carp大头鱼
box for head cover drainage pump顶盖排水泵坑衬
buttress head#头
buttress head墩头
cable distribution head电缆分线箱
canal head渠首
canal head gate渠首闸
canal head gate渠首闸门
capillary head管水头
channel friction head loss渠道摩擦水头损失
channel friction head loss河槽摩擦水头损失
channel-friction head loss河槽摩擦水头损失
closure head闷头
confined water head承压水头
connection box for head cover pressure relief顶盖卸压管连接座
critical head临界水头
critical net positive suction head临界气蚀余量 (NPSH)
cross head操作架
cutting head and loading at foot削头压脚
delivery head供水水头
design head设计水头
diamond head buttress dam钻石头式支墩坝
diamond head buttress dam大头坝
differential head水头差
discharge-head relation流量水头关系曲线
discharge-head relation流量水头关系
draft head吸出水头
drop in head水头落差
drop in pressure head压力水头降落
dynamic head动力水头
dynamical head动力水头
effective head有效落差
effective head有效水头
ellipse head封头曲面
energy head水流能头
energy head loss能头损失
entrance head进口水头
entrance head loss进口水头损失
entry head进口水头
exit head loss出口水头损失
fall head跌落水头
fall head降落水头
falling head of water下降水头
falling head of water降落水头
falling head permeameter变水头渗透仪
farm head gate田间斗门
flush-head rivet平头铆钉
friction head摩擦水头
friction head loss摩擦水头损失
groin head丁坝坝头
gross head毛水头
gross head总水头
groyne head丁坝坝头
gulley head erosion沟首冲蚀
gulley head erosion沟头冲蚀
gully head erosion沟首冲蚀
gully head erosion沟头冲蚀
head bay蓄水前池
head-bay of lock船闸闸首
head bay of lock船闸门首
head coefficient扬程系数
head conduit压力管道
head conduit压力输水道
head cover forced drainage顶盖强迫排水
head cover forced drainage pipe顶盖强迫排水管
head cover gravity drainage pipe顶盖自流排水管
head cover pressure measuring顶盖测压
head cover pressure measuring point顶盖压力测点
head cover pressure relief pipe顶盖卸压管支管
head dependability curve水头保证率曲线
head difference水头差
head ditch进水沟
head ditch进水渠
head drop水头降落
head fall跌水
head gate渠首闸门
head gate渠首进水闸门
head gate首部闸门
head-gate duty渠首引水率
head-gate duty毛用水率
head-gate duty of water进水闸门引水率
head-gate duty of water渠首毛灌水率
head-gate duty of water毛灌水定额
head loss水头损失
head loss due to construction收缩水头损失
head loss due to construction收缩段水头损失
head loss due to enlargement扩大水头损失
head loss due to enlargement扩大段水头损失
head loss in bend弯管水头损失
head loss of pipe line管道水头损失
head measurement水头测量
head meter落差流量计
head meter压差流量计
head of approach行近水头
head of groin丁坝坝头
head of liquid液柱压力
head of liquid液位差
head of navigation通航水头
head of wate over weir堰顶水头
head office overhead总部管理费
head on the spillway溢洪道上水头
head on the spillway溢流堰顶水头
head pressure水头压力
head pressure输送压力
head pulley主滑轮
head race前渠
head race bay前池
head race bay进口河湾
head reservoir上水库
head resistance迎面阻力
head sea逆浪
head sod revetment沟头草皮护坡
head surge chamber上游调压室
head tank落差储水池
head tank压力箱
head tank进料罐
head tank高位水池
head tank进料桶
head tank压力槽
head wall胸墙
head wall端墙
head ward scouring溯源淘刷
head water area上游地区
head water pond蓄水前池
head wind顶头风
head wind逆风
high-head dam高水头坝
high-head power plant高水头电站
high-head power plant高水头电厂
high-head scheme高水头电站
high-head station高水头电站
high-head turbine高水头水轮机
high head turbine高水头水轮机
household head户主
hydraulic head
hydraulical head
hydrodynamic head水头
hydrodynamical head水头
hydrostatic head静压头
hydrostatic head静水头
hydrostatical head静压头
hydrostatical head静水头
inner head cover内顶盖支持盖
irrigation head灌溉水头
jetty head坝头
kinetic head动力水头
kinetic head流速水头
lift head扬程
linear head loss沿程水头损失
local head loss局部水头损失
lock head船闸闸首
lock head闸首
loss of head水头损失
low-head hydroelectric plant低水头水力发电站
low-head hydroelectric plant低水头水力发电厂
low-head hydropower station低水头水力发电站
Low-head turbine低水头水轮机
low-head water turbine低水头水轮机
massive-head buttress dam大头坝
massive head dam大头坝
maximal head最大水头
maximum head最高水头
maximum minimum head最大最小水头
maximum minimum head of storage pump蓄能泵最大最小扬程
maximum head water最高上游水位
maximum net head最大净水头
mean net head平均净水头
medium head plant中水头电厂
medium head plant中水头电站
medium head power plant中水头电厂
medium head power plant中水头电站
medium head turbine中水头水轮机
minimal head最小水头
minimum head最低水头
minimum service head最小服务水头
moderate head中水头
mushroom-head buttress dam蘑菇状支墩坝
mushroom-head buttress dam覃头式支墩坝
mushroom-head buttress dam大头坝
net head有效水头
net head净水头
net head calculations净水头计算
net <-> positive suction head蓄能泵净吸上扬程空化余量
net positive suction head available可用气蚀余量
net positive suction head of storage pump蓄能泵空化余量NPSH蓄能泵净吸上扬程
net positive suction head required必需气蚀余量
no-discharge head of storage pump蓄能泵零流量扬程
nominal productive head额定发电水头
normal head正常水头
operation under balanced head静水启闭
outlet head loss出口水头损失
over-head leading out架空引出
over-head leading-in架空引入
overpour head gate上溢式引水闸
pan head bolt锅头螺栓
pier head闸墩头部
pier-head power station闸墩式电站
pier-head powerhouse闸墩式厂房
piezometric head测压管水头
pore water head孔隙水压力水头
position head位置水头
position head落差
potential head水头
potential head位头
potential head势头
potential head位置水头
pressure head压强水头
pressure head强水
pressure head压力水头
pressure head loss压力水头损失
productive head发电水头
protective works of gully head沟头防护工程
pump head泵的扬程
pump head水泵水头
pumping head抽水水头
pumping head抽水扬程
raised head bolt凸头螺栓
range of head水头变化范围
range of head水头变幅
rated head额定水头
reduced head折算水头
Report on structural analysis of high-head bifurcations高水头岔管结构分析研究专题报告
reserved head cover air admission pipe预留顶盖强迫补气管
reserved head cover air admission pipe顶盖预留补气管
reservoir head库尾
resistance head阻力水头
revolving sprinkler head旋转式喷头
revolving sprinkler head回转式喷头
river head河源
round-head buttress dam圆头支墩坝
round-head buttress dam圆头支墩坝大头坝
round-head buttress dam大头#坝
round-head buttress dam大头坝
sealed sprinkler head闭式洒水喷头
seepage head渗流水头
seepage head渗透水头
service head工作水头
shoal head沙嘴
shut off head关死扬程
snap head bolt圆头螺栓
snap head rivet圆头铆钉
solid-head buttress dam大头坝
specific head比水头
specifical head比水头
spring head弹簧头
spring head源头
spring head泉源
square-head bolt方头螺栓
stair head楼梯顶口
static discharge head静泄水水头
static discharge head of impulse turbine冲击式机组排出高度
static draft head水轮机的吸出高度
static draft head水泵的吸水扬程
static draft head静吸出水头
static draught head静吸出水头
static head静水头
static head of water静水头
static suction head静吸人水头
static suction head电站吸出高度
static suction head of storage pump蓄能泵吸入高度
storage pump head蓄能泵扬程
suction head负压头
suction head升水
suction head虹吸水头
suction head loss of storage pump蓄能泵吸入扬程损失
system head curve阻力曲线
tensioned multiple-head tendon拉力分散型锚索
theoretical pump head理论扬程
total delivery head总输水水头
total discharge head出口总水头排出扬程
total <-> discharge head出口总水头排出扬程
total dynamic head水泵的实际扬程
total energy head总能头
total pump head水泵总水头
total pump head水泵总扬程
total pumping head水泵总扬程
total static head静扬程
total suction head入口总水头吸入扬程
under water head condition水压作用条件下
variable head permeability test变水头渗透试验
variable-head permeameter变水头渗透仪
varying head变水头
velocity head速度水头
velocity head流速水头
velocity-head coefficient流速水头系数
velocity head difference流速水头差
water head水位差
water head水头
water head at weir crest堰顶水头
weighted average head加权算术平均效率
weighted average head加权平均水头
weir head堰顶水头
working head工作水头