
Terms containing half-time | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
textilecharge half decay time电荷半衰期
logist.despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved〔租船术语〕速遣费为滞期费的一半、并按节省的全部时间计算
logist.despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends〔租船术语〕装卸两港的速遣费为滞期费的一半、并按节省的全部时间计算
chem.exchange half-time半交换期
tech.exchange of half time半交换期
refrig.half cooling time半冷却时间
plast.half crystallization time半结晶期
chem.half crystallization time半结晶时间
tenn.half day's playing time半日比赛
tech.half excretion time半排出期
tech.half fading time半褪色时间
anim.husb.half life time半寿期
anim.husb.half life time半衰期
tech.half residence time半存期
tech.half residence time半留时间
avia.half residence time半留时间 (武器碎片在大气中沉降量达到原始值一半所需的时间)
inf.half the time常常
inf.half the time几乎经常
inf.half the time几乎总是
inf.half the time长时间地
inf.half the time一半时间
tech.half time半排出期 (同位素)
hockey.half time半场结束
rugb.half time半场休息
rugb.half time中场休息
oilhalf time【综】半时
textilehalf time中间休息时间
textilehalf time半工时
textilehalf time半工半薪
busin.half time半日制的
busin.half time半薪
busin.half time半工
busin.half time半日工作
sport.half time时间过半 (squash)
tech.half time半衰期
tech.half time半寿期
footb.half time上半场
footb.half time半时
polo.half time半场
met.half time emitter中间发送器
spacehalf time emitter半时发送器
construct.half time emitter穿孔卡片的中间发射器发送器
busin.half time survey期中检查
busin.half time survey中间检验
busin.half time used to count实际所使用时间的一半应计算
logist.half time used to count〔租船合同〕实际使用时间的一半应计算为装卸时间 (as laytime)
busin.half time work半工半薪
busin.half time work半天工作
tech.half-crystallization time半结晶期
spacehalf-decay time半衰期
repr.biol.half-life time半衰期
repr.biol.half-life time半寿期
nurs.half-life time半衰期 (Tl/2)
agric.half-lived time半衰期农药施用后消失一半所需的时间
tech.half-saturation time半饱和时间
met.half-temperature time半温度时间
sport, bask.half-time中场休息时间
footb.half-time break中场休息
tech.half-time emitter半时发送器
tech.half-time emitter半脉冲发送器
tech.half-time emitter中间发送器
tech.half-time emitter中间时间发送器
econ.half-time farming部分时间务农
footb.half-time interval半场休息
hockey.half-time interval半场休息期间
footb.half-time interval中场休息
sport.half-time result半场赛果
sport.half-time score上半时比分
sport, bask.half-time score半场结果
sport.half-time score上半场结果
auto.half-time shaft转速减缓一半的主动轴
auto.half-time shaft四冲程发动机凸轮轴
tech.half-time shrinkage半期收缩
tech.half-time survey半期检验
tech.half-time survey半期检测
tech.half-time survey中间检验
footb.half-time tactics半时战术
spacehalf-time value半衰期值
gen.it wants half an hour to the appointed time到约定的时间还有半小时
desert.radioactive half-time放射性半衰期 (生态学)
tech.residence half-time停留半衰期
lab.law.time and a half超过原工资标准半倍的加班工资
econ.time and a half原工资的一半
econ.time and a half超过原工资半倍的加班工资
busin.time and a half pay一倍半工资
agric.time of half decay半衰期
polym.time of half dyeing半染时间
sport, bask.time of the first half上半时时间
sport, bask.time of the second half下半时时间
el.gen.time to half value of a voltage pulse波尾时间 冲击电压的
hydroel.st.time to half value of a lightning impulse雷电冲击半峰值时间
hydroel.st.time to half value of impulse current冲击电流半峰值时间
hydroel.st.time to half value of switching impulse操作冲击半峰值时间