
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing head | all forms | exact matches only
Berbera black head伯贝拉黑头羊索马里
big head大骨头病见于马营养性甲状旁腺机能亢进;牛、羊放牧时采食毒草也能引起此症
blood head cheese熟血块
blood head cheese凝血
bone and head washer宰牲用头足洗净器
bridle head无嚼笼头
butter-head lettuce卷心莴苣 (Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
butter-head lettuce结球莴苣
cattle head dehorner去牛角器
cattle head inspection truck牛头检验车
cattle head splitting machine劈牛头机
cattle head splitting machine牛头劈开机
cheek and head trimmings面颊与槽头下脚碎肉
chicken head louse雏鸡头羽虱
clipping head剪毛机头
cock's head圣车轴草
cock's head红茎草
cock's head驴食草
cock's head红豆草
grain head
head agglutination头凝集指精子头对头的凝集现象
head and foot washer宰牲用头蹄洗净器
head birth头位产
head birth头先露产
head bones头骨
head bones颅骨
head cap头帽精子
head cell头细胞
head cheese猪头肉冻
head cheese and sulze嘴肉、舌香肠
head cheese and sulze糖醋猪、牛、羊
head chop玉米
head chopping block剁头砧
head clamp保定架上的颈夹
head cleaner头清洗机
head cleaner头刮净机
head cleaning table洗头台
head cleaning table头清洗台
head clearing头皮
head-clot washer家禽头凝血洗涤机
head delivery顺产
head dropping下头全猪胴分割时
head fat海豚或白鲸的头脂
head fat头部肥脂
head flusher冲洗头装置
head flusher清洗工
head flusher清洗器
head flusher猪头冲洗间
head flushing cabinet畜头清洗间
head handling plant头部加工车间
head harness马笼头
head holder头固定器
head inspection头部检验
head inspection and flushing conveyor畜头检验与清洗传送带
head inspection conveyor畜头检验传送机
head inspection stand头部检验台
head inspection truck牛头检验架
head inspection truck牛头检验车
head meat头肉
head meat chiselling头肉去骨
head of cattle牲畜头
head of cattle胸围
head of cattle牛头
head pigmentation stage胚子点青期 (of embryo)
head product酒的初分
head product初产品
head inspection rack牛头检验吊架
head shy horse护头的马指不让人接触其头部的马,如拒绝带嚼子、看口齿等
head skinner头部剥皮机
head splitter劈头机
head splitter劈头工
head splitting block劈头砧板
head splitting machine劈头机
head sprouting穗上发芽
head sprouting抽穗
head-to-head approach头对头接近指发情母畜与公畜接近表现的求偶行为
head tree畜头检验架
head trimming头肉去骨
head trimming conveyor头肉去骨用传送带
head washing cabinet畜头清洗间
head work table头加工台
heavy head头大
lateral deviation of head头侧转胎畜
livestock head牲畜头
livestock head胸围
livestock head牛头
livestock per head grant每头牲畜的补助金
malignant head catarrh恶性卡他热
medusa's head水母头滨麦 (Elymus caputmedusae 美国西部干旱地区的重要禾本科杂草)
neat head头部干燥
neat head头部清秀
Oldenburg White Head奥尔登堡白头肉羊德国
Oldenburg White Head白头奥尔登堡肉羊德国
Oldenburg White Head德国白头肉羊德国
per head按人口平均
pig head mange mite猪头脂嬌 (Demodex phylloides Csokor)
pig head mange mite蠕形螨
pig's head debristling machine猪头去鬃机
rabbit head mange mite兔头疥螨
saddle head马鞍形头
seed head种球结种子的头状花序,如若干三叶草结种后其头状花序仍不散落
sheeps head羊头原鲷 (Archosargus)
swelled head of rams气肿疽
swelled head of rams恶性水肿
swelled head of rams公羊头肿病
white head白头病
white head白头鸟