
Terms containing greater | all forms | exact matches only
nautic., tech.accommodation spaces of greater fire risk具有较大失火危险的起居处所
econ.acquire greater financial independence获得较大的财权
expl.Among the reasons for this were the perceived higher cost, the greater sophistication required, and supplier attitudes造成这种问题的原因是嫌成本高、要求的技术难度大、以及供货商的态度
shipb.angle bend greater than 90°折钝角
el.arithmetic greater than算术大于
China, polit.attach greater importance to把... 摆到更加重要的地位 (smth)
bridg.constr.be equal to or greater than等于或大于
sport., med.bursitis of greater trochanter of femur股骨大转子滑囊炎
proj.manag.Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent近来、 商业模式以拥有专利保护的知识产权形式出现、 更加为人们所重视
China, polit.carry out our duties with even greater drive and work tirelessly代表恪尽职守
econ.China intends to make greater use of market forces中国打算更多地利用市场力量
otorhinol.crest of greater tubercle大结节嵴
anat.crest of greater tubercle大结节嵴 (自大结节向下延伸,为胸大肌的附着部)
proj.manag.Data encryption is an important tool to help application developers meet the need for greater security数据加密是帮助应用程序开发人员满足更高安全性要求的重要工具
UN, polit.Decade of Greater Mekong Subregion Development Cooperation, 2000-2009大湄公河次区域发展合作十年2000-2009
anim.husb.degrees of freedom for greater mean square较大均方和的自由度
anim.husb.degrees of freedom for greater mean square大变异量的自由度
tech.direction of greater goods flow货流较大方向
nautic., tech.dredging within greater coastal area近海海域内作业挖泥船限定海域
fin.encourage greater non-government investment鼓励扩大民间投资
avia.equal to or greater than等于或大于
tech.ever greater demands得寸进尺
gen.for the greater part多半
gen.for the greater part大部分来说
gen.for the greater part在很大程度上
gen.for the greater part大概
China, polit.get deputies to play a greater role进一步发挥代表作用
China, polit.give a greater role to the market发挥市场机制的巨大作用
China, polit.give deputies a greater role to play进一步发挥代表作用
China, polit.give deputies a greater role to play充分发挥代表作用
China, polit.give smb greater incentive to调动做某事的积极性 (smth)
China, polit.give smb greater incentive to进一步调动做某事的积极性 (smth)
securit.give small state-owned enterprises greater freedom放活国有小企业
agric.gobo greater burdock牛蒡
nurs.grafting suing greater omentum大网膜移植
busin.greater advantage较大优势
otorhinol.greater alar cartilage大翼软骨
ichtyol.greater amberjack高体鰤 Seriola dumerili
ichtyol.greater amberjack杜氏鰤高体鰤 Seriola dumerili
IMF.Greater Arab Free Trade Area大阿拉伯自由贸易区
ichtyol.greater argonaut大船蛸 Argonauta argo
otorhinol.greater arterial circle of iris虹膜动脉大环
UN, afghan.Greater Azro Initiative大阿兹罗区倡议
desert.greater blue-eared glossy starling小蓝耳辉椋鸟
bridg.constr.greater bridge较大的桥
bot.greater burnet saxifrage大茴芹 Pimpinella magna
biol.greater burnet-saxifraga虎耳草茴芹 (Pimpinella saxifraga L.,伞形花科)
earth.sc.Greater Cairo Planning Commission Egypt大开罗规划委员会埃及
desert.greater cane rat南撒哈拉蔗鼠
anim.husb.greater celandine白屈菜 (Chelidonium majus)
biol.greater celandine白屈菜 (Chelidonium ma jus L.,罂粟科)
securit.Greater China Region大中华区
sport., med.greater circulation体循环
sport., physiol.greater circulation大循环
nautic., tech.greater coastal service restriction近海航行限制
nautic., tech.greater coastal service restriction近海航区营运限制
tech.greater coasting近海航线
tech.greater coasting area近海区 (域)
hydroel.st.greater coasting area近海区域
tech.greater coasting area沿海地区
tech.greater coasting area沿海航线区
tech.greater coasting service沿海航线
tech.greater coasting vessel近海航线船
spaceGreater Cold大寒
otorhinol.greater cornu大角
anat.greater cornu大角 (自舌骨体突向后方,有舌骨舌肌和咽中缩肌附着)
agric.greater crop yield[大]丰收
anat.greater curvature of stomach胃大弯 (胃的下缘,大部分凸向左下方,其长度约为胃小弯的 4倍)
surg.greater curvature of stomach胃大弯
sport., physiol.greater curvature of stomach胃大曲
bridg.constr.greater dimension较大尺寸
agric.greater dodder欧菟丝子
desert.greater double-collared sunbird大双领花蜜鸟 (非洲南部沙漠)
tech.greater drop in yield显著下降
desert.greater earless lizard大无耳蜥 (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
tech.greater ebb较大退潮流
tech.greater ebb大潮落潮流
ecol.greater ebb大落潮
tech.greater ebb tidal current大潮落潮流
desert.greater Egyptian gerbil金字塔小沙鼠 (撒哈拉沙漠,阿拉伯沙漠)
desert.greater Egyptian gerbil以色列小沙鼠
desert.greater Egyptian gerbil埃及沙鼠
desert.greater Egyptian jerboa埃及跳鼠
desert.greater Egyptian jerboa东方跳鼠
desert.greater flamingo大红鹳
tech.greater flood大涨潮 (流)
tech.greater flood大潮涨潮流
tech.greater flood较大涨潮流
tech.greater flood tidal current大潮涨潮流
tech.greater fool policy白痴政策
tech.greater fool policy大傻瓜政策
securit.greater fool theory大傻理论股票持有者总是想与比自己更差的人进行交易
ichtyol.greater forkbeard鳚状褐鳕 Phycis blennoides
life.sc.greater frigate bird小军舰鸟
bot.greater galangal红豆蔻 Alpinia galanga
perf.greater galangal红豆寇
desert.greater galangal红豆蔻
bot.greater galangal大高良姜 Alpinia galanga
entomol.greater grain moth米象 Sitophilus zeamais
entomol.greater grain moth玉米象 Sitophilus zeamais
spaceGreater Heat大暑
ichtyol.greater hooked squid大桑椹乌贼 Moroteuthis ingens
desert.greater hoopoe lark小翼雀 (撒哈拉沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
desert.greater hoopoe lark拟戴胜百灵
desert.greater hoopoe-lark小翼雀
desert.greater hoopoe-lark拟戴胜百灵
otorhinol.greater horn大角
spice.greater Indian cardamom香豆蔻 Amomum subulatum
desert.greater kestrel巨隼 (非洲南部沙漠)
desert.greater kestrel黄眼隼
desert.greater kudu扭角林羚
desert.greater kudu薮羚 (非洲沙漠)
desert.greater kudu捻角羚
desert.greater kudu大旋角羚
surg.greater lip of pudendum大阴唇
repr.biol.greater lip of vulva大阴唇
ichtyol.greater lizardfish多齿蛇鲻 Saurida tumbil
tech.Greater London Council大伦敦议会英国
econ.Greater London Council大伦敦市政会
tech.Greater London Council1960年改组建立的英国大伦敦议会
tech.Greater London Plan1944年英国大伦敦规划
fin.greater market access进一步开放市场
biol.greater nettle大尊麻 (Urtica dioica L.,荨麻科)
earth.sc.Greater New York Fund大纽约基金会
mining.Greater Nile Oil Project苏丹大尼罗石油开发项目
comp.name.Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Co.苏丹大尼罗河石油作业公司
busin.greater number过半数
busin.greater number多数
otorhinol.greater occipital nerve枕大神经
anat.greater occipital nerve枕大神经 (第2颈神经后支的内侧支,是粗大的皮支,穿斜方肌腱向上分布于枕部皮肤)
bridg.constr.greater of both values二值中的较大者
surg.greater omental syndrome大网膜综合征
life.sc.greater omentum大网膜
anat.greater omentum大网膜 (连于胃大弯、十二指肠上部的下缘与横结肠之间的双层腹膜结构,形似围裙,覆盖于空肠、回肠和横结肠的前面。胃和十二指肠上部前、后壁的腹膜自胃大弯和十二指肠上部下缘向下延续,形成大网膜的前两层。前两层降至脐平面稍下方,然后返折向上,形成大网膜的后两层,连于横结肠。大网膜前两层与后两层围成网膜囊的下部。随着年龄增长,大网膜前两层和后两层常粘连,故网膜囊下部消失。 连于胃大弯和横结肠之间的大网膜前两层形成胃结肠韧带。在胃大弯下方约 1cm 处,大网膜含有胃网膜左血管和胃网膜右血管,它们向胃和大网膜发出分支。大网膜内有丰富的脂肪、血管和巨噬细胞,具有重要的防御功能。活体状态下,大网膜下部的位置常发生变化。腹腔脏器有炎症时,大网膜粘连和包裹局部脏器,限制炎症扩散。小儿的大网膜较短,阑尾炎或其他下腹部脏器有炎症时,大网膜不能包裹病变脏器,易扩散成弥漫性腹膜炎)
surg.greater omentum axial flap大网膜轴型皮瓣
desert.greater painted-snipe彩鹬
otorhinol.greater palatine artery腭大动脉
anat.greater palatine artery腭大动脉 (在翼腭管内起自腭降动脉,穿经腭大孔前行,分布于硬腭黏膜和牙龈)
otorhinol.greater palatine canal腭大管
anat.greater palatine canal腭大管 (向上通翼腭管,向下以腭大孔开口于口腔,有腭大动脉、腭静脉和腭大神经通过)
otorhinol.greater palatine foramen腭大孔
anat.greater palatine foramen腭大孔 (位于骨腭近后缘两侧,第3磨牙内侧,向上通腭大管)
nurs.greater palatine foramen injection腭大孔注射法
otorhinol.greater palatine nerve腭大神经
plast.surg.greater palatine neurovascular bundle腭大神经血管束
otorhinol.greater palatine sulcus腭大沟
anat.greater pancreatic artery胰大动脉 (多起自脾动脉的中1/3段,向右行与胰背动脉和其他胰支吻合)
sport., med.greater pectoral muscle胸大肌
surg.greater pelvis大骨盆
anat.greater pelvis大骨盆 (位于界线上方,几乎无前壁和后壁,侧壁由骼骨翼构成)
repr.biol.greater peritoneal sac腹膜大囊
biol.greater periwinkle蔓长春花 (Vinca major L.,夹竹桃科)
anat.greater petrosal nerve岩大神经 (由面神经在面神经管内发出,含有副交感纤维的分支,自膝神经节发出,经颞骨岩部前面的岩大神经裂孔穿出,再穿破裂孔至颅底,与来自颈内动脉交感神经丛的岩深神经合成翼管神经,穿翼管前行至翼腭窝,进入翼腭神经节,交换神经元后节后纤维随上颌神经、颧神经及其交通支、泪腺神经至泪腺,部分纤维随翼腭神经节的分支分布于鼻、腭黏膜腺,支配这些腺体的分泌)
sport., med.greater petrosal nerve岩大神经
desert.greater pewee大绿霸鹟 (北美洲沙漠)
anim.husb.greater plantain大车前 (Plantago major)
tech.greater plantain大车前
bot.greater plantain大焦 Musa paradisiaca
bot.greater plantain粉芭蕉 Musa paradisiaca
biol.greater plantain大车前 (Plantago major L.,车前科)
desert.greater prairie-chicken草原松鸡
sport., med.greater psoas muscle腰大肌
desert.greater red musk shrew黄麝鼩 (非洲南部沙漠)
life.sc.greater rhea美洲鸵鸟
desert.greater rhea大美洲鸵
surg.greater ring of iris虹膜大环
securit.greater risk更大的风险
desert.greater roadrunner加利福尼亚走鹃 (北美洲沙漠)
desert.greater roadrunner大走鹃
desert.greater sandplover铁嘴沙鸻 (非洲沙漠、阿拉伯半岛、澳大利亚沙漠)
nurs.greater saphenous vein大隐静脉
anim.husb.greater scaup大斑背潜鸭 (Aythya marila nearctica)
desert.greater scaup斑背潜鸭 (北非沙漠、阿拉伯半岛、北美洲沙漠)
life.sc.greater sciatic foramen坐骨大孔
anat.greater sciatic foramen坐骨大孔 (由骶结节韧带、骶棘韧带与坐骨大孔围成,有梨状肌、臀上动脉和静脉、臀上神经、坐骨神经、股后皮神经、臀下动脉和静脉、臀下神经等通过)
surg.greater sciatic notch坐骨大切迹
anat.greater sciatic notch坐骨大切迹 (位于骼后下棘下方的骨缘深陷)
desert.greater shearwater大鹱
ichtyol.greater shining bobtail squid大红僧头乌贼 Semirossia equalis
desert.greater short-toed lark大短趾百灵 (北非沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
el.Greater Silicon Valley Implant Users Group大硅谷注人用户集团公司美国
anat.greater splanchnic nerve内脏大神经 (由穿过第5或6〜9胸交感神经节的节前纤维组成,向前下合并成一干,穿膈脚进入腹腔,终止于腹腔神经节)
sport., med.greater splanchnic nerve内脏大神经
desert.greater spotted eagle乌雕 (北非沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
desert.greater stick-nest rat刺巢鼠
bridg.constr.greater strength较大强度
desert.greater striped swallow大纹燕 (非洲南部沙漠)
entomol.greater stripped red oak aphid橡木角斑蚜 Myzocallis bella
otorhinol.greater superficial petrosal nerve岩浅大神经
otorhinol.greater supraclavicular fossa肩胛舌骨肌锁骨三角
otorhinol.greater supraclavicular fossa锁骨上大窝
sport., physiol.greater systematic circulation大体循环
oilgreater than大于
busin.greater than lot quantities大于批量
construct.greater-than match大于
ITgreater-than match大于符合[匹配]
construct.greater-than match符合
tech.greater-than match大于符合
ITgreater than or equal to大于或等于
proj.manag.greater than or equal to大于等于
ITgreater-than-equal match大于等于符合[匹配]
gen.greater the crime, higher the gallows罪越大,刑越重
tech.greater tolerance更大耐性
anat.greater trochanter大转子 (方形隆起,位于股骨颈与股骨体连接处上外侧,是梨状肌和臀中肌和臀小肌的附着处)
nurs.greater trochanter大粗隆
sport., med.greater trochanter大转子
anat.greater tubercle大结节 (位于肱骨头外侧,为冈上肌、冈下肌和小圆肌的附着部)
sport., med.greater tubercle大结节
sport., med.greater tubercle of humerus肱骨大结节
otorhinol.greater tympanic spine鼓大棘
gymn.greater value高分
bridg.constr.greater value较大值
agric., stat.greater variance大方差
sport., med.greater vestibular gland前庭大腺
biol.greater wax moth大蜡螟 (Galleria mellonella (L.))
ichtyol.greater weever大龙鰧 Trachinus draco
proj.manag.Greater weight has to be assigned to the gas price increase than to the cost of cars increase必须给汽油价格增长分配以比汽车价格增长较大的权数
econ.greater welfare with higher charges福利愈多
econ.greater welfare with higher charges任务愈重,福利越大
econ.greater welfare with higher charges任务愈重
desert.greater white-fronted goose白额雁 (北非沙漠、阿拉伯半岛、北美洲沙漠)
desert.greater whitethroat灰白喉林莺 (非洲沙漠、阿拉伯半岛)
desert.greater white-throat warbler灰白喉林莺
desert.greater white-toothed shrew中麝鼩 (撒哈拉沙漠)
otorhinol.greater wing大翼
anat.greater wing大翼 (由蝶骨体两侧发出,向外上方扩展,分为凹陷的大脑面、前内的眶面和外下方的颞面。大翼根部由前向后外有圆孔、卵圆孔和棘孔)
biol.greater yam参薯大薯,Dioscorea alata L.,薯蓣科
biol.greater yellow rattle大猪鼻花 (Rhinanthus major Ehrh.,玄参科)
desert.greater yellowlegs黄足鹳 (南非,美洲沙漠)
desert.greater yellowlegs黄足鹞
fin.have greater voice and representation拥有更多的话语权和代表权
otorhinol.hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerve面神经管裂孔
otorhinol.hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerve岩大神经管裂孔
otorhinol.hiatus of canal for greater petrosal nerve岩大神经管裂孔
anat.hiatus of canal for greater petrosal nerve岩大神经管裂孔 (位于弓状隆起前内下方,有岩大神经通过)
proj.manag.If the rectangle is 256 pixels -wide, the red component of a given pixel will be one greater than the red component of the pixel to its left如果矩形的宽度为256个像素、则给定像素的红色分量将多于其左侧像素的红色分量
China, polit.in a greater depth更深层次
bridg.constr.is greater than大于
bridg.constr.is not greater than不大于
gen.M is N times larger greater than RMM 比 R 大 N - 1
gen.M is N times larger greater than RM为R 的 N 倍
UN, tech.main source generating power for base camps, company or larger dispersed locations, or specialist units requiring large power sources greater than 20 kVA e.g., medical facilities, maintenance workshops为需要大于20千伏安电源的各营地、连队或较大分散地点或专门单位例如医疗设施、保养车间提供主要电源
fin.make new and greater human contributions为人类做出新的更大的贡献
nautic., tech.moderately high waves of greater, edges of crests begin to break into spindrift. the foam is blown tin well-marked streaks along the direction of the wind.较长是中高浪,波峰边缘开始破碎成为浪花, 白沫明显地随风成串飞溅。
econ.more variety and a greater number of specifications更多的品种和规格
spacenot greater than不大于
proj.manag.Opening up to the global market economy did not necessarily bring greater employment opportunities, she said她表示、向全球市场经济开放、不一定带来更多的就业机会
gen.Our modern double bathroom vanity is a perfect place to store your bathroom products, as it allows greater space我们的现代双层浴室盥洗台十分适合存放你的浴室用品,因为它的空间更大
surg.pediculated transplantation of greater omentum带蒂大网膜移植术
fin.present value or net realizable value, whichever is greater concept现值或可变现净值孰大概念
fin.provide greater protection for intellectual property rights加大对知识产权的保护力度
commer.pursue greater efforts to enlarge the turnover进一步扩大贸易额
fin.push for greater international use of renminbi推动人民币进一步国际化
China, polit.put greater emphasis on expanding production把发展生产放在更加突出的位置
construct.ratio of greater inequality优〔劣〕比
tech.ratio of greater inequality优比
bridg.constr.ratio of lesser to greater value最小值与最大值之比
fin.remain devoted to greater opening-up坚定不移扩大对外开放
sport., med.rupture of greater pectoral muscle胸大肌断裂
fin.seek greater domestic demand寻求扩大内需
UN, tech.special case" major equipment should be of a value greater than US$ 500 collective value of all items in the set, and with a life expectancy greater than one year"特种"主要装备应当是价值超过500美元一套装备中所有物品的总价,且预期使用寿命超过一年
UN, ecol.Special Envoy on the Drought in the Greater Horn of Africa大非洲之角旱灾问题特使
gen.stimulate M to make greater efforts促进 M 作更大的努力
expl.Studies have shown that such blasts have a greater than 90% diminution in the strength of the pressure wave released, compared with unconfined blasts of the same charge weight研究表明、与同样装药重量的裸露爆破相比、这样的爆破可使压力波释放威力降低90%以上
surg.sulcus for greater petrosal nerve岩大神经沟
anat.sulcus for greater petrosal nerve岩大神经沟 (自岩大神经管裂孔向前内发出,容纳岩大神经)
gen.the effect of the absorption is greater the more remote from the noise吸音效果就越大
gen.the effect of the absorption is greater the more remote from the noise离噪声越远
proj.manag.The Government has launched the e-form project to provide the public with greater convenience in electronic submissions to the Government政府推行电子表格计划、 是希望方便市民以电子方式向政府提交资料
gen.the greater number过半数
gen.the greater number多数
tech.the quality of producing a greater yield增加产量的一种品质
gen.This kind of coffee possesses greater body background这种咖啡的口感比较重
surg.torsion of greater omentum大网膜扭转
proj.manag.Total peak data rate limit must be greater than or equal to per flow peak data rate limit总数据速率峰值极限必须大于或等于每一数据流数据速率峰值极限
surg.transplantation of greater omentum大网膜移植
el.unsigned greater than无符号数大于
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