
Terms containing glaze | all forms | exact matches only
tech.acid-resistant glaze耐酸釉
tech.acrylic plastic glaze丙烯酸系玻璃塑料
tech.acrylic plastic glaze丙烯酸系塑料涂膜
tech.acrylic plastic glaze丙烯酸塑料膜玻璃贴面
tech.alkaline glaze碱釉
tech.alkaline-calcareous glaze碱性石灰质釉
tech.alligator-skin glaze鳄皮釉
tech.all-over glaze盖地釉
tech.all-over glaze满地釉
tech.artistic glaze艺术釉
tech.artistic glaze tile精美琉璃瓦
tech.artware glaze艺术釉
tech.artware glaze美术釉
tech.ash glaze灰釉
tech.bamboo shape hat stand with yellow glaze黄釉竹形帽架
tech.barite glaze钡釉
tech.barium glaze钡釉
tech.base glaze for color ration配色基釉
tech.base glaze for colour ration配色基釉
tech.batching of body and glaze坯釉配方
tech.black bronze glaze乌金釉
tech.black clay glaze pottery泥釉黑陶
tech.black glaze乌釉
tech.black pottery with clay glaze泥釉黑陶
tech.blackening of glaze釉面烟熏
tech.blowing glaze吹釉
tech.blown cobalt-blue glaze吹青釉
tech.blown red glaze吹红釉
tech.blue glaze
tech.blue Jun glaze蓝钧釉
tech.body-glaze fit坯釉适应性
tech.body-glaze intermediate layer坯釉中间层
tech.bonded glaze黏釉
tech.boracic glaze无铅硼釉
tech.boron-free glaze无硼釉
tech.bowl with sapphire blue glaze宝石蓝釉碗 (瓷器名)
tech.brick glaze砖釉
tech.bright glaze光泽釉
tech.bright glaze亮釉
tech.Bristol glaze陶釉
tech.Bristol glaze窑釉
tech.bristol glaze陶瓷用窑釉
tech.Bristol glaze生锌釉
tech.Bristol glaze锌釉
tech.brown glaze棕色釉
tech.brown glaze褐釉
tech.brown glaze褐色釉
tech.brown salt glaze on pottery陶器用褐色釉
tech.calcareous glaze石灰釉
tech.cane glaze浅黄釉
tech.celadon glaze青瓷釉
tech.celeste glaze天青釉
tech.cement-plastic cold glaze水泥塑料冷涂釉料
tech.ceramic color glaze陶瓷彩 (面)
tech.ceramic color glaze
tech.ceramic colour glaze陶瓷彩 (面)
tech.ceramic colour glaze
tech.ceramic glaze陶釉
tech.ceramic glaze瓷釉
tech.ceramic substrate glaze陶瓷衬底釉
tech.cladding glaze盖底釉
tech.clay glaze土釉
tech.clay glaze泥釉
tech.clear ceramic glaze透明陶瓷光釉面
tech.clear ceramic glaze透明釉
tech.clear ceramic glaze tile透明釉面砖
tech.clear glaze透明釉
tech.coalesced glaze聚釉
tech.cobalt blue glaze钴蓝釉
tech.cold glaze冷釉
tech.color floating glaze颜色浮面釉
tech.color glaze颜色釉
tech.color glaze brick彩色釉面砖
tech.color glaze porcelain彩釉瓷器
tech.color produced in glazes釉的呈色
chem.colored glaze颜色釉
tech.colored glaze色釉
gen.colored glaze琉璃
gen.Colored glaze can be defined as lot of crystal glass琉璃可以被定义为多水晶玻璃
tech.colored-glaze flower pot彩釉花盒
tech.colour floating glaze颜色浮面釉
tech.colour glaze颜色釉
tech.colour glaze brick彩色釉面砖
tech.colour glaze porcelain彩釉瓷器
tech.colour produced in glazes釉的呈色
tech.coloured glaze彩釉
chem.coloured glaze颜色釉
tech.coloured glaze色釉
tech.coloured glaze琉璃
tech.coloured-glaze flower pot彩釉花盒
tech.complex crystalline glaze复色结晶釉
tech.composite glaze复合釉
tech.compression glaze压应力釉
tech.conduction glaze导电釉
tech.conduction glaze电导釉
tech.conductive glaze导电釉
tech.conductor glaze formation导线结冰
tech.conductor glaze formation导线雨淞
tech.coper green glaze铜绿釉
tech.Coperta glaze盖面透明釉
tech.copper blue glaze铜青釉
tech.copper red glaze铜红釉
tech.crab green glaze蟹青釉
tech.crack both on body and glaze坯釉均裂
tech.crackle glaze纹片釉
tech.crackle glaze碎纹釉
tech.crackle glaze开片釉
tech.crater glaze弧坑釉
tech.crawling of glazes淌釉
tech.crazing glaze细裂纹釉
tech.crazing glaze罅釉 (陶瓷)
tech.cream glaze米色釉
tech.creamy white glaze奶白釉
tech.crimson purple glaze玫瑰紫釉
tech.crystal flambe glaze结晶花釉
tech.crystalline flambe glaze结晶铜红釉
tech.crystalline glaze结晶釉
tech.crystalline glaze tile结晶釉瓦
tech.cucumber green glaze瓜皮绿釉
tech.curtain glaze皱纹釉
tech.cut glaze釉层太薄
tech.cut glaze decoration刻釉装饰法
tech.Daguan glaze大观釉
tech.dappled glaze斑纹釉
tech.deep blue glaze深蓝釉
desert.desert glaze荒漠釉 (荒漠岩漆的一种)
tech.devitrification glaze失透釉
tech.dish with sky blue glaze天蓝釉盘 (瓷器名)
tech.dish with white glaze白釉侈口盘 (瓷器名)
tech.disintegration of glaze釉的溶蚀
tech.disintegration of glaze釉的碎解
tech.double frit glaze双熔块釉
tech.double glaze unit双层玻璃窗
tech.dragon skin glaze龙皮釉
tech.dried glaze干釉
tech.dull glaze无光釉
tech.earthen glaze黄土釉
tech.earthen glaze黏土釉
tech.earthenware glaze陶器釉
tech.egg and spinach glaze卵青釉
tech.egg white glaze乳白釉
tech.egg-shell glaze蛋壳釉
tech.electroconductive glaze导电釉
tech.electroconductive glaze电导釉
tech.empiric formula of glaze釉的实验式
tech.empirical formula of glaze釉的实验式
tech.enamel glaze搪瓷釉
tech.excess glaze釉绻
tech.excess glaze釉缕
tech.extra-duty glaze特种釉
tech.fancy glaze复色釉
tech.fancy glaze花釉
tech.fast firing glaze快速烧成釉
tech.feldspar glaze长石釉
chem.feldspathic glaze长石釉
tech.feldspathic glaze tile长石釉砖
avia.ferroelectric semiconducting glaze铁电半导体釉
tech.fish-roe glaze鱼子釉
tech.flamboyant red glaze火焰红釉
tech.flowing glaze流釉
tech.frit-glaze tile熟釉瓷砖
tech.fritted glaze釉药
chem.fritted glaze熔玦釉
tech.fritted glaze熟釉
tech.fritted glaze熔块釉
tech.frosted glaze无泽釉
tech.frosted glaze无光釉
chem.fruit glaze agent被膜剂
tech.fusible glaze易熔釉
tech.gelatin glaze明胶包衣
tech.gelatine glaze明胶包衣
tech.glass glaze玻璃釉
tech.glass-glaze condenser玻璃釉电容器
tech.glass glaze resistor玻璃釉电阻器
tech.glaze ash釉灰
tech.glaze ash dealer釉灰行
tech.glaze-body fit坯釉适应性
tech.glaze-body interface坯釉中间层
tech.glaze bubble釉泡
tech.glaze capacitor瓷釉电容器
tech.glaze cement火山灰水泥
tech.glaze-ceramic interface釉坯中间层
tech.glaze coat透明面层
tech.glaze coat防水釉面外层
tech.glaze coat沥青光面外层
tech.glaze coat罩面清漆
tech.glaze coat上层釉
tech.glaze coat罩光半透明涂层
tech.glaze coating瓷釉涂层
tech.glaze color釉色
tech.glaze colour釉色
tech.glaze covered brick釉面砖
tech.glaze craze炸釉
tech.glaze craze釉裂
tech.glaze crazing细裂纹釉
tech.glaze crazing罅釉
tech.glaze enamel
chem.glaze fan砝琅
tech.glaze fault釉面缺陷
tech.glaze fire釉烧
tech.glaze firing釉烧
tech.glaze fit test坯与釉适应性
tech.glaze flow釉的流动
tech.glaze for electric porcelain电瓷釉
tech.glaze for electrical porcelain电瓷釉
tech.glaze formula釉式
tech.glaze ice透明冰
tech.glaze ice雨凇冰
avia.glaze ice明冰
gen.glaze in围在玻璃中
tech.glaze kiln搪瓷窑
tech.glaze kiln上釉窑
tech.glaze kiln釉瓷窑
tech.glaze of furry appearance丝毛釉
tech.glaze patching衬釉
tech.glaze removal除釉
shipb.glaze resistance涂釉电阻
tech.glaze resistor涂釉电阻器
tech.glaze slip釉浆
tech.glaze spray booth喷釉柜
tech.glaze spray booth喷釉室
tech.glaze stain釉用色料
tech.glaze stain釉染色剂
tech.glaze stain釉用着色剂
tech.glaze sticking粘釉
tech.glaze stone釉石
tech.glaze stress釉应力
tech.glaze stress tester釉应力测定仪
tech.glaze suspender釉浆悬浮剂
tech.glaze tile釉面瓦
tech.glaze tile玻璃瓦
tech.glaze tile釉面砖
tech.glaze viscosity釉的黏度
construct.glaze wheel砑光轮
tech.glaze wheel抛光轮
construct.glaze wheel研磨轮
tech.glaze wheel研磨
tech.glaze with metallic lustre具有金属光泽的釉
tech.glossiness of glaze釉的光泽
tech.glossy glaze光泽釉
tech.gold filament yellow glaze金丝黄釉
tech.goldstone glaze砂金釉
tech.goldstone glaze金星釉
tech.green salt glaze绿色釉
tech.green snakeskin glaze蛇皮绿釉
tech.grey Jun glaze灰钧釉
tech.ground glaze底涂层
tech.ground glaze底釉
tech.Guang Jun glaze广钧釉
tech.hard glaze高温釉
tech.hematite type macrocrystalline glaze赤铁矿型巨晶釉
tech.high fired glaze高温釉
tech.high glaze高光泽
tech.high melting glaze高温釉
tech.high-temperature colored glaze高温颜色釉
tech.high-temperature coloured glaze高温颜色釉
tech.high-temperature glaze高温釉
tech.honey glaze蜂蜜色釉
tech.in-glaze color釉中彩
chem.in-glaze colors釉中彩
tech.in-glaze colour釉中彩
tech.in-glaze decoration釉中彩饰
tech.in-glaze decoration釉中装饰
tech.insulating glaze绝缘瓷釉
tech.insulating glaze绝缘釉
tech.iridescent glaze彩虹釉
tech.iridescent glaze虹彩釉
tech.iron red glaze铁红釉
tech.iron rust glaze铁锈色釉
tech.ivory glaze象牙色釉
tech.khaki glaze黄褐色釉
tech.kiln glaze窑釉
tech.kingfisher colored glaze翡翠釉
tech.kingfisher coloured glaze翡翠釉
tech.kingfisher feather glaze翠毛釉
tech.laser glaze激光上釉
tech.lavender grey glaze粉青釉
tech.lead borate glaze硼酸铅釉
tech.lead borate glaze铅硼釉
tech.lead borosilicate glaze硼硅酸铅釉
tech.lead glaze铅釉 (条镶嵌玻璃)
tech.lead-free glaze无铅釉
tech.leadless glaze无铅釉
tech.light blue glaze浅蓝釉
tech.light brown glaze铁锈花釉
tech.light green glaze浅绿釉
tech.lime alkali glaze石灰一碱釉
tech.lime glaze石灰釉
tech.lime matt glaze钙质无光釉
tech.lining glaze摩擦片表面釉光化
tech.loam glaze天然土釉
tech.lovely white glaze甜白釉
tech.low solubility glaze低铅溶出釉
tech.low-melting glaze低熔点釉
tech.low-melting glaze低温釉
tech.low-temperature colored glaze低温色釉
tech.low-temperature coloured glaze低温色釉
tech.low-temperature glaze低温釉
tech.luster glaze虹彩釉
tech.lusterless glaze无光釉
tech.lustre glaze tile虹彩釉瓦
tech.majolica glaze锡釉彩陶釉
tech.majolica glaze砖瓦用釉料
tech.marble glaze大理石釉
tech.marbled glaze大理石釉
tech.marbleizing glaze大理石纹釉
tech.massed glaze堆釉
tech.mat glaze无光釉
tech.matte glaze无泽釉
tech.matte glaze无光釉
tech.medium glaze中温釉
avia.metal glaze potentiometer金属玻璃釉电位器
tech.metallic glaze金属釉
tech.milky glaze乳白釉
tech.mirror black glaze乌金釉
tech.miscellaneous waste glaze杂色釉
tech.monochrome glaze单色釉
tech.mottled glaze斑点釉
tech.natural glaze天然原料配成的釉
tech.nebulous oven Jun glaze浑炉钧釉
tech.oil scumble glaze油基薄涂釉面
tech.oil-based scumble glaze油基薄涂法使用的瓷釉
tech.oil-spot glaze油滴釉
tech.oil-type scumble glaze油类薄涂法使用的瓷釉
tech.olivine type macrocrystalline glaze橄榄石型巨晶釉
tech.on-glaze color釉上彩
tech.on-glaze color釉上彩色料
tech.on-glaze color釉上色料
tech.on-glaze colour釉上彩
tech.on-glaze colour釉上彩色料
tech.on-glaze colour釉上色料
tech.onion green glaze葱绿釉
tech.opacified glaze乳浊釉
tech.opacified glaze tile乳浊釉瓦
chem.opal glaze乳浊釉
tech.opal glaze乳白釉
tech.opalescent glaze乳浊釉
tech.opalescent glaze乳色釉面
tech.opaline glaze乳白釉
tech.opaque glaze乳浊釉
tech.opaque glaze不透明釉 (瓦)
tech.opaque glaze coat不透明釉层
tech.opaque glaze coating不透明釉层
tech.opaque porcelain glaze乳浊瓷釉
tech.oven Jun glaze炉钧釉
tech.pale green glaze浅绿釉
tech.pale yellow glaze浅黄釉
tech.parent glaze基础釉
tech.peacock green glaze孔雀绿釉
tech.pear peel glaze梨皮纹釉
tech.pearl glaze珍珠釉
tech.phase separation glaze分相釉
tech.phosphate opacified glaze磷酸盐乳白釉
tech.photochromic glaze变色釉
tech.photochromic glaze光致变色釉
tech.pink glaze桃红釉
tech.plain color glaze素三彩
tech.plain colour glaze素三彩
tech.plastic cement cold glaze塑胶冷上釉
tech.plastic cement cold glaze塑性水泥冷上釉
tech.poisonous glaze有毒釉
tech.pottery glaze陶器釉
tech.priming glaze底釉
tech.rain shower glaze雨淋墙釉
tech.raindrop glaze雨点釉
tech.raw glaze生料釉
tech.raw glaze生铅釉
tech.raw glaze瓷土
tech.recovered enamel glaze回收釉
tech.red crystalline glaze红结晶釉
tech.retort glaze干馏罐内表面的釉层
tech.rice-straw ash glaze稻草灰釉
tech.rollaway glaze滚釉
tech.rouge glaze vase with concave lines凹道亮光胭脂瓶
tech.rouge red glaze胭脂红釉
tech.ruby red glaze宝石红釉
tech.running of glaze釉层流动
tech.rust colored glaze铁透花釉
tech.rust colored glaze铁锈花釉
tech.rust coloured glaze铁透花釉
tech.rust coloured glaze铁锈花釉
tech.salt glaze盐釉
tech.satin-vellum glaze半无光釉
tech.satin-vellum glaze缎光釉
tech.saturated glaze饱和釉
tech.scale-like glaze鳞片状釉
tech.screen printing glaze印刷釉
tech.scrub mark on glaze釉面擦伤
tech.scumble glaze半透明薄涂层
tech.scumble glaze暗釉
tech.scumble glaze晕色用罩光漆 (上光剂)
chem.semiconducting glaze半导体釉
tech.semi-conducting glaze半导体釉
tech.semi-impervious glaze半透水釉面
tech.semi-mat glaze tile半光泽釉面砖
tech.semi-matte glaze tile半光泽釉面砖
tech.sesame spot glaze麻点釉
tech.shaded glaze晕色釉
tech.shadow blue glaze porcelain青白瓷
tech.shadowy blue glaze porcelain影青瓷
tech.short glaze施釉不足
tech.short glaze欠釉
tech.shrinkage glaze收缩釉
tech.siliceous glaze高硅质釉
tech.single color glaze单色釉
tech.single colour glaze单色釉
tech.single oven Jun glaze素炉钧釉
tech.sky blue glaze天蓝釉
tech.slip glaze泥釉
tech.slip glaze泥浆釉
tech.slip glaze釉浆
tech.slop glaze备用料浆
tech.slop glaze稠化的釉浆
tech.smear glaze淌釉
tech.smoked glaze烟熏釉 (层)
tech.snakeskin glaze蛇皮釉
tech.soft glaze中低温釉
tech.solidified glaze凝固釉
tech.soluble glaze含可溶性盐类的釉
tech.sparkling glaze星盏
tech.speckled glaze斑点釉
tech.splashed glaze斑点釉
tech.spray glaze吹釉
tech.spray glaze喷釉
tech.star flashing glaze星盏釉
tech.starred glaze星点釉
tech.starred glaze星状结晶釉
tech.starved glaze薄釉
tech.starved glaze欠釉
tech.stiff glaze高张力釉
tech.stiff glaze硬性釉
tech.stoneware glaze炻器釉
tech.streaked glaze条纹釉
tech.stripped glaze剥釉
tech.stripped glaze脱落釉层
tech.super-opaque glaze超乳白釉
tech.super-saturated glaze过饱和釉
tech.super-saturated glaze过度饱和着色氧化物的釉
tech.surface crystalline glaze表面结晶釉
tech.tain qing glaze天青釉
tech.talc glaze滑石釉
tech.tea green glaze茶绿釉
tech.tea-dust glaze茶叶末釉
tech.tea-flake glaze茶叶末釉
tech.tessha glaze铁砂釉
tech.thin glaze薄釉
tech.three-color glaze三彩釉
tech.three-colour glaze三彩釉
tech.thrown glaze施釉法
tech.tiger down spot glaze虎皮斑釉
tech.tiger eye glaze虎眼釉
tech.tiger skin glaze虎斑釉
tech.tin glaze锡釉
tech.tin glaze tile锡釉瓦
tech.tinny glaze含锡釉
tech.translucent glaze半透明釉
tech.transmutation glaze变色釉
tech.transparency glaze透明釉
tech.transparent glaze透明釉
tech.trepang glaze海参釉
tech.tri-twist flower glaze三捻花釉
tech.turquoise blue crackle glaze宝石蓝纹片釉
tech.turquoise glaze孔雀绿釉
tech.undercoat glaze衬底釉
tech.uneven glaze疙瘩釉
tech.vapor glaze蒸气沉积
tech.vapour glaze蒸气沉积
tech.variegated glaze斑纹釉
tech.vellum glaze半无光釉
tech.vellum glaze缎光釉
tech.vitreous glaze玻璃釉
tech.waste enamel glaze回收釉
construct.water glaze水面般的光泽
tech.water glaze水光
tech.water glaze水面光泽
tech.white Ding glaze白定釉
tech.white glaze白釉
tech.white glaze填白
tech.white glaze with brown mottles白釉褐斑
tech.white glaze with green mottles白釉绿斑
tech.white glaze with underglaze black colors白釉釉下黑彩
tech.white glaze with underglaze black colours白釉釉下黑彩
tech.white Jun glaze白钧釉
tech.willemite crystalline glaze硅锌矿结晶釉
tech.wiping off glaze除釉
tech.wood ash glaze草木灰釉
tech.wood ash glaze灰釉
tech.wu-jin glaze乌金釉
tech.yellow glaze黄釉
tech.yellow glaze vase with white floral design黄釉白花瓶
tech.yellowish pea green glaze豆青釉
tech.zinc glaze锌釉
tech.zinc glaze tile锌玻璃砖
tech.zinc glaze tile锌釉砖
tech.zinc silicate glaze硅酸锌釉
tech.zinc silicate type crystalline glaze硅酸锌型结晶釉
Showing first 500 phrases