
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing good | all forms | exact matches only
bonded good保税货物
capital good资本品
Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency 2007《财政透明度良好做法准则》
Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies: Declaration of Principles货币与金融政策透明度良好做法准则
Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies: Declaration of Principles货币与金融政策透明度良好做法准则宣言
collective good公共产品
collective good公共货物
competitive good替代品
domestic taxes on goods and services货物和服务的国内税
durable good耐用品
essential goods必需品
finished good成品
free good免费商品
global public good全球公益
good governance良好治理
goods market商品市场
goods market产品市场
goods on consignment寄售货物
goods, services, and income货物、服务和收入
hard good耐用消费品
intermediate goods中间产品
International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services《全部商品与服务的国际标准分类》
internationally tradable goods国际贸易产品
leased goods租赁货物
manufactured goods制成品
marketable good可销售产品
marketable good适销产品
merit good特殊商品
merit good社会福利性产品
Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs布鲁塞尔税则商品分类目录
Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs《海关合作理事会税目》
Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs《海关关税货物分类表》
noncapital goods非资本货物
nondurable good非耐用品
nontradable goods非贸易货物
nontraded good非贸易货物
primary goods初级产品
producer good资本品
public good公共产品
public good公共货物
selective excises on goods特种货物消费税
semidurable good半耐用品
semifinished good半成品
social good公共产品
social good公共货物
substitute good替代品
taxes on goods and services货物和服务税
tradable goods贸易品
tradable goods可贸易货物
traded good贸易货物
transactions in goods, services, and income货物、服务与收入交易
unfinished good半成品