
Terms for subject Space containing from | all forms | exact matches only
abort from orbit中止飞行离轨
abort from orbit轨道中止飞行
abort from orbit脱离轨道失事
abort from orbit应急离轨
allowable deviation from normal正常允许偏差
Aristoteles applications&research involving space techniques observing the Earth fields from low Earth orbit spacecraft近地轨道地球场测量技术应用与研究卫星 (美国和欧洲计划中的)
Aristoteles applications&research involving space techniques observing the Earth fields from low Earth orbit spacecraft阿里斯托特卫星
cloud image from satellite卫星云图
computer input from microfilm计算机缩微胶卷输入
coverage from GEO对地静止轨道覆盖范围 (静止轨道卫星对地面的)
coverage from LEO低地球轨道覆盖范围 (低地球轨道卫星对地面的)
degradation from shadowing power阴影功率下降 (航天器太阳电池电源系统的)
Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions震区电磁辐射探测卫星 (法国)
distance from satellite to the Earth's cerv ter卫星地心距
experiment return system from space又称快车卫星 (德国和日本合作研制的返回式卫星)
experiment return system from space空间实验返回系统
experiments for satellite and materials recovery from orbit从轨道回收卫星和材料的实验
fleet application meterological operation from satellites舰队卫星应用气象作业
force application and launch from CONUS简称猎鹰 (美国高级研究计划局的快速响应运载火箭项目)
force application and launch from CONUS本土发射和力量运用项目
Force Application and Launch from CONUS Satellite隼卫星 (美国技术试验卫星)
Force Application and Launch from CONUS Satellite猎鹰卫星 (美国军事技术试验小卫星)
freedom from jamming抗干扰性
from space-to-ground reentry striking weapon从空间对地再入打击武器
get word from string从行取字
guided missile launched from soft pad软地发射导弹 (指洲际弹道导弹,美国国防部缩写)
identification from flight data飞行数据辨识
learning from example实例学习
learning from example从例子学习
mapping from photograph相片测图
measurement of atmospheric pollution from satellite卫星测量大气污染
measurement of atmospheric pollution from satellites卫星测量大气污染
modular automated system to identify friend from foe模块化自动敌我识别系统
origination from same target源于同一目标
protecting from exhaust flow燃气流防护
radiant energy from target目标辐射能量
radiation from target目标辐射
ranging from earth离地的距离测定
respective separation from rail不同时离轨
return from moon月球返回
return trajectory from moon月球返回轨道
return trajectory from the moon月球返回轨道
search for extraterrestrial radio emission from nearby developed intelligent population搜索临近发达智能外星人发射的地外无线电波
seismic telescope for astrophysical research from spacc天体物理研究望远镜 (欧洲空间局天文卫星)
simultaneous separation from rail同时离轨
time from cutoff关机后时间
time from event事件后时间
time from ignition点火后时间
time from launch发射后时间
wind measurement from satellite卫星测量风
wind measurement from satellite卫星测风
withdrawn from use从使用中撤回
withdrawn from use退出使用