
Terms for subject Economy containing general | all forms | exact matches only
a general accountant普通会计人员
a general accountant总会计师
a general governor总督
a general merchandise wholesaler一般商品批发商
a general-purpose manipulator万能机械手
a general scarcity of money普遍的资金缺乏
a general trading company综合贸易公司
accountant general主任会计
adjustment of claim for general average共同海损赔款理算
administrative and general expenses行政管理费用
administrative and general expenses行政及总务费用
administrative and general service division行政及总务部门
All the other agreements between the two branches will be superseded by this general agreement after it is put in force总协议生效后将替代两分公司之间的一切其他协议
allow a loss as general average允许作为共同海损补偿的损失
an accountancy general会计主任
an assumed general average假定的共同海损
annual general inspection年度普査
annual general meeting公司股东周年大会
annual general meeting年会
Any ambiguity in the contracts should be immediately reported to the general manager合同中含糊不清的地方应立即向总经理报告
appoint a general manager指派一名总经理
army general classification test陆军一般分类测验
as general average作为共同海损
assistant director general副总裁
assistant director general助理总裁【监】
assistant general manager副经理
assumptions of general equilibrium theory一般均衡理论的假定
attorney general检査长
Auditor-General of the Auditing Administration审计署审计长
available for general purposes供一般用途
bulk and general cargo loading一般散装货物装载
cargo tray for general cargo杂货盘
cargos proportion of general average共同海损货物应分摊的比例
change in determinants of general equilibrium一般均衡决定因素的变动
change in general price level一般物价的变动
chief general affairs总务科长
Chinese General Chamber of Commerce香港中华总商会 (H. K.)
claim for contribution in general average共同海损分担赔偿要求
claim for general average诉权
claim for general average共同海损的赔偿
comptroller general首席核数师
consul general总领事权限
consul general总领事
consulate general总领事权限
consulate general总领事
control general检査长
control general总稽査
controller general审计长
conventional methods of packing and handling general cargo杂货的常规包装与装运方法
damage allowed as general average可作为共同海损的损失
damage made good as general average共同海损得到补偿的损失
demand equations, general equilibrium一般均衡下的需求方程式
deviation of sampling average from general average抽样平均数与总平均数的离差
director general司长
Director-General of the Xinhua News Agency新华通讯社长
directorate general of post邮政总局
farm general租税包税人
farm general地税收税员
fixed general meeting定期股东全体会议
fixed general tariff固定税率
foreign general agent外国总代理
foreign general agent国外总代理人
foreign general average外国共同海损
foreign general average clause外国共同海损条款
free of general average共同海损不赔 (F. G. (adj.))
free of general average共同海损不负责
free of general average共同海损不担保
Funds General Account基金普通账户
general acceptability普遍接受性
general accountant总会计
general accounting officer总会计师
general accounting principles一般会计原则
general accounting system通用会计系统
general accounting unit总会计单位
general administration总务处
general administration for industry and commerce工商行政管理总局
General Administration of Civil Aviation of China中国民用航空总局 (CAAC 是前译名 Civil Aviation Administration of China 的缩写,现仍沿用)
general administrative and selling expenses一般管理费用
general & administrative cost总务及管理费用
general administrative service budget一般行政事务预算
general agency总经理
general agency agreement总代理协议
general agent总代理 (人)
general agent总代理
general agreement总协定
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关税和贸易总协定 (缩 GATT)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade总协定1995年改为 WTO
General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs贸易及关税总协定
General Agreement to Borrow十国集团借款总安排
general and conventional tariff一般与互惠税率
general and conventional tariff固定与协定税率
general and conventional tariff普及及协定税则
general arrangement to borrow借债的一般安排
general arrangements to borrow共同借款协定
general articles一般条款
general articles总则
general assignment全部财产的转让
general assignment of book debts帐面债务总估计
general availability一般利用率
general average公共海损
general average大海损
general average act共同海损规则
general average adjuster共同海损理算师
general average adjustment共同海损理算书
general average and salvage共同海损和救助费用
general average appointment共同海损分摊
general average balance共同海损理算余额
general average bond共同海损分摊保证书
general average charter负担共同海损租船
general average contribution共同海损分摊
general average counter guarantee共同海损偿还保证
general average deposit共同海损保证基金
general average disbursement共同海损开支
general average expenses共同海损开支费用
general average fact共同海损事实
general average insurer's liability共同海损保险人赔偿责任
general average price总平均价目
general average price总平均价
general average proportion共同海损比率
general average, salvage and special charges共同海损、救助与特别费用
general average, salvage and special charges共同海损、救助与特别费用
general background一般背景
general benefit总收益
general bill of loading货运总提单
general bookkeeper总账记账员
general budget一般预算
general business consultation一般商务顾问
general cargo rate普通货物运价
general cargo rates一般货物运费率
general cargo ULD rates集装箱运价
general cargo ULD rates空运集装箱运费率
general cargo vessel杂物船
general catalogue总目录
general census普查
general census人口全面普查
general census全面普查
general chamber of commerce总商会
general chaos in bookkeeping财务混乱
general claim agent索赔总代理
general classification of merchandise货物总分类
general clause免责条款
general clearing票据交结所总交结
general closing通常决算
general comment一般性意见
general concept一般概念
general condensed summary要点说明
General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖共同条件和标准合同格式
General Conditions of Sales and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE联合国欧洲经济委员会一般条件和标准合同格式
general contracts主合同
general contracts总承包合同
general contracts总合同
general contracts综合契约
general co-ordinating budget总协调预算
general co-ordinating budget一般协调预算
general cost-benefit models一般成本一效益模式
general court常设法院
general cover总保险
general criteria and rule一般标准和规格
general crossing普通划线 (of a check)
general crossing无记名划线 (of a check)
general crossing支票普通横线 (of a check)
general dealer杂货商
general death rate总死亡率
general deduction总减免
general delivery留局待领邮件
general delivery总交接
general delivery邮件存局待领
general delivery邮件的存局候领
general delivery tenns一般交货条件
general delivery term一般交货条件
general department总务处
General Department of Oil and Gas越南石油天然气管理总局
general design总设计
general discharging instructions集装箱装卸指示
general discretized model一般间接模型
general discretized model一般间断模型
general distributor总经销
general drawing right普通提款权
general duties普通关税
general duty一般任务
general economic analysis一般经济分析
general economic development planning经济发展总计划
general economic indicator总体经济指数
general effect纲领
general effect大意
general efficiency全体效率
general efficiency一般效率
general efficiency总效率
general enclosure act一般圈地法案
general special endorsement无记名记名背书
general special endorsement一般正式背书
general special endorsement普通特别背书
general exception一般性排除
general excise普通消费税
general expense一般营业费
general expenses日常开支
general export出口总额
general fertility rate妇女生育率
general financial accounting综合财务会计
general fixed assets group of accounts一般固定资产账户
general fixed expense一般固定费用
general form运算能式
general freight普通货物
general freight agent运输总代理
general freight agent货运总代理
general freight station普通货物站
general fund共同基金
general fund一般基金
general fund accounts普通资金账户
general fund appropriation accounts普通资金拨款账户
general fund deposit收入兑存款
general fund receipt accounts普通资金收入账户
general grants综合财政补贴
general grants统筹财政补贴
general headquarters指挥
general idea一般观念
general idea一般概念
general import进口总额
general imports总进口额美国进口总量
general imports普通进口商品
general income一般收人
general income一般收益
general index of retail price零售价格总数
general indirect labour普通间接工资
general indirect labour普通间接劳动
general inspection总审査
general installation subcontract总安装的转包合同
general inventory存货目录
general investigation普査
general journal普通日记账 (簿)
general labour process一般劳动过程
general labourer杂工
general labourer半熟练工
General Land Office美国土地总局
general law普通法
general law一般法
general least squares一般化最小平方法
general ledger一般分类账
general ledger account总分类账户
general ledger code总分类账号
general ledger controlling a/c普通总账统制账户
general ledger for properties and commodities财产商品总分类账
general letter of hypothecation一般抵押书
general letter of hypothecation一般压汇质押书
general level of planned prices计划价格总水平
general level of price一般价格水准
general level of prices一般价格水准
general licence总许可证
general licence般许可证
general license通用许可证
general license美国普通许可证
general license美国限定价值运输普通许可证
general license美国非海上储备普通许可证
general license美国临时岀口普通许可证
general license美国政府雇员和机构运输普通许可证
general license在美展出或贸易展销会进口货物普通许可证
general license美国转运普通许可证
general license BAGGAGE美国行李普通许可证
general license CREW美国海员普通许可证
general license GATS美国飞机临时停留普通许可证
general license GCG给合作政府代理人的运输通用许可证
general license GCG美国给合作政府代理人的运输普通许可证
general license G-COCOM多边出口控制统筹委员会通用许可证
general license G-COCOM美国多边出口控制统筹委员会普通许可证
general license GCT美国普通许可证
general license G-DEST美国无需有效许可证运货到目的地普通许可证
general license GIFT美国礼品包裹运输普通许可证
general license GLR美国特定商品退换普通许可证
general license GTDA美国技术数据有限出口普通许可证
general license plane stores美国飞机储存普通许可证
general license safeguards美国安全普通许可证
general license ship stores美国船舶储存普通许可证
general license-free world自由世界通用许可证
general license-free world美国自由世界普通许可证
general lien一切财产的留置权
general list of shipping documents货运单据总清单
general list of shipping documents交货单据总清单
general long-term debt and interest group of accounts普通长期债务本息账类
general management总管理部门
general management approach一般管理办法
general management automated control综合自动控制管理制
general management trust一般信托
general merchandiser百货商店
general merchant agency一般性商业信用调查机构
general message一般信【消】息
general MFN treatment一般最惠国待遇
general model一般模式
general mortgage bond一般抵押公债
general adj., non-discriminatory, non-reciprocal preferential treatment普遍性、非歧视性、非互惠性待遇
general obligation bond一般责任公债
general obligation special assessment bonds普通负担特赋债券
general offer广告报价
general offer公开发价
general office account总店账户
General Office of Oil Projects伊拉克石油项目管理总局
general operating expense一般管理业务费用
general operating procedure一般操作程序
general operating procedures一般作业程序
general operating specification一般操作规程
general operational requirement一般使用要求
general order货物人关栈通知
general order入关栈通知
general order warehouse普通定货仓库
general overheads一般营业开支
general over-supply一般供给过剩
general participation clause普通参加条款
general partnership无限责任合伙关系
general partnership合伙公司
General Patents Index刊名,英国综合专利索引
general-plan of working经营总计划
general policy conditions保险单规定
general post office邮政总局
general preference scheme普遍优惠关税计划
general preferential duties system关税普通优惠制
general price behavior总的物价活动
general price index一般物价指数
general price level一般物价水准
general price level一般价格水准
general price-level adjustments按照一般物价水准的调整
general price-level adjustments按一般物价水准调整
general price-level change总物价水平变动
general price-level changes一般物价水准变动
general principles总则
general principles总纲
general principles通则
general principles一般原理
general principles of taxation征税原则
general problem area一般问题范围
general profit一般利润
general profit and loss account总益损账
general programme总纲
general property tax财产税
general property tax一般资产税
general property tax一般资本税
general property tax一般财产税
general provisions总则
general provisions一般规定
general provisions and definitions一般决定和定义
general purchasing power一般购买力
general purchasing power accounting按综合购买力调整的会计
general purchasing power of the dollar美元总购买力
general purchasing power restatement总购买力重估
general purpose一般用途
general purpose computer通用电子计算机
general purpose forces一般部队
general-purpose manipulator万能机械手
general purpose tools一般工具
general questionnaire一般征询意见表
general questionnaire一般问卷
general rate总系数
general rate increase基本费率提高
general rate of profit一般利润率
general recognized principle公认原则
general register office总登记处
general register office总注册处
general register office总登记【注册】处
general replenishment一般性补充资金
general reserve普通公积金
general reserve一般准备
general revenue一般收入
general revenue普通收入
general review of quota份额总回顾
general rules通例
general rules
general rules公例
general run of the market市场的一般趋势
general sales tax营业税
general sanction总制裁
general schedule总进度表
general schedule普通等级
general scheme of preference普遍优惠计划
general service category一般事务人员职务类别
general service level一般事务人员职务等级
general services administration总务管理局
general services area一般服务范围
general sole agent总代理
General specification一般标准
general standard一般准则
general standard一般标准
general store乡村杂货店
general support一般支援
general system of preference普遍优惠制
general system of preference certificate of origin普遍优惠制原产地证
general tariff普通关税
general tariff preference普遍关税优惠
general tariff rate固定税率
general tariff rate一般税率
general tariff rate普通税率
general tariff system单一税率制
general tariff system一般税率制
general tax国税
general tenor大意
general tenor主旨
general term普通项
general term交货一般条款
general theory of employment, interest and money就业、利息与货币的一般理论
general theory of price of factors要素价格的一般理论
general trade经常业务
general trade一国贸易总额
general trader不定期船货
general trading一般贸易
general transactions agent总经销人 (经纪人)
general transport通用运输【工具】
general trend发展趋势
general trend一般趋势
general trust fund普遍信托基金
general uncertainty economic simulation system通用的不确定性经济模拟系统
general use普通用
general utilization of its products产品通用化
general warranty deed无债权地契
general welfare公共福利
general welfare一般福利
general welfare一般福利.
general welfare monopoly公益专制
general work flow总的工作流量
General Workforce Performance Appraisal System一般劳动力动态评估系统
general x-efficiency theory普通x-效率理论
He was deputized as a general manager for three months他受委托代理了三个月的总经理
head office general account总公司控制账户
If the parties fail to agree upon additional clauses, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with the general provisions of this agreement如果缔约双方对附则未能取得一致意见,将根据本协议总则来解决争论
in a general way般地
income measurement improved by general-price level adjustments按一般物价水平调整的收益额
interest method in general一般复利法
interest on the general debt一般公债利息
International Federation of Chemical and General Worker's Unions化工及其他部门的工会组织国际联合会
International General Electric Corporation美国国际通用电气公司
main general policy directive主要政策指标
multipurpose general cargo vessel多种用途杂货船
open general license不限额入口许可证
open general license开放许可证
open general license公开许可证
partial equilibrium and general equilibrium部分均衡与一般均衡
particular and general equilibrium单独和一般均衡
paymaster general英国财政部会计长
postmaster general邮政部长
prepare general takeoff and pricing制定估计数量和确定价格
principle of adjusting general average公共海损理算原则
promote the general good of the community增进社会的公共福利
quality of the general run大路货的质量
reduction in general wage level, as solution for unemployment削减一般工资水准作为失去的解决法
rent of general office事务部房租
reply to general enquiry答复 ―般询问
retained earnings appropriated for general contingencies保留盈余
revenue sharing, general一般收入分享,收入分配
run counter to the general trend与总趋势相反
same general magnitude等量齐观
selling, general and administrative expense总务和管理费用
selling, general and administrative expense销售
significance of wage changes for general price level工资变动对一般物价水准的重要性
State General Administration of Exchange Control国家外汇管理总局
the abstraction of production in general生产的一般抽象
The Agreement bears the facsimile signature of the general sales managing director本协议上有销售经理的复印签名
the allowance to general average列入共同海损的补偿
the allowances charged to general average作为共同海损的补偿
the appointment of general average共同海损分摊
The architect can determine in general the work proceeding in accordance with the contract documents建筑师能够按合同文件大体上确定工程进度
the auditor general审计长
the auditor general总稽员
the general average sacrifice共同海损损失
The General Customs Administration of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国海关总署
the general equilibrium theory一般均衡理论
The general manager agreed to defray the costs of the exhibition总经理答应支付展览的费用
The general manager devolved his duties on his deputy during his absence总经理在缺席期间将其职责交给代理人
The general manager gave a summary of sales in his company for the first quarter of the year总经理概述公司第一季度的销售情况
The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门
The general manager nominated him as sales manager, and he latter accept the nomination总经理任命他担任销售经理,他接受了这一委任
The general manager showed the American visitors round our company总经理带美国客人参观我公司
The general partners should share the balance of the net profits in the proportion of their investment普通合伙人应按他们的投资的比例来分享纯利余额
the general practice综合管理专业分理事会
the general price level一般物价水准
the general public广大群众
the general secretary总书记
The general situation of the world economy is favourable to us世界总的经济形势对我们有利
the general standard of auditing一般审计标准
the general tax on retail turnover营业税
the general utility一般效用
the general welfare公共福利
The ordinary general meeting of shareholders is held regularly定期召开通常的股东大会
The president and general manager is in charge of the meeting董事长兼总经理主持会议
The price is within easy reach of the general public此价是一般大众易于接受的
The separation of the general manager will be a great loss for the company总经理离职将是公司的一大损失
The shareholders discussed the company's financial situation at the annual general meeting股东们在年度股东大会上讨论公司的财务状况
The shipment was delayed by the general strike in that country由于该国总罢工而延迟装运
The term of office, of the second directors shall expire at the conclusion of the second general meeting of shareholders第二届董事们的任期将于第二届股东大会结束时满期
the unsuccessful general average不成立的共同海损
the vice-director general副董事长
theory of general equilibrium一般均衡论
uniform general charter统一通用租船契约 (标准、格式)
valuation of goods for general average共同海损货物估价
We enclose a brochure and a price list to give you a general idea of the goods available for export兹随函附上小册子和价目单各一份,便于你方了解我公司出口货物的情况
We notice a general trend to sell to inland market我们注意到目前有一种向内地市场销售的普遍倾向
We put our money into a general pool我们把我们的钱合起来成为共同基金
We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元