
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing from | all forms | exact matches only
absorb investment from abroad吸收外资
amount of slag carryover from converter转炉下渣数量
biased flow from SEN浸人式水口偏流 (The meniscus turbulence occurs in the mold due to biased flow from SEN or inadequate SEN submergence. 由于浸人式水口偏流或浸人式水口插人深度过浅,结晶器内会出现金属弯月面紊流。)
biased flow from submerged entry nozzle浸人式水口偏流
biased flow from tundish SEN中间包浸人式水口偏流
breakout from sticker粘结漏钢 (The BOP system can prevent a breakout from a sticker at cast speeds up to and greater than 4 meters per minute. 漏钢预报系统可以在拉坯速度达到和超过4 m/min 时预防粘结漏钢的发生。)
carbon pick-up from refractories耐火材料增碳 (【技】连铸低碳钢时,钢水与含碳耐火材料接触导致的增碳。)
cast from bottom下注
cast from bottom底注
cast from the bottom下注
cast from the top顶注
cast from the top上注
cast from top上注
cast from top顶注
change from a-to Y-iron on heating由α铁向γ铁的加热转变
change from α-to γ-iron on heating由 α 铁向 γ 铁的加热转变
clean gas from furnace top【铁】 炉顶净煤气
coal chute from hopper煤斗落料槽
coal chute from hopper煤斗落料管
complete shrouding of steel stream from ladle to tundish to mold钢包至中间包至结晶器钢流全程保护
contamination by smoke from steel plant钢厂烟尘污染
100% continuous casting from starting-up起步全连铸
control of steel flowrate from tundish中间包钢水流量控制 (【技】中间包钢水流量控制是调节连铸生产节奏的重要措施。钢水流量过大或过小,都会直接影响连铸生产进程,甚至会酿成生产事故。)
control of steel stream from tundish中间包钢水注流控制
conversion from ingot to continuous casting由模铸到连铸的转变
cycle varying from zero to maximum从零到极大值变化的循环
cycle varying from zero to maximum不变符号的极限循环
decoupling of shell from mold during negative strip负滑脱期间坯壳与结晶器的脱离
decoupling of solidifying shell from mold凝固坯壳与结晶器脱离
departure from perfect periodicity与理想周期性的偏差
departure from target sequence length与目标连浇炉数的差距
desiliconization from hot metal铁水脱硅 (【技】 在铁水预处理阶段降低铁水中含硅量的过程。铁水脱硅预处理的目的是:①减少后续转炉炼钢的渣量和石灰用量,提高金属收得率。②减少脱磷剂用量,提高脱硫脱磷效率。③对含铌含钒等的特殊铁水,预脱硅可为富集 V₂O₅ 和 Nb₂O₅ 创造条件。)
deviation from Bragg condition布拉格衍射条件偏离
deviation from Bragg condition布拉格衍射条件偏差
deviation from contour外形偏差
deviation from shape形状偏差
deviation from turn-down aim停吹目标偏差值
device for separating slag from iron渣铁分离装置
discharge sth. from furnace出炉
dissipation of heat from target靶子热耗
distance from air knife to scanner【压】气刀至扫描器的距离
distance from hot face of mold to thermocouple结晶器热面到热电偶的距离
distance from narrow side of mold距结晶器窄面的距离
distance from nozzle to strand【连】 喷嘴至铸坯的距离
distance from top of mold距结晶器上口的距离
down-stream from continuous casting machine连铸机下游
down-stream rolling area from continuous casting machine连铸机下游轧制区
electrodeposition from aqueous solution水溶液电积
electrodeposition from non-aqueous solution非水溶液电积
electrolysis from aqueous solution水溶液电解
electrolysis from fused salt熔盐电解
emission of smoke from blast furnace高炉烟尘排放
extracting vanadium from hot metal by converter转炉提钒 (【技】含钒铁水炼钢之前先用转炉将其中的钒氧化成钒渣分离岀来的铁水提钒工艺。)
extraction of niobium from hot metal铁水提铌 (【技】含铌铁水兑人炼钢炉之前先提取铌的铁水预处理工艺。所得到的铌渣可作为制取铌铁或铌产品的原料。)
extraction of vanadium from hot metal铁水提钒
fees and royalties from direct investment直接投资的费用和特许权费
free from contamination未污染的
free from contamination无杂质的
free from contamination无污染的
free from scale无氧化皮的
fume and dust removal from casthouse出铁场除尘排烟
fume and gas from filter machine烧结机烟气
gas elimination from steel去除钢中气体 (【技】去除和降低钢中气体的主要技术措施有:降低气体分压;增大单位脱气面积和传质系数;利用吹氧脱碳去除气体;保证炼钢原材料处于干燥状态,降低炉气中的水蒸气分压;减少初炼钢液中的气体含量;延长钢液处理时间等。)
gas removal from steel去除钢中气体
growth from vapour phase气相生长
heat generated from oxidizing reaction氧化反应热
heat loss from converter转炉热损失
heat transfer from the arcs to the steel电弧向钢水传热 (Some of the benefits attributed to foamy slag in EAF are decreased heat losses to the sidewall, improved heat transfer from the arcs to the steel, reduced power and voltage fluctuations, reduced electrical and audible noise, increased arc length without increasing heat loss and reduced electrode and refractory consumption. 电弧炉使用泡沫渣的优点是:降低热量传向炉墙造成的热损、改善电弧向钢水的传热、降低电功率和电压波动、降低电源音频噪声、增加电弧长度但不增加热损失以及降低电极和耐火材料消耗。)
hot metal from blast furnace高炉铁水
inclusion gather at quarter point thickness from inner curved surface距内弧面 1/4 厚度处夹杂物聚集 (【技】由于弧形连铸机铸坯液相穴内夹杂物上浮受阻而被内弧侧捕捉,故造成距内弧面1/4厚度处夹杂物聚集。)
iron loss from slopping喷溅铁损
iron scrap reclaimed from waste slag由炉渣中回收的渣铁
loss from roasting焙烧减量
loss from roasting焙烧损失
mass transfer from metal to slag由金属向炉渣的传质
metal body from powder金属粉末制品
metal surface free from slag无渣金属面
negative deviation from ideality理想负偏差
open pouring from ladle to tundish钢包至中间包敞口浇注
overall yield from ingot to finished product综合成材率 (【技】合格钢材重量与生产这些钢材所耗用的合格钢锭重量的百分比。)
oxygen from top顶吹氧
percentage of slab diverted from intended order板坯改判百分比 (【技】因质量缺陷改判降级使用的板坯百分比。)
phosphate fertilizer made from steel slag钢渣磷肥
pour from bottom底注
pour from bottom下注
pour from the top上注
pour from top顶注
pour from top上注
powdered lime from top顶吹石灰粉
protect molten steel from oxidation保护钢水免受氧化
protect molten steel from oxidation保护钢水防止氧化
radiation from arc to sidewalls电弧对炉墙的辐射 (At the start of meltdown in electric arc furnace the radiation from the arc to the sidewalls is negligible because the electrodes are surrounded by the scrap. 电弧炉开始熔化时,电极被废钢包围,因而电弧对炉墙的辐射作用可以忽略不计。)
ratio of heat removal from two broad faces宽面散热比
recovery of vanadium from hot metal铁水提钒 (【技】含钒铁水在进人炼钢之前,先将铁水中钒氧化成钒渣从铁水中分离出来的铁水预处理工艺,亦称为火法提钒。)
removal of copper from molten scrap熔融废钢脱铜
removal of copper from molten scrap液态废钢脱铜
removal of copper from solid scrap固态废钢脱铜
removal of copper from solid scrap固体废钢脱铜
remove sth. from furnace出炉
remove sulfur from hot metal铁水脱硫
removing carbon from molten steel under vacuum真空钢水脱碳
residue from liquation熔析残渣
rolling from molten condition液态轧制
rolling from molten condition无锭轧制
safety zone free from breakout无漏钢安全区 (指连铸坯上无粘结、无夹渣的厚坯壳区)
sampling from bath熔池取样
scrap recovered from slag炉渣中回收的废钢铁
sensible heat of off-gas from EAF电弧炉废气显热
shroud from ladle to tundish【连】 钢包至中间包长水口 (【技】位于连铸钢包和中间包之间,用于防止钢水二次氧化和在中间包内飞溅,亦称保护套管,其材质主要有熔融石英质和铝碳质。)
slab from calcium-treated heat钙处理炉次的板坯
slab sample from argon-stirred heat吹氩搅拌炉次的板坯试样
slab temperature at moment of discharge from furnace板坯出炉温度
slag carryover from BOF into ladle氧气顶吹转炉下渣到钢包 (Slag carryover from the BOF into the ladle is a potential source of exogenous inclusion material. 氧气顶吹转炉下渣到钢包是外来夹渣物的一种潜在来源。)
slag carryover from furnace to ladle炉渣下到钢包
slag carryover from tundish to mold中间包渣下到结晶器中
slag carryover into tundish from ladle钢包下渣到中间包
slag from electric furnace电炉渣
slag from liquated copper熔析铜渣
slag from previous heat上一炉的炉渣 (转炉的)
slag-free tapping from BOF vessel氧气顶吹转炉无渣出钢
slag-free tapping from converter转炉无渣出钢
slag-free tapping from electric arc furnace电弧炉无渣出钢 (【技】电弧炉冶炼完毕后,将炉渣留在炉内,将钢水浇人钢包的钢渣分离出钢技术。随着炉外精炼的进一步普及,电弧炉无渣出钢的重要性日显突出。目前较重要的无渣出钢法有:虹吸出钢法、中心底出钢法、偏心炉底出钢法三种。其中尤以偏心炉底出钢法最为普及。)
steel free from intergranular corrosion无晶间腐蚀钢
steel pouring rate from ladle to tundish钢包至中间包钢水浇注速率
steel stream from ladle钢包钢水注流 (The impact pad is designed to disperse the steel stream from the ladle evenly throughout the tundish. 防冲击垫的设计目的是分散钢包钢水注流,使其在中间包内均匀分布。)
steel stream from tundish中间包钢水注流
steel stream reoxidation from tundish to mold中间包到结晶器的钢流二次氧化
steel stream shrouding from tundish to mold中间包到结晶器的钢流保护
steel temperature drop from ladle to tundish钢包至中间包钢水温降
stirring energy from bottom gas底吹气体搅拌能
strand shell temperature from mold出结晶器坯壳温度
strand shell thickness from mold出结晶器坯壳厚度
stream from ladle钢包注流
stream from ladle to tundish钢包至中间包的注流
stream from submerged entry nozzle出浸人式水口的注流
stream from tundish中间包注流
stream from tundish to mold中间包至结晶器注流
stream shrouding from ladle to tundish钢包至中间包钢流保护
stream shrouding from tundish to mold中间包与结晶器间的注流保护
stream shrouding system from tundish to mold中间包至结晶器注流保护系统
tapping weight from converter转炉出钢量
tapping weight from EAF电弧炉出钢量
tapping weight from steelmaking furnace炼钢炉出钢量
temperature difference between waters into and from mold结晶器进出水温差
temperature drop from BOF to secondary refining plant由氧气顶吹转炉到二次精炼设备期间的温降
The slab widths produced range from 800 to 1600 mm生产的板坯宽度范围为800 ~ 1600mm31. 5 ~63in
time from start-casting to end-casting由开浇至停浇时间
time from tap to end-casting出钢至停浇时间
time from tap to start-cast出钢至开浇时间
time from tapping to start-casting由出钢至开浇时间
tubular products from23/8-in. up to 7-in dia.宜径23/8in至7in的管材
upstream equipment from caster连铸机上游设备
upstream from caster连铸机上游
waste from ironmaking炼铁废品
waste water from BF gas cleaning system高炉煤气洗涤废水 (【技】为净化高炉煤气以供作为燃料使用,在湿式除尘或电除尘过程中排放的废水。废水中主要含铁矿石、焦炭粉以及其他氧化物杂质。高炉每生产一吨生铁,排出的废水量约为 10 ~15 m³。)
waste water from steel production system钢铁生产废水 (【技】钢铁生产过程中产生的各类废水。按污染程度分为净废水和浊废水。废水控制途径是采用先进环保工艺,尽量减少废水产生量,提高水的循环利用率。)
water leakage from tuyere风口漏水
X-ray reflection from lattice plane晶格平面 X射线反射
X-ray reflection from lattice plane点阵平面 X射线反射
yield from blown metal to iron吹炼金属中铁的收得率
yield from ingot to cold-rolled strip从钢锭到冷轧带钢的成材率
yield from ingot to finished product钢锭成材率 (【技】合格钢材产量占钢锭总消耗量的百分比。它反映了钢从锭到材生产过程中原料利用程度。)
yield from liquid steel in ladle to bloom从钢包钢水到大方坯的金属收得率
yield from liquid steel to continuously cast semi-finished product连铸钢水的金属收得率