
Terms for subject Technology containing greater | all forms | exact matches only
articles in great demand流行货
auxiliary great circle辅助大圆
be an extremely great advantage极大优越性
composite great circle sailing混合大圆航法
composite great circle sailing混合大圆航行
course line of great circle大圆航线
course line of great circle大圆圈线
direction of greater goods flow货流较大方向
Environmental Law of Great Britain英国环境法
ever greater demands得寸进尺
final great-circle course最终大圆航向
goods in great demand热门货 (品)
great abundant of water quantity水量极丰富
great altar圣堂
great American file半圆底三角锉
Great An Guo Temple大安寺
great Australia Bay大澳大利亚湾
great barrier reef大堡礁
Great Basin high大盆地高压
Great bell Temple大钟寺
Great Britain英国
great bulrush水葱
great circle
great-circle arc大圆弧
great-circle bearing大圆方向角
great-circle bearing大圆弧航向
great-circle bearing大圆方位
great-circle belt大圆构造
great-circle chart大圆海图
great-circle chart球心投影海图
great-circle correction大圆校正
great-circle course大圆航向
great-circle differential longitude大圆航行的经度差
great-circle differential longitude大圆航行分点经度
great-circle direction大圆方位
great-circle direction大圆方向
great-circle distance大圆航线距离
great-circle girdle大圆环带
great-circle line大圆弧线
great-circle line最大地球弧线
great-circle navigation大圆航行
great-circle path大圆路径
great-circle sailing大圆航线
great-circle sailing大圆航迹计算法
great-circle sailing大圆航法
great-circle sailing大圆航海术
great-circle sailing大圆圈线
great-circle sailing chart大圆航法图
great-circle sailing chart大圆航线图
great-circle section大圆航线分段
great-circle section大圆航行分段
great-circle track大圆航迹
great-circle track chart大圆航路图
great-circle track chart大圆航线图
Great Cold大寒
great contrast影像反差大
great depth dive work大深度潜水作业
great depth diving大深度潜水
great depth diving accident大深度潜水事故
great depth diving accident management大深度潜水事故处理
great depth diving accident treatment大深度潜水事故处理
great depth diving experiment大深度潜水实验
great depth diving suit大深度潜水服
great diurnal range大日潮差
great diurnal range大日较差
great diurnal tidal range最大日潮差
great divide大分界线
great divide主要分水岭
great drought大旱
great earthquake
great elliptic arc大椭圆弧
great elliptical arc大椭圆弧
great expansion大发展
great extinction大灭绝
Great Falls converter竖式转炉
great gross十二罗 (计数单位,等于1728个)
great group of soils土类
Great Heat大暑
great hemp博洛涅大麻
great hundred十打
great hundred一百二十 (一种计数单位)
great improvement很大改进
great inequality中心差
great lower boundary最大下界
great lower boundary最大下限
great magnetic bight大磁弯
great oceanic basin大洋深海底
great oolite大鲕粒
great oolite大鱼卵石
great oolite大鲕石
great oolite大鲕状岩
great palace of Minos at Knossos克诺索斯的米诺斯王宫 (位于克里特岛)
great picture名画
great power强大功率
great power巨大功率
great pyramid of Cheops齐奧普斯金字塔 (埃及)
great pyramids金字塔群
great red spot大红斑
great shock大地震
Great slave old land大奴古陆【地】
great strikes迅速发展
great temple of Amon at Karnak卡纳克的阿蒙神庙 (埃及)
Great Temple of Parthenon帕提农神庙
great triangular sail大三角帆
great trigonometrical survey station大三角测量站 (陆标)
great tropical range大潮高高潮和大潮低低潮的潮高差
great tropical range大潮潮差
great tropical range回归大潮
great variety of goods品种齐全
Great Wall万里长城
great wall of China中国长城
great waterfall大瀑布
great wheel二轮
great wheel arbor二轮轴
great year柏拉图年 (分点绕黄道一周约为 25800 年)
great year大年
greater coasting近海航线
greater coasting area近海区 (域)
greater coasting area沿海地区
greater coasting area沿海航线区
greater coasting service沿海航线
greater coasting vessel近海航线船
greater drop in yield显著下降
greater ebb大潮落潮流
greater ebb较大退潮流
greater ebb tidal current大潮落潮流
greater flood大潮涨潮流
greater flood大涨潮 (流)
greater flood较大涨潮流
greater flood tidal current大潮涨潮流
greater fool policy白痴政策
greater fool policy大傻瓜政策
Greater London Council大伦敦议会英国
Greater London Council1960年改组建立的英国大伦敦议会
Greater London Plan1944年英国大伦敦规划
greater plantain大车前
greater-than match大于符合
greater tolerance更大耐性
infinitely great无限大
initial great-circle course初始大圆航路
International Association of Great Lake Ports大湖区港口国际协会
North China great regression华北大海退
of great draught吃水深的
Palace of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae帕萨尔加德的赛勒斯大帝宫 (伊朗)
primary great circle基准大圆
primary great circle基本圈
primary great circle基本大圆图
primary great circle主大圆
ratio of greater inequality优比
Sand and Gravel Association of Great British英国沙砾协会
secondary great circle副大圆
Silurian great regression志留纪大海退
soil great group土块类
South China great regression华南大海退
the Great Hall of the People1959年中国北京人民大会堂
the Great Lake大西洋
the Great lakes北美洲五大湖
The Great Mosque大清真寺
the Great Wall万里长城
the quality of producing a greater yield增加产量的一种品质
to do very great damage to land对土地造成极大破坏
vertex of great circle大圆顶点