
Terms containing get in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!旅游观光者在尤卡坦半岛会迷路迷得云里雾里!
shipb.an irrevocable L/C to ensure the sellers to get paid in time不可撤销信用证可保证卖方及时收到货款
gen.At last, we are in the Big Apple! Now we have to take a subway to get to the village. Don't we need to buy a subway map?我们终于来到纽约!要去乡村的话我们就必须坐地铁。需不需要买一张地铁路线图?
busin.feelers in the hope of get ting an order试探获得订单的可能性
gen.For any amount exceeding the line of credit you'll have to get authorization. You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank金额超过信用额度均需经过授权。消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权
sport.get a blow in击中
baseb.get a run in得分
gen.get a smack in the eye感到失望
gen.get a smack in the eye遭受挫折
tab.tenn.get a smash in扣球成功
gen.get a start in开始
gen.get a start in着手
gen.get be in hot water陷人困境
gen.get complicated inM 被卷人 M
gen.get up everything in readiness for为…准备齐全
austral.get one's eye well in方向及速度眼光准确
austral.get one's eye well in长于用肉眼观测距离
gen.get one's foot in打进某不开放的圈子
gen.get one's foot in熟悉
gen.get one's foot in开始从事
gen.get one's foot in钻进
gen.get in插人
agric.get in收割
row.get in上船
polygr.get in缩小行间挤排多余的字
auto.get in上车
auto.get in进入车辆
auto.get in【动】登车
gen.get in收集〔回,获〕
gen.get in进去
agric.get in收集
busin.get in到达
busin.get in收回借款
busin.get in到站
gen.get in使进人
gen.get in a sail收下一张帆
gen.get in contact with取得联系
amer.get in front of oneself弄不清楚
amer.get in front of oneself赶紧
gen.get in gear投人工作
gen.get in gear搭上齿轮
busin.get in goods进货
econ.get in on the ground floor以享有与发起人同样优先权的资格入股
golf.get in one一次推击入洞
econ.get things in proportion一切事情安置妥当
econ.get... in readiness将…准备就绪
gen.get in the mould垫平铸型准备浇注
gen.get in the way挡道
gen.get in the way阻碍
gen.get in touch with联系
gen.get in touch withM 和 M 接触〔联系〕
econ.get in touch with我们公司驻伦敦的助理联系 (the assistant of our corporation in London)
gen.get in touch with与……联系
dril.get jammed in undergage hole卡在缩径井眼
sport.get one's eyes in球类运动眼跟球练习
voll.get one's service in发球得分
wushu.get rid of the stale and take in the fresh排浊吸清
wushu.get rid of the stale and take in the fresh排浊吸清
fin.get stuck in a middle-income trap落人"中等收人陷阱"
badm.get stuck in the net羽毛球 扎在网眼中
gen.get the bit in one's teeth桀骜不驯
gen.get the bit in one's teeth咬着嚼子狂奔
commer.get the goods ready in preparation for shipment on the chartered vessel备货以便交租赁的货轮装运
commer.get the shipment ready in a week一周内把该批货物备齐
gen.get wounded in action战斗中负伤
gen.Go to the barrier and show your ticket to get in去那边检票处,出示一下您的票就可以进去了
gen.How can he get in contact with you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
gen.I booked the non-smoking room, but there is smell of cigarette in the room. There is no hot water in the bathroom. The computer is malfunctioning, and I can't get access to the Internet, so I request to change for another room我订的是无烟房间,房间内有烟味,浴室没有热水,电脑有故障,而且上不了网,所以我要求调换房间
proj.manag.I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and surf the net我有时候早上三四点起床、 在网上冲浪
gen.I think I'd better buy some carsickness pills since it's easy to get sick in an air-conditioning bus坐空调车容易晕车,我想还是买点晕车药比较好
gen.If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
gen.If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
gen.I'll get you someone in sales我找位销售人员来听
gen.I'm in a hurry. Can I get on an earlier flight?我有急事,能搭上早一点的航班吗?
econ.In case we can get the contract ready by tomorrow afternoon, we'll send it to you by mail for your signature如果明天下午合同准备好,我们就邮寄给你们签字
gen.In terms of the symptom, the doctor will analyze it and then get to know the details就症状来说,医生会先分析,然后才能得知具体的病情
econ.In the event of changing any terms, one should get the permission of all the signatories to the contract若要修改条款,必须征得合同所有签署人的同意
econ.It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的
gen.Only 2 euros more, you'll get large coke and fries instead of medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes只要多加2欧元,就能把中等的可乐和薯条换成大的。而且今天所有的套餐都有免费的玩具赠送
footwearSneakers and other canvas shoes can get pretty smelly, especially if you wear them without socks in the summertime运动鞋和帆布鞋会有很大的味道,特别是当你夏天光脚穿鞋的时候
commer.The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit而是由于你方信用证未及时抵达我方
commer.The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit装运延误并非由于我方未能及时备货
gen.the law of chance says you should get 50 heads and 50 tails in 100 tosses of a coin机会律指出,掷100次硬币,理应有50次是正面朝上,50 次是反面朝上
econ.The partner will get suitable accomodation in our place合伙人将在我处得到恰当的食宿安排
gen.This is an emergency. I need to get in contact with him right now情况紧急,我需要马上和他联系
gen.Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feeling frozen stiff in the evening游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易冻僵
commer.We are in a hurry to get new supplies我方急于取得新货
econ.We are in a hurry to get to report我们急于取得报告
econ.We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权
commer.We should get in contact with our overseas buyer immediately我们应立即与我们的海外客户联系
econ.We will get in touch with the prospect soon and listen to his opinions我们将很快跟这个可能的买主联系,听听他的意见
gen.We'll be at the London tower in a minute. Please get ready to get off the bus伦敦塔快到了,请做好下车准备
gen.Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息
gen.Would you like me to get in touch with somewhere else for you?我替您跟别的地方联系一下,您看怎么样?
gen.Yeah. It's really convenient. All the theaters and shopping malls are within walking distance. Well, I gotta go. I'll get in touch with you soon是的,城里很方便。所有的电影院和购物中心都很近。我回头再和你聊吧