
Terms containing grape | all forms | exact matches only
biol.alternaria leaf spot of grape葡萄黑斑病 (Alternaria viticola P. Brum.)
biol.American grape美洲蘡薁美洲葡萄,Vitis labrusca L.,葡萄科
anim.husb.Amur grape山葡萄葡萄科葡萄属植物 (Vitis amurensis Rupr.)
life.sc.amur grape山葡萄
biol.Amur grape山葡萄阿穆尔葡萄,Vitis amurensis Rupr.,葡萄科
biol.Anderson grape安德逊氏葡萄 (Vitis andersoni Rehd.,葡萄科)
agric.anthracnose of grape葡萄炭疽病
biol.anthracnose of grape葡萄炭疽病 (Colletotrichum ampelinum Cav.)
agric.area of grape production葡萄种植面积
agric.area under grape葡萄种植面积
desert.Arizona grape峡谷葡萄
desert.Arizona grape ivy亚利桑那白粉藤
agric.aspermous grape无子葡萄品种
perf.birch grape桦叶葡萄
biol.bird grape鸟葡萄孟松葡萄,Vitis munsoniana Simpson,葡萄科
biol.bitter rot of grape葡萄苦腐病 (Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.)Schr. et Spauld.)
biol.bitter rot or anthracnose of grape葡萄炭疽病 (Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Schr.et Spauld.)
biol.black rot of grape葡萄黑腐病 (Guignardia bidwelli (Ellis) Viala et Ravaz)
pest.contr.black rot of grapes葡萄球座菌黑腐病 Guignardia bidwelli
biol.brown spot of grape葡萄褐斑病 (Isariopsis clavispora (B. et C.)Sacc.)
biol.bullace grape圆叶葡萄 (Vitis rotundifolia L.,葡萄科)
agric.bunch of grapes葡萄串
desert.bunch of grapes葡萄束
desert.California grape加利福尼亚葡萄
biol.California grape root worm葡萄根叶甲 (Adoxus obscurus L.,叶甲科)
desert.California holly grape丛生十大功劳
desert.California holly grape加利福尼亚十大功劳
entomol.Californian grape-root worm葡萄叶甲 Adoxus obscurus (L.)
entomol.Californian grape-root worm葡萄根叶甲 Adoxus obscurus (L.)
biol.canyon grape峡谷葡萄 (Vitis arizonica Engeim,莆萄科)
biol.cat grape掌叶葡萄 Vitis palmata Vahl. 葡萄科
biol.cercospora leaf spot of grape葡萄叶斑病 (Cercospora truncata Ell. et Ev.)
biol.cercospora leaf spot of grape葡萄角斑病 (Cercospora viticola (Ces.)Sacc.; Isariopsisclavispora Sacc.)
biol.Chinawool grape毛葡萄 (Vitis pentagona Diels. et Gilg.,葡萄科)
agric.choicest grapes选择收获葡萄
biol.claretleaf European grape紫叶葡萄 (Vitis vinifera var. purpurea Bean.,葡萄科)
agric.cluster of grapes一串葡萄
desert.common grape hyacinth葡萄麝香兰
desert.common grape hyacinth蓝壶花
desert.common grape hyacinth蓝瓶花
desert.common grape hyacinth葡萄风信子
textileconcord grape和谐紫色
biol.cottony grape scale葡萄绵蚧 (Pulvinaria vitis L.,绵蚧科)
textilecrushed grape榨葡萄色
agric.cutting of grape葡萄插条
biol.dead arm of grape葡萄蔓割病 (Cryptosporella viticola (Red.) Shear)
pharm.Didoren-Grape King定可宁 (双氯芬酸钠 (diclofenac sodium) 肠溶片剂商品名;抗炎镇痛药)
pest.contr.downy mildew of grape葡萄霜霉病 Plasmopara viticola
biol.downy mildew of grape葡萄霜霉病 (Plasmopara vioicola (B. et C.) Berl. et de Toni)
agric.Duncan-grape fruit邓肯葡萄柚柑橘品种
food.ind.edible grape seed oil antioxidant synergist食用葡萄籽油增效抗氧剂
biol.European grape葡萄欧洲葡萄,Vitis vinifera L.,葡萄科
life.sc.European grape葡萄
biol.European grape葡萄
entomol.European grape berry moth葡萄果蠹蛾 Clysia ambiguella, Eupoecilia ambiguella
entomol.European grape vine moth葡萄小卷蛾 Lobesia botrana
desert.evergreen grape常绿葡萄
biol.false-netted grape华东葡萄 (Vitis pseudoreticulata W. T. Wang,葡萄科)
biol.figleaf grape榕叶葡萄 (Vitis ficifolia Bunge,葡萄科)
biol.five-lobed grape五角叶葡萄 (Vitis quinquangularis Rehd.,葡萄科)
commer.fortified grape wine加度葡萄酒
tech.fox grape美洲葡萄
biol.fox grape美国#薁 (Vitis labrusca L.,葡萄科)
biol.fragrant tail-grape鹰爪花鹰爪,Artabotrys odoratissimus R. Br.
biol.fragrant tail-grape鹰爪花属 (Artobotrys R. Br.,番荔枝科)
biol.frost grape霜葡萄 (Vitis monticola Buckley; Vitis vulpina Gray,葡萄科)
biol.fruit rot of grape葡萄果腐病 (Trichothecium roseum (Schw.) Burr.)
biol.fruit white rot of grape葡萄白腐病 (Coniothyrium diplodiella (Speg.) Sacc.)
agric.gather grapes采收葡萄
agric.grape anthracnose葡萄炭疽病
agric.grape area葡萄种植面积
agric.grape arm葡萄主枝
agric.grape arm葡萄臂蔓
biol.grape asteropetes葡萄小虎蛾 (Asteropetes noctuina Butler,虎蛾科)
agric.grape berry葡萄粒
biol.grape berry moth葡萄小卷蛾葡萄小食心虫,Paralobesia viteana (Clemens),小卷蛾科
agric.grape berry thinning疏果粒指葡萄等
agric.grape binding葡萄缚蔓
biol.grape black rot葡萄黑腐病 (Guignardia bidwellii (Ell.) Viala et Rav.)
agric.grape blister葡萄疱斑病
entomol.grape blister mite葡萄缺节瘿螨 Colomerus vitis (Pgst.)
entomol.grape blossom midge葡萄瘿蚊 Contarinia johnsoni
biol.grape blossom midge葡萄花瘿蚊 (Contarinia johnsoni Sling,瘿蚊科)
biol.grape borer葡萄虎天牛 (Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates,天牛科)
exhib.grape brandy纯葡萄白兰地酒
biol.grape bud moth葡萄果蠹蛾 (Clysia ambiguella Hübner)
textilegrape button葡萄纽
textilegrape button葡萄扣
agric.grape cane葡萄藤指落叶后
biol.grape cane borer苹枝长蠹 (Amphicerus bicaudatus Say,长蠹科)
biol.grape cane gallmaker葡萄茎瘿象甲 (Ampeloglypter sesostris (LeConte),象甲科)
textilegrape chineseknot葡萄扣
biol.grape clearwing moth葡萄透翅蛾 (Paranthrene regalis Butler,透翅蛾科)
agric.grape cluster葡萄串果穗
biol.grape codling moth葡萄卷枝蛾 (Clysia ambiguella Hb.,小卷蛾科)
biol.grape colaspis葡萄肖叶甲 (Colaspis brunnea (Fabricius),叶甲科)
agric.grape crusher葡萄压榨机
agric.grape culture葡萄栽培
agric.grape curculio葡萄实象甲
biol.grape curculio葡萄实象甲 (Craponius inaequalis (Say),象甲科)
agric.grape cutting葡萄扦插
biol.grape downy mildew葡萄霜霉病 (Plasmopara viticola (Berk. et Curt.) Barl.)
agric.grape enrineum mite葡萄瘿螨
biol.grape erineum葡萄瘿螨葡萄潜叶螨,葡萄壁虱,Eriophyes vitis Pgst.,瘿螨科
entomol.grape erineum mite葡萄缺节瘿螨 Colomerus vitis (Pgst.)
biol.grape erineum mite葡萄缺节瘿螨 (Colomerus vitis Pagenstecher,瘿螨科)
biol.grape erineum mite葡萄缺节瘿螨葡萄潜叶螨,Eriophyes vitis Pgst.,瘿螨科
perf.grape essence葡萄香精
bot.grape family葡萄科 Vitaceae
biol.grape family葡萄科 (Vitaceae)
biol.grape-fern阴地蕨 (Botrychium ternatum (Thunb.) Diels.)
biol.grape-fern阴地蕨属 (Botrychium Sw.,瓶尔小草科)
perf.grape flavor葡萄香精
entomol.grape flea beetle葡萄跳甲 Haltica ampelophaga
entomol.grape flea beetle葡萄十星叶甲 Haltica ampelophaga
biol.grape flea beetle葡萄跳甲 (Altica chalybea liliger,跳甲科)
biol.grape flea-beetle葡萄跳甲 (Altica chalybea (liliger); Haltica chalybea (liliger),跳甲科)
biol.grape flower vine紫藤 (Wisteria sinensis Sweet,豆科)
agric.grape for wine酿酒用葡萄
textilegrape fruit葡萄柚黄黄色
textilegrape fruit葡萄柚黄
life.sc.grape fruit柚子
life.sc.grape fruit葡萄柚
entomol.grape fruit moth葡萄小卷蛾 Lobesia botrana
entomol.grape fruit moth葡萄果蠹蛾 Clysia ambiguella, Eupoecilia ambiguella
biol.grape fruit moth葡萄缀穗蛾 (Polychrosis botrana Den. et Schiff.,夜蛾科)
anim.husb.grape fruit pulp葡萄渣
chem.grape-fruit seed oil柚子油
agric.grape fruitade浓缩葡萄汁
biol.grape gall midge葡萄吸浆虫 (Cecidomyia oenophila Haim,瘿蚊科)
biol.grape gooseberry灯笼果 (Physalis peruviana Linn.,茄科)
agric.grape grater葡萄擦碎器
biol.grape green beetle葡萄绿丽金龟 (Anomala dimidiata (Hope),金龟科)
biol.grape grey mold葡萄灰霉病 (Botrytis cinerea Fr.)
agric.grape grower葡萄栽培者 (vit iculturistus)
agric.grape grower葡萄种植者
agric.grape growing葡萄栽培学 (viticultura)
agric.grape growing葡萄栽培
agric.grape harvester葡萄采收机
biol.grape horn worm葡萄天蛾 (Ampelophaga rubiginosa Bremer et Grey,天蛾科)
agric.grape house葡萄温室
desert.grape hyacinth亚美尼亚葡萄风信子 (Muscari armeniacum)
biol.grape-hyacinth麝香兰蓝瓶花,蓝壶花,Muscari botryoides Mill.
perf.grape hyacinth总状麝香兰
desert.grape hyacinth阔叶葡萄风信子 (Muscari latifolium)
desert.grape hyacinth亚美尼亚蓝壶花
biol.grape-hyacinth麝香兰属蓝瓶花属,Muscari Mill.,百合科
desert.grape ivy菱叶白粉藤
textilegrape jam葡萄果酱色
exhib.grape juice葡萄汁
textilegrape juice葡萄汁色
agric.grape juice processing葡萄汁加工
biol.grape-leaf actinidia葡萄叶猕猴桃 (Actinidia vitifolia C. Y. Wu,猕猴桃科)
biol.grape leaf beetle葡萄十星叶甲 (Oides decempunctata Billberg,叶甲科)
biol.grape leaf beetle葡萄叶虫 (Acrothinium gaschkevitschii Matschulsky)
entomol.grape leaf blister mite葡萄缺节瘿螨 Colomerus vitis (Pgst.)
biol.grape leaf blister mite葡萄缺节瘿螨葡萄潜叶螨,Eriophyes vitis Pgst.,瘿螨科
entomol.grape leaf louse葡萄根瘤蚜 Viteus vitifoliae (Fitch)
biol.grape leaf louse葡萄根瘤蚜 (Phylloxera vitifoliae F. Fitch.,根瘤蚜科)
biol.grape-leaf skeletonizer葡萄叶烟翅斑蛾 (Harrisina americana Guerin,斑蛾科)
biol.grape leaf spot葡萄褐斑病 (Cercospora vitis Sacc.)
biol.grape leaf worm葡萄透翅蛾 (Sciapteron regale Butler,透翅蛾科)
biol.grape leaffolder葡萄野螟 (Desmia funeralis (Hübner),野螟科)
biol.grape leafhopper葡萄伴斑叶蝉 (Erythroneura comes (Say),叶蝉科)
biol.grape leafhopper葡萄二星斑叶蝉 (Erythroneura apicalis Nawa)
biol.grape leafroller葡萄灰黑螟 (Sylepta luctuosalis Guenée,野螟科)
biol.grape leafroller weevil葡萄卷叶象甲 (Aspidiobyctiscus lacunipennis Jekel,象甲科)
biol.grape leafworm葡萄细斑蛾 (Illiberis tenuis Butler,斑蛾科)
tech.grape like clinker葡萄状熟料
commer.grape liquor wine葡萄酒
anim.husb.grape marc葡萄渣
entomol.grape mealybug橘小粉蚧 Pseudococcus citri
biol.grape mealybug葡萄粉蚧 (Pseudococcus maritimus Ehrh.,粉蚧科)
entomol.grape midge葡萄康瘿蚊 Contarinia viticola
genet.grape mole葡萄胎
entomol.grape moth葡萄小卷蛾 Lobesia botrana
biol.grape moth葡萄缀穗蛾 (Polychrosis botrana Denis et Schiff.,小卷蛾科)
winemak.grape must葡萄原汁
agric.grape must未发酵葡萄汁
agric.grape nursery葡萄苗圃
agric.grape open-centered training葡萄开心整枝
biol.grape owlet moth葡萄 虎蛾 (Seudyra subflava Moore,虎蛾科)
biol.grape pear欧洲唐棣 (Amelanchier vulgaris Moench.,蔷薇科)
agric.grape phylloxera葡萄根瘤蚜
biol.grape phylloxera葡萄根瘤妍 (Phylloxera vitifoliae Fitch; Dactylosphaera vitifilii Schimer. ; Peritymbia vitisana Westw. ; Peritymbia vitifolii Fitch.; Phylloxera vastatrix Planch.,蚜科)
entomol.grape phylloxera葡萄根瘤蚜 Viteus vitifoliae (Fitch)
biol.grape phylloxera葡萄根瘤蚜 (Phylloxera vitifoliae F. Fitch.,根瘤蚜科)
biol.grape physalospora rot葡萄粒枯病 (Physalospora baccae Cav.)
agric.grape picker葡萄采摘机
agric.grape pip葡萄核
agric.grape plantation葡萄种植场
agric.grape plantation葡萄园
agric.grape plantation plough葡萄种植犁
agric.grape planting葡萄栽植
biol.grape plume moth葡萄羽蛾 (Pterophorus periscelidactylus Fitch; Oxyptilus,羽蛾科)
anim.husb.grape pomace葡萄渣
biol.grape powdery mildew葡萄白粉病 (Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr.)
agric.grape prunning葡萄修剪
agric.grape region葡萄种植区
biol.grape rhizopus rot葡萄软腐病 (Rhizopus nigricans Ehnenb.)
biol.grape ripe rot葡萄炭疽病 (Glomerella cingulata (stoneman) Sckrenk et Spauld.)
biol.grape root borer葡萄蠹根透翅蛾 (Vitacea polistiformis (Harris),透翅蛾科)
biol.grape rootworm葡萄根肖叶甲 (Fidia viticida Walsh,叶甲科)
biol.grape sawfly葡萄叶蜂 (Erythraspides vitis (Harris),叶蜂科)
entomol.grape scale桦树绵蚧 Pulvinaria vitis (L.)
biol.grape scale葡萄圆盾蛤 (Aspidiotus uvae Comst.,盾蚧科)
desert.grape-scented sage葡味鼠尾草
agric.grape scissors葡萄剪
food.ind.grape seed葡萄籽
biol.grape seed chalcid葡萄子广肩小蜂 (Evoxysoma vitis (Saunders),广肩小蜂科)
tech.grape seed oil葡萄子油
anim.husb.grape seed oil cake葡萄籽油饼
anim.husb.grape seed oil meal葡萄籽油饼粉
pharm.grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts葡萄籽原花青素提取物 (抗氧化剂;心血管保护药)
agric.grape seed weevil葡萄实象甲
biol.grape seed weevil葡萄实象甲 (Craponius inaequalis (Say),象甲科)
expl.grape seedlings blasted by insect diseases因病虫害毁坏的葡萄苗
food.ind.grape skin extract葡萄皮提取物
biol.grape sphinx moth葡萄天蛾 (Theretra japonica Del'Orza,天蛾科)
biol.grape spittle bug葡萄沫蝉 (Aphrophora vitis Matsumura,沫蝉科)
agric.grape sprayer葡萄园用喷雾机
anim.husb.grape stalk葡萄茎秆
agric.grape stalk葡萄接穗
oilgrape stone葡粒石
chem.grape-stone oil葡萄子油
agric.grape sugar葡萄糖 (C₅H₁₁O₅CHO)
perf.grape sugarD-葡萄糖
anim.husb.grape sugar葡萄糖、右旋糖
pharm.grape sugar葡萄糖 (葡萄糖 (glucose) 的别名;营养药)
sport., med.grape sugar葡萄糖
entomol.grape thrips葡萄镰蓟马 Drepanothrips reuteri Uzel
biol.grape thrips葡萄蓟马 (Drepanothrips reuteri Uzel,蓟马科)
biol.grape tiger longicorn葡萄虎天牛 (Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates,天牛科)
biol.grape tiger moth葡萄小虎蛾 (Asteropetes noctuina Butler,虎蛾科)
biol.grape-tree海滨葡萄 (Coccoloba uvifera,葡萄科)
tech.grape trellis葡萄架
biol.grape trichothecium rot葡萄枯腐病 (Trichothecium roseum LK. ex Fr.)
biol.grape tussock moth葡萄毒蛾 (Cifuna eurydice Butler,毒蛾科)
agric.grape vine葡萄藤
textilegrape vine葡萄藤色
agric.grape vine葡萄蔓
biol.grape vine葡萄 (Vitis vinifera L.,葡萄科)
biol.grape-vine aphid葡萄藤蚜葡萄蔓蚜,Aphis illinoisensis Shimer,蚜科
biol.grape-vine bitter rot葡萄炭疽病 (Glomerella cingulata (stoneman) Sckrenk et Spauld.)
biol.grape-vine downy mildew葡萄霜霉病 (Plasmopara viticola Berl. et de Toni.)
agric.grape-vine fanleaf virus葡萄扇叶病毒
biol.grape-vine flea-beetle葡萄跳甲 (Altica chalybea (liliger); Haltica chalybea (liliger),跳甲科)
biol.grape-vine lesion nematode葡萄短体线虫 (Pratylenchus pratensis (de Man) Filipjev)
biol.grape-vine looper葡萄藤尺蛾葡萄蔓尺蛾,Lygris diversilineata Hbn.,尺蛾科
biol.grape-vine rust葡萄锈病 (Phakopsora ampelopsidis Diet. et Sye.)
biol.grape-vine snail葡萄蜗牛 (Helix pomatia,蜗牛科)
biol.grape-vine stem nematode葡萄茎线虫 (Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn.) Filipjev)
agric.grape-vine tendril葡萄藤卷须 (pampinus)
biol.grape-vine tumour葡萄 (Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Towns.) Conn.)
agric.grape-vine yellow mosaic葡萄黄化镶嵌病病毒病害
pest.contr.grape white rot葡萄白腐病 Coniella diplodiella
biol.grape white rot葡萄白腐病 (Coniothyium diplodie (Speg.) Sacc.)
biol.grape whitefly葡萄粉虱 (Trialeurodes vittata Quaint.,粉虱科)
agric.grape windfall葡萄落粒
perf.grape wine flavor葡萄酒香精
agric.grape working over葡萄加工
agric.grape yellow vein virus番茄环斑病毒
biol.hairy grape毛叶葡萄 (Vitis lanata Roxb.,葡萄科)
biol.Hancock grape菱叶葡萄 (Vitis hancockii Hance,葡萄科)
biol.heartleaf grape心叶葡萄 (Vitis cordifolia Michx.,葡萄科)
biol.holly grape十大功劳 (Mahonia fortunei Mouill.)
biol.holly grape十大功劳属 (Mahonia Nutt.,小檗科)
biol.holly-grape mahonia异叶十大功劳 (Mahonia heterophylla (Zab.) Schneid.,小檗科)
agric.infectious degeneration of grapes葡萄扇叶病毒病
biol.June grape河岸葡萄 (Vitis riparia Michx.,葡萄科)
biol.large grape plume-moth大葡萄羽蛾 (Platy ptilia ignifera Meyrick,羽蛾科)
agric.late grape晚熟葡萄
biol.leaf spot of grape葡萄霉斑病 (Cercospora vitis (Lev.) Sacc.)
biol.little fruit grape小果野葡萄 (Vitis balanseana Planch.,葡萄科)
biol.Long's grape朗氏葡萄 (Vitis longi sp.,葡萄科)
bev.marc of grape葡萄残渣
anim.husb.marc of grape葡萄渣
entomol.Mediterranean grape leaf beetle葡萄十星叶甲 Haltica ampelophaga
entomol.Mediterranean grape leaf beetle葡萄跳甲 Haltica ampelophaga
biol.Mediterranean grape leaf beetle葡萄跳甲 (Haltica ampelophaga,跳甲科)
biol.mites of grape葡萄毛毡病 (Eriophyes vitis Nal.)
biol.muscadin grape圆叶葡萄 (Vitis rotundifolia Michaux; Vitis vupina Gray.,葡萄科)
perf.muscat grape玫瑰香葡萄
winemak.must of grape葡萄原汁
biol.Mustang grape鸟葡萄孟松葡萄,Vitis munsoniana Simpson,葡萄科
biol.narrowleaf grape狭叶葡萄 (Vitis tsoi Merr.,葡萄科)
biol.North China grape华北葡萄 (Vitis bryoniifolia Bunge,葡萄科)
desert.Oregon grape冬青叶十大功劳
desert.Oregon grape亮叶十大功劳
biol.oriental grape-vine looper东方葡萄尺蛾 (Lygris ledereri Bremer,尺蛾科)
biol.Pagnucc grape少毛葡萄 (Witis piasezkii var. pagnuccii (Roman.) Rehd.,葡萄科)
biol.palm-leaf grape掌叶葡萄 (vitis palmata Vanl.,葡萄科)
biol.parsley grape深裂叶葡萄 (Vitis vinifera var. apiifolia Loud.,葡萄科)
biol.physalospora rot of grape葡萄粒枯病 (Physalospora baccae Cavara)
anim.husb.piasezky grape复叶葡萄葡萄科葡萄属植物; Vitis piasezkii Maxim.
biol.Piasezky grape复叶葡萄 (Vitis plasekii Maxim.,葡萄科)
biol.pine-woods grape松林葡萄 (Vitis linsecomii Buckley.,葡萄科)
biol.powdery mildew of grape葡萄白粉病 (Uncinula necator (Schw.)Burr.)
agric.raisin grape做葡萄干用葡萄
biol.red grape红葡萄 (Vitis rubra Michx.,葡萄科)
biol.reticulate grape网脉葡萄 (Vitis reticulata Gagn.,葡萄科)
biol.ring spot of grape葡萄轮斑病 (Pestalozzia uvicola Speg.)
pest.contr.ripe rot of grapes葡萄白腐病 Coniella diplodiella
agric.ripening of grapes葡萄[开始]成熟
biol.riverbank grape河岸葡萄 (Vitis riparia Michx.,葡萄科)
tech.riverside grape河岸葡萄
biol.riverside grape河岸葡萄 (Vitis riparia Michx.,葡萄科)
biol.Romanet grape秋葡萄 (Vitis romanetii Roman.,葡萄科)
pest.contr.roter brenner of grape维管束假盘菌 Pseudopeziza tracheiphila
biol.round-leaf grape圆叶葡萄 (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.,葡萄科)
biol.rust of grape葡萄锈病 (Phakopsora ampelopsidis Diet. et Syd.)
biol.sand grape沙地葡萄 (Vitis rupestris,葡萄科)
biol.sandy grape沙地葡萄 (Vitis rupestris Scheele,葡萄科)
biol.scab of grape葡萄黑痘病 (Elsinoё fawcetti Bitanc. et Jenk.; Sphaceloma fawcetti Jenk.)
desert.sea grape海葡萄
biol.sea grape海葡萄 (Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L.)
biol.sea grape海葡萄属 (Coccoloba L.,蓼科)
bot.sea grape海葡萄 Coccoloba uvifera
biol.sea grape双穗麻黄 (Ephedra distachya L.,麻黄科)
biol.sea grape海滨葡萄 (Coccoloba uvifera,葡萄科)
bot.seaside grape海葡萄 Coccoloba uvifera
biol.seaside grape海葡萄属 (Coccoloba L.,蓼科)
agric.seedless grape无核葡萄
agric.seedlessness in vinifera grapes酿酒葡萄无核性
biol.septorial blight of grape葡萄斑枯病 (Septoria ampelina de Bary; Elsinoe ampelina(de Bary) Shear.)
biol.shore grape海葡萄 (Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L.)
biol.short node of grape葡萄短节病 (Vitis virus 2)
pharm.silver-candle grape银光葡萄
agric.Sinjiang seedless white grape新疆无核白葡萄葡萄品种
biol.small grape plume-moth小葡萄羽蛾 (Nippoptilia vitis Sasaki,羽蛾科)
biol.small-leaf grape小叶葡萄 (Vitis sinocinerea W.T.Wang,葡萄科)
textilesmoke grape淡紫藤
textilesmoky grape淡紫藤色
biol.snout grape hawk moth葡萄长鼻天蛾 (Acosmeryx naga Moore,天蛾科)
biol.soft rot of grape葡萄软腐病 (Rhizopus nigricans Ehrb.)
manag.sour-grape rationalization酸葡萄文饰作用
gen.sour grapes想得到某种东西而得不到便说它不好
gen.sour grapes酸葡萄
sport., psychol.Sour Grapes Mechanism酸葡萄机制
biol.Southeastern China grape东南葡萄 (Vitis chunganensis Hu)
biol.Spanish grape冬葡萄 (Vitis berlandieri,葡萄科)
commer.sparkling and semi-sparkling grape wine有气泡的和有部分气泡的葡萄酒
textilesparkling grape晶莹葡萄色
biol.summer grape夏葡萄 (Vitis aestivalis Michx.,葡萄科)
exhib.sun dried grape天然葡萄干
pest.contr.sun scorch of grapes葡萄日灼病
pest.contr.sun scorching of grapes葡萄日灼病
agric.sun scorching of grapes葡萄日烧病
agric.table grapes鲜食葡萄
biol.tail-grape鹰爪花 (Artabotrys uncinatus (Lam.) Safford)
biol.tail-grape鹰爪花属 (Artabotrys R. Br.,番荔枝科)
desert.tassel grape hyacinth丛毛葡萄风信子
desert.tassel grape hyacinth流苏葡萄风信子
biol.tassel grape-hyacinth丛毛麝香兰 (Muscari comosum Mill.,百合科)
biol.teinturier grape紫叶葡萄紫葡萄,Vitis vinifera L. var. purpurea Bean.,葡萄科
biol.ternate grape fern阴地蕨 (Botrychium ternatum Sw.,瓶尔小草科)
biol.tomentose grape绒毛葡萄 (Vitis retordii Roman.,葡萄科)
biol.Trelease grape特里利氏葡萄 (Vitis treleasei Munson.,葡萄科)
desert.veld grape方茎青紫葛
textilevery grape纯葡萄色
biol.Virginian grape-fern蕨萁 (Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw.,瓶尔小草科)
entomol.Western grape root worm葡萄叶甲 Adoxus obscurus (L.)
entomol.Western grape root worm葡萄根叶甲 Adoxus obscurus (L.)
biol.western grape rootworm葡萄根叶甲 (Bromius obscurus (Linnaeus),叶甲科)
biol.white grape-hyacinth白花麝香兰 (Muscari botryoides var. album Hort.,百合科)
biol.white rot of grape葡萄白腐病 (Coniothyrium diplodiella (Speg.) Sacc.)
desert.wild grape葡萄翁
biol.Wilson grape网脉葡萄 (Vitis wilsonae Vetch.,葡萄科)
biol.wine grape葡萄欧洲葡萄,Vitis vinifera L.,葡萄科
biol.winter grape冬葡萄 (Vitis berlandieri Planch.,葡萄科)
entomol.woolly grape scale桦树绵蚧 Pulvinaria vitis (L.)
biol.woolly grape scale葡萄绵蚧 (Pulvinaria vitis L.,绵蚧科)